The Porch
Super Self-Sufficient
I may not be the right one to comment- I throw things out- trash it,My family went used car shopping yesterday. DH picked 3 models based on towing capacity and fuel efficiency, and I narrowed it down to 1. Unfortunately it was the more expensive option. But the others would cause chronic pain from the way the seats are shaped. So now we'll wait until we find one with the right features, mileage, and price. There's one that fits, so if it's still there on DH's next day off we might get it quickly. Could be months of shopping/waiting. IDK.
I'm still working on paring down all my obligations, especially the maddening ones like cleaning up after my kids and dealing with their lack of daily routines. I decided to skip 4-H next year. I just can't fit it into the kids' schedules. Maybe if they miraculously start doing what they've been told, but I can't imagine that happening anytime soon. I threw away half-done 4-H projects and put 4-H shirts into a storage tub in the basement. I donated bags of craft supplies, and threw away bags of trash. I'm so over this. I hate it so much!
I still need to clean my basement. Again! DS8 roots through boxes and strews it. Half of my basement is knee deep! Feels like we just went through a major cleanup! Feels like all I do in the basement is clean a monumental mess. IDK how much of it I can throw away. Most of it is useful and gets used. Canning supplies, dog training equipment, camper supplies, seasonal clothing, etc. I might do a hard purge of games - just the ones that end up on the floor over and over and over...
If you hate 4H trash it
Things like camping and canning are keepers, survival gear is important
Clothes no one has used in the last year - for me - would be gone-
Games and toys that are not used- gone
I am pro- minimalist,