Deficit Issue


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
Boogity said:
The USPS is a piece of dung anyway. It should go away entirely. It is a government born and raised entity and full of bloat with over paid do-nothing supervisors. I think we should not save the USPS. Just think of all the bloated paychecks we would not have to write.

Even though we have benefited immensely from the space programs over the past 50 years maybe it's time to put that government born and raised entity on the shelf for a while.

Our spineless elected officials have absolutely no business experience (or they have forgotten what little they had) and cannot balance their own personal check books. If they really wanted to cut spending they could do away with about 150 nonsense bureaus that contribute absolutely nothing to our wonderful country. This amounts to about 12,000 people (most of whom do nothing at all) taken off the government (read "our") payroll.

If we would wake up and create a tax system based on the "fair tax plan" we could do away with the IRS. Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful!!! Thousands of those government employees would have to find jobs and do some real work for the first time in their lives. Can you tell I hate the IRS?

OK, I'm sure there are many of you reading this right now saying "but what about all the unemployment this would cause?".

A fix for the unemployment and revenue problem would be as follows:

1. Heavily tax American businesses based upon their foreign holdings (investments, possessions, factories, laboratories, and foreign employees).
2. Heavily tax all profit made by American businesses from their sales of foreign made products.
3. Increase sales tax on any product made outside the USA.
4. Shut down the immigration program(s) and stop ALL immigration into the USA. Our system is broken and we need to shut it down until fixed.
5. Ship ALL illegal immigrants back to their native countries. Do away with the stupid "anchor baby" law.
6. Close our borders and quadruple our military presence along both borders.
7. Cancel ALL foreign aid. All of the countries that accept foreign aid from the USA are like drug addicts, and have become dependent upon our generosity. They still hate us. Our elected officials have used foreign aid for decades to cause a dependency upon the USA.
8. Double our military strength. Make the sharing and sales of any military equipment and technology a capital offense.
9. Declare war on our own inner city gangs, drug users (yup I said users), drug pushers. Drug users are the problem because without them we wouldn't have pushers, cartels, gangs.
And here's the biggie:
10. Start massive educational programs (yeah, with government money) to teach the American public the damages and consequences of purchasing foreign made products. The cessation of foreign product sales in the USA would completely cure our unemployment problems. Sure it would take a long time to rebuild our manufacturing capabilities and it would cost trillions of $$, but it would be worth it.

Global economy? - I say B.S. Just tell me one item that we (the USA) could not do without from foreign countries.

Will some of these things be expensive? You bet your fanny they will be. But anything we do at this point is going to be extremely expensive anyway.

Please excuse my rant. But I love my country and I'm totally fed up with the fat, lazy, and useless cowards we have become.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I have seen a couple things on tv about the splitting of the state. Yes I would be in the southern half. But not for long. My RV would be parked in your south 40 before you knew it. :p

No offence but they may as well just shift Mexico's border north.



Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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My head just spins with this whole deficit and national debt issue. It's sooo darn convoluted, so wonder the public opinion is turning against Congress and the administration, but it's not, IMHO, because they understand the problem, they're just tired of press conferences interrupting the airing of "The Bachelor" and what ever else is on TV. :(

A deficit is what we have if we spend more than revenue in a given fiscal year. The debt is the accumulated deficit over the years. So we could have a balanced budget right now that eliminates the deficit, but still have tons of debt that needs to be addressed.

As someone mentioned earlier, most the the "cuts" are merely limiting the projected growth of spending. Remember the "baseline budgeting" battles during the Reagan years? Programs had yearly increases of 10%, far above the rate of inflation, and talks of cutting the rate of increase back to match the inflation rate where met with cries of anger and charges of insensitivity.

Boogity, you asked what we could not do without from foreign countries, not much, but it would require the lifting of all of the restrictions on federal lands for mining and drilling.

