Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I cooked / restocked my fridge with food for myself on Friday, Saturday and today. I tried making tofu ricotta. Not great. I made a baked pasta casserole with it. I used chickpea and lentil pasta. Not great. Some cheese would help 😅 but it's edible if I'm distracted 😅 it kept me out of the pizza DH baked for DS7. 🙌 Next step is making hummus and canning a batch of garbanzo beans.

I slept well for 2 nights and met my step count goal for 2 days. (And then raised it, lol) I'm on my way to feeling better. 🥰 Next step is getting back on my full vitamin/supplement regimen. I've been taking the bare minimum for a couple weeks 😬

I need to figure out DS16's school situation this week. I'll send documentation to request a 504 plan tomorrow. More therapy for DS16 tomorrow - and at a bad time that cuts into my time at the shelter. Boo.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I got a second cold before I got over the first one and it kicked up an ME/CFS flare-up. I forgot how miserable they are. I was unable to sit up unsupported, unable to eat, unable to talk enough to say what I needed. Normal movements cause delayed onset muscle soreness, so everything hurts. The nausea gets me. I had meds leftover from last time, so the worst of it was limited to parts of 3 days. Could be worse!

I'm on the mend, but I still need to pace myself and be careful to not overdo it. It's easy to overdo it!

Yesterday I wandered down (downhill) to my garden to look... and started weeding. After a hour or so I realized I wasn't going to make it back up the hill without serious consequences later. I didn't bring my phone with me either. Fortunately DH knows me better than I know myself. Just as I was thinking about what to do, he drove down to the garden and gave me a ride home 😍

Today I have a mountain of laundry to do. We are out of clean towels... It's easy to pace while doing laundry. I need to go shopping too, but IDK if I can do it. Felt like I could when I woke up, but after an hour of being awake I don't know if I can manage it. Might change after a nap or 4?


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DS16 cooperated for a few minutes and did a couple things on my list - hang the patio door screen, attach a hose, move patio furniture, and blow out my sheepskin rug.

I got a few things done. Half done with laundry - kids can put it away. Groceries done.

I'll have to be more careful tomorrow since I have an appointment late afternoon and kids' swimming lessons after.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
How are you feeling today, Thursday??
Oof, I thought I was on the mend, but no. I had an awesome morning. My vision finally cleared up after a month or so of blurry vision. But I had to drive 2 hours for a lab appointment. About 2/3 the way home I "crashed" (ran out of energy).

Cue nausea, no appetite, unable to eat/drink enough. I got myself seriously dehydrated yesterday. I didn't check my nutrition tracker so I didn't notice I'd only gotten 3.4 mg (yes, mg!) of sodium. 😬 Whooosh! The water has left the body 😬

I woke up DH up at 4 am to ask him to get nausea med and electrolytes - they were nearby but I couldn't get them. Poor DH, he can't fall back asleep after waking in the early morning. But it was getting to the point were I had to wake him or he'd be taking me to the hospital.

I planned to lose weight this year, but this is not HOW I planned for weight loss to go. 😬 I can joke about it now, but if I don't improve soon I will get panicky. I had a flare-up like this in 2016 where I lost 40# in 6 weeks. I only have 10 - 15# I can lose now. I need to recover within 2 weeks somehow.

I am [supposed to be] hosting a group dog walk tonight. IDK. I'll plan my activity around it. I'd hate to cancel.

I usually avoid whining, but it's ME/CFS awareness day so why not.

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