- Thread starter
- #3,021
Wild Hare
- I started crocheting a purse. Granny squares are on trend, and I like the look. They're easy to fit in a bit at a time around other tasks. I have half of the squares done, and the other half are 3/5ths done.
- Baked 2 muffin recipes. (1 was a failed cookie recipe... the muffins aren't good either.
) The other was from a pumpkin quick bread recipe. They are very good!
- Trained Buddy, the dog my friend is fostering. He's starting to learn to not launch himself out of a crate when the door is cracked open. He's very excitable, strong, and has been taught to throw his weight around to get what he wants. He's learning that milkbones are better than pushing through a door.
- Dishes.... more dishes.... more dishes... and a side of laundry
- Therapy
- Had kids pick crabapples and apples for me. I need to start canning.