Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
I am envious of your sewing skills. I have 6 or 7 pairs of pants that need to be adjusted before I can wear them. Basically 2 to 3 sizes too big and 2 to 6 inches too long. 2 pair are Big & Tall sweats for my husband - he doesn't like the style.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I am envious of your sewing skills. I have 6 or 7 pairs of pants that need to be adjusted before I can wear them. Basically 2 to 3 sizes too big and 2 to 6 inches too long. 2 pair are Big & Tall sweats for my husband - he doesn't like the style.
If they are too big everywhere, it's probably not worth trying to fit them. The crotch won't fit right. We have to add fabric to make the crotch depth and width smaller. Same for armholes!

Shortening the legs is much easier! I bought one pair that was too long. I decided instead of hemming them I will leave them and wear them with high heels. :D

I keep altering fairly simple. With jeans I don't rip out seams. I just pin tucks or darts with safety pins and wear them around the house for a few hours to make sure they still function. Then I press and hand stitch them. I like to alter clothing with tucks/darts because my size fluctuates a lot and I might want to rip out the stitches to make it larger in the future.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Boi is making a little progress with his reactivity to DH. My strategy is DH=food, no DH=no food. Its still not great, but I can tell it will work eventually. :celebrate
  • I finished altering/embellishing a pair of denim shorts.
  • I crocheted a small doily to enter in the fair next year
  • Made mac-cheez-tu-peaz with 4 boxes of mac n cheese. :gig for DS15's school lunches
  • Made hummus from scratch because I couldn't find it at the store without food additives
  • Sewed a zipper into DS7's ironman costume so he can wear it for pajamas
  • Made blueberry muffins for DS7 school lunches
DH and kids pulled invasive prickly ash in the woods. DH has been working on controlling buckthorn and prickly ash for a few years. If my google maps measures are right, he has it controlled in 1.5 acre and has 15 acres to go. The first year of controlling prickly ash in an rea is rough - chain saw and herbicide. But in subsequent years we can keep it managed by pulling the new shoots by hand. Right after a heavy rain in spring is a particularly good time to pull it out.

DH helped DS7 make rock candy tonight. :love I hope it turns out well!

I ordered supplies to make "bursting bubbles." It's a molecular gastronomy thing, making bubbles of fruit juice. Like boba, but more fun. We had them at the ren faire. Delicious and fun to eat/drink them in lemonade. But they gave me stomachache. I thought they were going to be tapioca boba, but they were not. natural/artificial flavors, sucralose, xanthan gum... whoops.

I also have large tapioca pearls soaking to make the more traditional boba. I'm contemplating making fruity boba with tapioca starch and fruit. Looks like a lot of work, but maybe worth it.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Busy day!
  • Grocery shopping
  • Train friend's foster dog. This dog's owner died suddenly last week. They were a single parent. My friend is fostering the dog in hopes the child and dog can be reunited. I'm training the dog because he has no manners. We hope that obedience training will make him easier to live with so he can be reunited.
  • Get the dog's vaccines updated
  • Added 100 mealworms to hamster's bioactive habitat. Curious if she prefers live to freeze-dried, and if they will reproduce.
  • Cooked ragu sauce - this batch smells particularly good! I finally figured out I can use my food processor to chop the veggies. :gig I hate cutting mushrooms and onions!
  • Cooked a roast. mmmm, my house smells good today!
  • I'm on the home stretch for my writing contract. Right on schedule. :D It's due on Monday.
DH sighted in his hunting rifles.

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