Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DS15 is in love. With a girl he knows from 4-H. Good girl. Between watching DN14's behavior and realizing how weird and annoying he (DS15) has been doing the same things, developing acquaintances into friendships, and the girl, he's like a different person today. 🤯🤩 one that I dont mind being around. We talked until 2 a.m. He was about to cry himself to sleep over learning about some tough stuff the girl has experienced, so I kept him up.

DS15 is in love with dairy cows now after helping the girl show her cows. The one he showed got grand champion.

I learned that a family friend's DD13 doesnt have friends but likes DS15 in a platonic way, so I plan to talk to her parents tomorrow about boundaries for a friendship that will keep conservative dad comfortable. DS15 is comfortable always having a parent and/or sibling present. 🤷‍♀️

DN14 had a typical ADHD-forgot-my-pill day. Stellar morning, but the wheels fell off the bus during unstructured time at lunch breakfast. Reminded him that his med helps with the "ooo, shiny" part of ADHD. I bet he will take it tomorrow. His independence is increasing and social anxiety has lifted a little bit this week. But... now he is telling other people that he is staying here, and he doesn't want to talk to his mom because they have been talking about his new school in CO, etc. I think there are big emotions brewing. My parents might have a rough time with his last 2 weeks before he goes to his mom.

I worked on putting together a music playlist for DN14 that has appropriate versions of his favorite songs. I.e., no grudge, revenge, violent, or war lyrics, and no weapon sound effects. I've been lucky. I only had to say outright no once. Otherwise I've found the original song without objectionable lyrucs/sound effects or karaoke versions - and he doesnt know the words to sing with. He likes movie soundtracks too. Its nice to be able to say yes. 😊

DS7 has been trying to hijack DS15's herdsmanship by taking over. 🤣 He cant show animals for another year, nut he sure seems ready. I'm excited for him to be able to participate soon. DS7 has also been running away, intensely, repeatedly. Other parents are shocked how quickly he disappears. Its so frustrating. I have had him on-leash but it doesnt help much. Other than that it has been a great day. 🤩


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
We survived fair week. Now its time to clean everything, unpack camper, laundry... everything. 🤷‍♀️ worth it! So worth it for DS15, he's so different in the best way possible. He has been responsible enough that I ordered a gabb phone for him. He got his friend's phone numbers today.

Both kids are making plans for their projects to enter next year 😁


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DS7 tried to eat his fair cupcakes for breakfast. Guess he didn't learn his lesson last year 😂

DN14 wandered downstairs at 10 am, saying "what's for breakfast". Note that I have not cooked or assembled a meal since he greeted me in the morning with "who's making eggs?" He didnt catch on from that so I told him off a bit this morning and he went back to his room. Eventually came back out and got cereal for himself.

I am doing laundry and working on the camper. Cleaning up kid's fair stuff, etc. Busy day! I didnt sleep well - need more caffeine 😴


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DN14 is back with grandparents. ✔
DS15's room cleaned from DN14's mess. ✔
DS15 got a phone with limited capability ✔
I am using access to said phone to get DS15 to actually do work ✔
I have been cleaning the barn ✔
I put DS15 to work on the weeds and broken fence in front of the barn. ✔
We pulled hundreds of thistles 😖 but they are less bad this year in most areas. We didnt get to the worst area yet.
We employed sheep to eat down grass in the area we were working. ✔ I put them on tie-outs so they wouldnt wander off to my hostas.
My chickens got their first trip outside. ✔ (I've been raising them in cages due to the ongoing rat problem in my coop.) They loved the sand. I've never seen chickens dust bath so much! I made a dust bath for their cage out of an old cat litterbox. ✔

Camper still isnt unpacked. DS15 and I dont want to go camping. I would rather get yard and garden work done.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
My bad eating habits caught up with me. Back to my trusty extremely-restricted diet. 😑

Easiest way to sum it up rather than listing every food additive that messes up my GI system is 1) no vitamin enriched/fortified foods, 2) no "natural flavor" ingredient. There are very few bought foods that meet both criteria. Some imported foods, some organic foods. Generally I can eat anything, if I can find a safe version of it.

Kellog's released a throw back "original" graham cracker. Flavored with molasses! Only hard parts are 1) finding a store that has them and 2) paying twice as much. Hershey's organic chocolate bars are safe. But I have to make my own marshmallows if I want a s'more. I didnt make marshmallows this year...

Oh well, I'm thankful that I can return to something familiar. Its less scary that starting over. I will miss the freedom to eat out occassionally without being stressed out.