My biggest worrys are
we live kinda out from all are close friends and family. We would have to walk there. Someday we are getting horses again. Gonna make sure they are trained to pull as well.
Then I have a bottle baby at the moment. What would I do for her food?
Hubby cant live with out his meds what would we do?
We have the dogs and the guns but the rest? My chickens and garden will only go so far.
we live kinda out from all are close friends and family. We would have to walk there. Someday we are getting horses again. Gonna make sure they are trained to pull as well.
Then I have a bottle baby at the moment. What would I do for her food?
Hubby cant live with out his meds what would we do?
We have the dogs and the guns but the rest? My chickens and garden will only go so far.