Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
  • I started crocheting a purse. Granny squares are on trend, and I like the look. They're easy to fit in a bit at a time around other tasks. I have half of the squares done, and the other half are 3/5ths done.
  • Baked 2 muffin recipes. (1 was a failed cookie recipe... the muffins aren't good either. :gig ) The other was from a pumpkin quick bread recipe. They are very good!
  • Trained Buddy, the dog my friend is fostering. He's starting to learn to not launch himself out of a crate when the door is cracked open. He's very excitable, strong, and has been taught to throw his weight around to get what he wants. He's learning that milkbones are better than pushing through a door.
  • Dishes.... more dishes.... more dishes... and a side of laundry
  • Therapy
  • Had kids pick crabapples and apples for me. I need to start canning.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I had a rough day in a way that is excellent progress. I was able to use an EMDR technique from therapy to identify a feeling (unnamed emotion, IDK what), identify the origin of it, and recognize triggers for it. The feeling causes me to make poor choices - not taking care of myself, not sleeping, emotional eating, etc. I don't have a solution yet, but I noticed it. This has been plaguing me for decades so I'm happy to understand it even if I wasn't able to change it today.
  • Buddy is making progress. He goes into a kennel without a fight now. I'm covered with bruises from him throwing his weight around. He is starting to understand the concept of waiting at my front door. I'm impatient to teach him to walk nicely on a leash. I gotta stock up on treats this weekend. I'll pick him up again on Monday.
  • DH mentioned a building in town for rent that would be appropriate for a dog training arena/business. I drove by today to get the phone number off the for rent sign. Sign was down and the building is gutted/under construction. Bummer.
  • I finished the front panel of my crochet purse. It's larger enough to fit my laptop and I'm not sure I like it being that big. I might need to make a smaller everyday version.
  • Almost done with my writing contract. I have a couple pages left. Kids were obnoxious after school - DS7 threw a 2 hour tantrum over 3 minutes of addition practice - so I am running later than I want. I have 3 fun events planned for tomorrow so I really want this contract off my mind tonight.
  • I ordered my reward for finishing out these contracts. I bought a large set of dog communication buttons - 50 buttons. :D I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Boi is down to one button because of his attention seeking shenanigans, so it will be more like starting over than transitioning a soundboard.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Pics of bruises from Buddy.The bruises below my knees are from him wagging his tail. :gig I have 2 connective tissue disorders which both cause easy bruising. My legs are more affected and bruise most easily.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I had a rough day in a way that is excellent progress. I was able to use an EMDR technique from therapy to identify a feeling (unnamed emotion, IDK what), identify the origin of it, and recognize triggers for it. The feeling causes me to make poor choices - not taking care of myself, not sleeping, emotional eating, etc. I don't have a solution yet, but I noticed it. This has been plaguing me for decades so I'm happy to understand it even if I wasn't able to change it today.

the first step in making progress is beginning to understand the problem. :) sounds like a great step to me.

  • Almost done with my writing contract. I have a couple pages left. Kids were obnoxious after school - DS7 threw a 2 hour tantrum over 3 minutes of addition practice - so I am running later than I want. I have 3 fun events planned for tomorrow so I really want this contract off my mind tonight.

is there a way to send him outside to run around the house or to do something so you can get your stuff done? i'm also wondering if he's just doing it for the attention and not particularily caring if it is positive or negative attention...

  • I ordered my reward for finishing out these contracts. I bought a large set of dog communication buttons - 50 buttons. :D I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Boi is down to one button because of his attention seeking shenanigans, so it will be more like starting over than transitioning a soundboard.

good luck! :)


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Glorious day! The thrifting gods were smiling upon me :gig

I was looking for a zip-up hooded sweatshirt to use to line a coat. No luck.

I found knee length high heel boots. $7 they've been on my wish list for years but havent seen them under $70.

3 genuine leather purses. One thrift store had a large rack of expensive purses - not typical for this area! I had been looking at used leather purses in the $80 range but couldn't make myself spend that much money on one. These were $10 - $20 each. My old fraying backpack is retired!

And I has just found a purse organizer at the previous thrift store - thats been on my wish list for years too.

I found a 100% cashmere sweater and a 100% merino sweater. The merino was labeled XL but was shrunk down to medium :D $4-$5 each. Wooohooo, even goodwill usually marks up wool sweaters to $20.

Found a fencer for $6 too. 😁


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I bought a white and black dress with minor stains on the white. I was pretty sure I could get them out. I pretreated, stripped and handwashed. O.m.g., the filth in that dress was incredible 🤮 all the used-to-be-white grunge came out without any special treatments. I'm not a fan of white and black but I like the cut of the dress so I plan to dye it. It needs a couple minor repairs too. $8

I might enter it in the "recycled garment" class of the county fair. I regret not taking a before photo!

Lots of fabric items end up in thrift stores for laundry fails. I scored my bath towels for cheap because they had fabric softener residue on them. They were scratchy and non-absorbent. I knew what was wrong, bought them, stripped them, and I have fluffy lux bath towels in my favorite color for cheap 😁

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