Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
In non-COVID news, when DS15 and I went to the pasture to train sheep, the three sheep who got the most snacks yesterday came right up to us. They sure remembered! The tamest and oldest one, Ava, is walking on lead well in the pasture. We started leading by hand. DS15 isn't very good at getting his hands in the right spots - on her jaw and the back of her head. But right now he's trying to do it with his hands full of grain. We're trying to condition her emotional response to the handling. If they feel good about it, they cooperate and look good. Drag them around and you'll get resignation at best. JMO, unpopular opinion. Our goal is to be able to train lambs. There are some nice looking lambs this year! Some are ewe lambs and I get to keep 2. :)


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
For whatever reason, when I had Covid, I wanted frozen toaster waffles, plain, and orange juice. Second time, same thing. Now I have a big box of frozen waffles I need to finish. LOL
I just finished off a carton of orange juice. :D Never mind that orange juice gives me a sore throat. (I react to orange oil.) I had a touch of sore throat again this morning, and a runny nose. TBH, the runny nose didn't start until after a COVID test (negative). I cancelled everything I had planned for today and tomorrow. Better safe than sorry, IMO.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm still feeling good. I had a smidge of sore throat this morning and felt the "uh, maybe I might be getting a cold feeling." It went away during the day. I rested anyway, have been avoiding unhealthy-for-me foods, and increased some supplement doses strategically. We'll see how tomorrow goes. Usually I just the "maybe I'm getting a cold" and don't get "sick." I'm still hoping that's all. I had 3 vaccines and assume I had COVID 10 weeks ago. (I never tested positive, but I got DS7 sick and he tested positive. we had the same symptoms.) So my immune system should be on top of this. :fl

DH was feeling better today. Fever gone, resting heart rate down, oxygen saturation up to normal range. He was putzing around, waxing his car today. He has a cough settling in tonight. He should be clear to go back to work on Friday, assuming his cough doesn't linger.

I snooped on DH's phone and he sent a message to someone saying I was freaking out. :lol: I was taking advantage of his captive state while he was stuck in bed and couldn't run away from me. :lol: He's not much for self-care or affection, and he's extremely skeptical of my supplements as being effective for anything 🙄 I relished the opportunity to send him a whole bunch of published research on one of my supplements being effective to treat COVID, and then giving them to him. :lol: "Told you so!"

I asked him how his lungs felt and he said it was okay if he didn't breathe deeply - and that it was okay to only use part of your lungs. So I got to correct him on that since the cellular deformation from breathing stimulates immune function in the lungs. He gave me a funny look, probably thinking I was fretting and reading online, but I ALREADY KNEW IT before this COVID situation.

He likes to discredit what I read/retain/know. I might not have medical training and I might get lost in the biochemistry but for *$(@'s sake, I can read a discussion and conclusion paragraph just fine! It was very satisfying for him to be sick enough to not argue or walk away.

I'm petty. I know :gig


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Sheep training progresses. Ava is learning to voluntarily place her head on DS15's palm for hand leading. This is a target behavior. It works great because she is motivated to keep her head on his hand. When his hand moves forward, she will too. So much better than dragging a sheep around a show ring.

Apple (approximately 4 year old ewe) was also a bottle lamb. DS15 raised her and lead-trained her. She is starting to approach during training sessions. She is learning to brace (easy!). We're conditioning her emotional response to being touched around her head and neck, to get ready for hand leading.

Avalon (approximately 6 year old ewe, Ava's baby) was pasture-raised but she has her momma's awesome puppy-like temperament. She has been oddly aloof this year, but approached for grain today. She got a sunburn a while back and flies were landing on 2 spots on her back. So after training, we examined that for risk of fly strike (looks okay) and cleaned up those areas. Then finished shearing her since we didn't get her head or skirting done last time. I don't think she will join in training tomorrow after that experience. :hu IDK that her skin and wool will be in decent condition for the fair in 5 weeks, and she is not lead-trained. We might take her next year? She has a gorgeous ewe lamb though!

Izzy is another one participating in training, mostly to keep her out of the way. She is 8 years old and was bottle-raised. She is feeding 3 big lambs, and is not in great body condition so she isn't going to the fair for sure.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH is feeling pretty good. He still has a little bit of a cough and his COVID test was positive again so he will stay home from work again tomorrow. CDC calculator says he should be able to return to normal.

I didn't have a sore throat this morning and my COVID test was negative so CDC calculator says I should just wear a mask.

I think we're about done with this now.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
The land for sale got 6 offers in the first 24 hours it was listed. The seller accepted an offer that was higher than the listed price. (not DH's offer) That's about how it goes...

DH is about back to normal activity. He gets some coughing at night but seems like himself otherwise. DS7 is back to normal too.

I'm overwhelmed by my to-do list in the angriest way possible. Fun times.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
The land for sale got 6 offers in the first 24 hours it was listed. The seller accepted an offer that was higher than the listed price. (not DH's offer) That's about how it goes...

DH is about back to normal activity. He gets some coughing at night but seems like himself otherwise. DS7 is back to normal too.

I'm overwhelmed by my to-do list in the angriest way possible. Fun times.

shred it.

start over with a list of tasks that must be done and make it so that each of the four of you has to do that task once in a while so that you're not stuck with it all the time. both DS's are at the stage where they should at least be learning how to do these things. if they screw it up make them repeat it until they get it right. if they learn that they can get out of doing stuff by screwing it up so that someone else does it then they're going to go through life with that strategy. underneath it all it is much better that they do it and accomplish it and know that they can do it if they have to in the future even if they manage to end up finding some other schmucks to do it for them.

the rest of it, if it weren't important enough to get done by now and the world hasn't ended then perhaps it can be ignored? at least that is my theory. :) i have some longer term projects i'd like to get done here too, but first i have to finish planting before i can consider anything else other than emergencies.

and then in the end there are times where we hire someone to do it. i hate that, it's not very SS, but sometimes it just has to happen.

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