Sustainability Master
Sorry things are rough right now.
But, congrats on the good stuff!

They're up, they found teats. Didn't bother to latch on. I'm going to give them a couple hours to figure it out before I intervene. I don't want to risk momma rejecting them.Wouldn't hurt to check mom of two lambs for milk. But if they're not up and at it, they NEED a supplement to invigorate them.
I supplemented twins this yr for about 2 wks until moms milk came in better. Makes all the difference.They still nursed all along....worked well.
Hope the two make it for you.
Thank you for the tip! I will look for it at the farm store when I go tomorrow.If you can't use a hot compress have you ever tried to use the cattle mint udder cream/rub? It creates a warmth in the udder and helps with blood flow. Rub it on the outside of the udder and it smells good and does not affect the milk or anything like that. ALL my dairyman use it for hard udders, for all the edema and anything that has mastitis as it increases the blood flow to the udder. Different brands... I saw some at the co-op the last time I was there and all the dairy supply trucks carry some brand.
They appear to be fine.They're up, they found teats. Didn't bother to latch on. I'm going to give them a couple hours to figure it out before I intervene. I don't want to risk momma rejecting them.