DH bought tomatoes and peppers. He and DS1 replanted today. I put in the last of my lettuce seeds too.
I got (and accepted) a job offer today! I've been missing working, but I'm not willing to work enough to keep a small business open. I asked if a salon in the next city would hire me for one day a week. It's a yes - and fortunately the day that works best for them is Grandma's day off so she can come babysit! This adds a bit to my (long) to-do list to get my tools sharpened and decide how I will haul my tools to work each week.
I'm feeling intimidated by that to-do list, even though I'm doing pretty well. I even broke out the cloth diapers today! I'm so frustrated with leaky disposable diapers! Cloth is so much better!
I think I'm overtired already. I'm going to pump and have DH give a bottle so I can get 4 hours of sleep. I haven't gotten more than and hour and a half of sleep at a time since Mother's Day - 12 days. DS1 slept 6 hours at night, and I didn't have a schedule or obligations during the day. This sleep deprivation thing is new to me! We have a bit more than week to figure out a routine where I can get a bit more sleep.
That's one thing I don't miss! My DS wasn't bad but my DD was horrible! Once she started sleeping all night she wouldn't go to bed until 12:00, would be up at 6:00, and would barely take a nap. She reminded me of Dennis the Menace.
My bottle plan doesn't work. DH doesn't pick up on the pre-crying hunger cues, so I wake up when baby starts crying anyway. It's the weekend and DH is not on call, so I slept in bed and elbowed him a few times to take a turn. I slept a lot more by handing off the post-feeding burping and soothing. DH is exhausted; he looks rough today. Now my plan is to repeat this on weekends DH isn't on call. Maybe a couple "good" night's sleep every-other week will be enough to take the edge off?
We are going FISHING today! I'm all excited! I worked so much last summer that I didn't go fishing once. Poor baby - his life jacket is almost bigger than he is!
Tomorrow will be a catch-up / chores day. My parents are visiting on Monday.
I started a new job. One day a week. Monday was my first day. Baby seemed to have an OK day with Grandma, but he was incredibly needy after I got home. He normally is only awake 4 hours during the day - from 10 - 12, and from 2 - 4. He fought sleep all morning, but then slept better than usual last night. He is getting SO BIG!
I'm back to a frugality /austerity challenge! Our household and grocery spending was just too high last month. I've started actually using the cloth diapers, and cloth wipes too! I hung a load of laundry out on the line to dry! (that's a big deal over here! lol ) Frugal is familiar, but a big adjustment away from the comfort / convenience costs to try to ease the discomfort / stress of a miserable pregnancy.
I haven't been able to find any more cheap rabbit cages. I'm not going to pay full price. And I thought better of making cages. I tried making cages once, it was a bad experience! My husband OK'ed converting a lambing pen into 2 rabbit "colony" areas to grow out the first litters. I'm going to breed the girls this week and get started on my little construction project.
The Dept of Ag has lifted all avian flu control zones (but not quarantined farms). We are free to move birds and eggs again. Our chicks are old enough we'll probably just finish growing them out and fill the freezer. (hah, what freezer space exactly?) We need to get a second smaller chest freezer. DH is not a fan of the idea, but if there's one and an auction and I'm at an auction... LOL
I have my rabbit colony pens set up in the barn! It's so fun to watch them interacting and hopping around! I need to make nest boxes... I may end up using cardboard boxes. (shhh)
I replanted sunflower seeds picked out of bird seed. Third time planting. DS8 planted the first 2 times and didn't quite follow directions. Nothing germinated out of those. I'm sure it's not the seed. We did a germination test before the first planting with 100% germination. I thinned / transplanted kale. They looked so good I couldn't feed them to animals! I doubt they will survive the transplant.
My mom brought chives and irises for me! I'm keeping the chives indoors since I've killed 5 or 6 chives starts she has given me in the past. I took cuttings from lilac, and ornamental willow shrub, and hydrangea. The hydrangea cuttings look great! The other are wilty.
I tried a Pinteresty DIY frosted window project. It turned out beautifully. I had the materials on hand, didn't spend anything extra. I'm painting a fabric couch now. The color (picked for décor from 2 houses ago) just won't work in our family room. Slipcovers are expensive and never worth it. So paint! I've experimented with fabric painting once before, but this is my first real project.
Baby has progressed from day/night reversal to fighting sleep at night. I'm exhausted and stressed out with all his crying. DS8 was sick puking all day yesterday. I'm very thankful for dishwasher, laundry machines, and disposable diapers. Just trying to keep my nose above water.