I pray someone will provide this country the leadership we deserve (and should demand). YMMV


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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I agree with your last post Boogity, but as mentioned, it isn't going to happen..! We'd never get enough people onboard for those heavy changes...Personally, i don't see much changing for the better with so many going in so many different directions.Were a big fat welfare/freebee magnet, ready to hit rock bottom.When they can't give out checks anymore, because were busted, it's going to put allot of pissed off people on the streets, looking to vent that anger.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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it is a global world market now and will never go back.

pretend wishes of what would fix problems won't work...reality of the future will 'hopefully' get a plan to handle these economic disasters.

cut spending....I say shut darn useless programs DOWN--gonzo..history..close them and cut that spending. but they won't, they never do lol


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I say shut darn useless programs DOWN

Artificially trying to warp the market to your liking via tax policy is what got us in this mess in the first place.


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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We don't produce like we use to..America was a leading producer of manufactured goods.Thats what made this country great.Unions are good for workers, but have taken a toll on buisnesses, causing them to lose the leading edge.We can't compete with cheaper labor in distant lands.So now we are a nation of consumers of cheaper imported goods.Until we start from the bottom up again, produce what we need here at home, were going to be behind the eight ball.Everyone is going to have to give up something, labor, businesses, special interest, or were simply doomed...America needs to reinvent itself.This has to start by shaking all the blood sucking leaches from our nations back.Social security was created for Americans who worked and payed into the system and to help those US citizens with disabilties.SS was not created to be milked by non-Americans sneaking into the country and getting fake ID...These are a couple of the biggest problem killing us as a nation.Nothing is going to change until we crash and fail to meet our obligatons, because politics and special interest won't have it any other way..Change isn't going to happen until its forced on us,and it ain't going to be pretty.SS will change, fat entitlements will change, We will be reborn as a nation or fade away IMO....


Power Conserver
Apr 26, 2011
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Southern In-Clark Co
R2D2 said:
I agree with your last post Boogity, but as mentioned, it isn't going to happen..! We'd never get enough people onboard for those heavy changes...Personally, i don't see much changing for the better with so many going in so many different directions.Were a big fat welfare/freebee magnet, ready to hit rock bottom.When they can't give out checks anymore, because were busted, it's going to put allot of pissed off people on the streets, looking to vent that anger.
Yep, when the "more for free" bunch stops getting their "check" they will riot in the streets. I think that until the sacared cow of entitlements is addressed, you cannot fix the deficit. There is a great video with pennies and govt spending. As wasteful as some of these programs and grants are, the vast majority of the spending comes from SS, defense and money back to the states ( so they can redistribute the wealth).

Oh and while we are fixing things, can we please get rid of the stupid laws that force me to provide intrepretive services for immigrants who don't speak English. And the next time a foreign born person in the US says "in my country" they get shipped back TO that country. My ancestors came over and adopted THIS country as THEIR country.

I about went through the TV to get that st!pid maid in NY-you know the one that accused the head of the IMF of sexual assualt. She kept saying that she changed her story because "in my country, I would be killed." Really? By all means, please, please return to "your country" because this one sure as heck doesn't need the likes of you.

*steps down from soap box* Sorry about that-I just had to vent. Anyway, back to prepping for the zombies.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
hiker said:
I think that until the sacared cow of entitlements is addressed, you cannot fix the deficit. There is a great video with pennies and govt spending. As wasteful as some of these programs and grants are, the vast majority of the spending comes from SS, defense and money back to the states ( so they can redistribute the wealth).
If I understand correctly, entitlements account for 60% of the budget...discretionary spending ("what we have left to play with") is only about 19%. To effect any real change in the debt/deficit, entitlements will necessarily have to be changed. But, as my previous post pointed out, no politician will ever have the spine to actually do this as it would almost certainly mean a one-way ticket back to his/her home district. People receiving govt hand-outs can vote just as easily as those who don't.


Power Conserver
Apr 26, 2011
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Southern In-Clark Co
i_am2bz- I wasn't disagreeing with you at all. Most politicians (all?) don't have the spine to do what needs to be done. We have made running for office such a circus that good folks, like Mitch Daniels, won't put his family through the wringer.

You are right about the people getting handouts. I think that our current idiot packed the booths with people like this and the more people on the public gravy train, the more likely the tax and spend group will stay in office.

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