Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DN14 having a hard day due to video game/youtube withdrawal and disrupted sleep - up past 1 am agaim. He got up with an alarm at 6, went on a short run, and went back to bed. Probably would have stayed awake but I sent DS15 back to bed! Jeez kiddos, if you have a demanding week, you have to take care of yourself!

DS14 is bathing sheep today and I'm slick shearing. He reinforced his wether lamb for ramming so I took over. Just about a brawl before lamby decided not to mess with me. Uggh! Teenage boys of all species! 😖😅

DS7 got 2 blue ribbons for his cake/cupcakes. We learned a few tips to get better for next year. DS7 wants to make [thanksgiving] turkey cupcakes next year. He saw the idea in a book. No idea for his cake(s) yet.

DN14 keeps talking about staying with us for the school year. Uff dah kiddo. I'm sure its a no, especially from DH. I could be swayed and my sister would be in favor - she half-heartedly suggested it a couple weeks ago. DN14 doesnt understand we're being lenient bc its his summer vacay and he is a guest. Pretty sure he would hate it here. I would have to say no screens, except supervised schoolwork and occasional family movies. Not sure he would come 'round on joining other activities. He is spoiled + lagging in life skills + anxious about trying new things or meeting new people. However he seems interested in 4-H - he was talking about what cake he wanted to decorate and how he would make it. My sister's county has a less-robust 4-H program. Then again he is seeing 4-H at the peak of the year, maybe he wouldnt enjoy how independent it is the rest of the year?


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Better day yesterday. My SIL reset permissions on DN14's phone so it only allows him to use messenger. DN14 spontaneously gave me his phone passcode. If I need to lock down his phone I just update it to reset permissions. 👍

Progress on sleep schedule, limiting caffeine to a.m. (he didnt know his sweet tea has as much caffeine as soda!), taking his ADHD med, and eating a better breakfast. Woot!

My parents call his ADHD medication "concentration pills" and said he only needed it for school. 😡😵😡 I let him know it helps with emotional regulation and he's suddenly willing to take it. I hand it to him in the morning with a bottle of tea. Easy! I also mentioned that DS15 had the same med- same dose and form. Normalizing!!!

Got him and my kids switched from eating [excessive] milk and cereal to oatmeal and eggs. High-fat oatmeal that sticks with ya. I put a stick of butter in it. 😁 also molasses for "brown sugar" flavor and then just a splash of maple syrup on top for sweet. (I've also weaned his sweet tea down from 1/2 cup of sugar per gallon to 1/4 cup 😁).

We have a busy week planned at the county fair. DN14 met a peer with similar challenges. He is excited to hang out together at the fair. DN14 has been bullied to the point of social anxiety, so I'm eager to help him form social connections beyond his family!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DS15 lead trained his sheep well enough that he can load them into the trailer! Woot! First try - no fuss! That makes today easier! We don't need to move the trailer or make a chute. And DS15 was able to load supplies into the back half of the trailer last night. I had planned 2 hours for loading sheep and supplies! Edited down to 15 minutes. Woohoo! Free time! :gig


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
County fair week!

DS14 won
2nd blue in dog obedience.
Uhm, I dont remember exactly, 2nd or 3rd place in dog showmanship
5(!) 1st blues for dog posters, and grand champion for one of those
2nd blue (out of 2) for mature ewe, just because of the ewe's production - not for conformation. 8 year old ewe, still looks good after 23 live lambs. Good ol' girl 😍
1st blue (out of 2) for lamb lead
2 last place pinks for spring ewe lamb and sheep showmanship
1 blue for small engine poster
2 blues for bicycle/mechanical posters

I don't remember what he got for his canning. He entered pear halves, plum halves, pear jam, plum jelly.