Im planing on getting goats but want to wait untill all newborn days are over. I was told though that goats milk doesn't have enough foilc acid in it. Maybe the ped didnt know what she was talking about. She seemed shocked i even asked that. She not my regular ped thank goodness.Quail_Antwerp said:That's understandable, and I'd go with the goat's milk if you can't nurse - that's if the goat's would be an option for you.ninny said:My baby was to sick and weak at birth to breastfeed. Then when she was better she was hooked on the bottle. Some people don't have a choice when it comes to these things. I would have love to breastfeed her. Please remeber not every woman can breastfeed either. I have a few friends who can't for several different reasons.
Mom's who can't nurse could also use a pump and pump their own milk to feed baby in a bottle.
I also want to say that I don't believe babies are born allergic to Mom's milk, more likely IMO, they are allergic to something Mom ate. So mom's who want to nurse but can't because they think their child is allergic, well, just be careful of what you eat. Baby eats what Mom eats.