Lovin' The Homestead
Sorry, hiker, didn't intend my post to appear that I was arguing with you...only wanted to add my 2 cents to what you were saying. 
Interesting list. For this part, would legalization serve the same purpose?Boogity said:9. Declare war on our own inner city gangs, drug users (yup I said users), drug pushers. Drug users are the problem because without them we wouldn't have pushers, cartels, gangs.
And NC just voted down a similar law.Wifezilla said:Prohibition didn't work for booze and it isn't working for drugs. Legalize it tomorrow but require drug testing to get any aid. Florida just enacted a drug testing law for aid recipients. If people want to get high I really don't care. I just object to having to subsidize that lifestyle.
WZ, how is it you always speak MY mind so perfectly?Wifezilla said:Prohibition didn't work for booze and it isn't working for drugs. Legalize it tomorrow but require drug testing to get any aid. Florida just enacted a drug testing law for aid recipients. If people want to get high I really don't care. I just object to having to subsidize that lifestyle.
I kind of don't have a problem with legalizing pot (still on the fence, I agree with points on both side of the argument).... but really, I have to draw the line at legal heroin, crack, cocaine, etc., etc.Wifezilla said:Prohibition didn't work for booze and it isn't working for drugs. Legalize it tomorrow but require drug testing to get any aid. Florida just enacted a drug testing law for aid recipients. If people want to get high I really don't care. I just object to having to subsidize that lifestyle.
We must have been twins in a past life.
Because if you have money for drugs, then you don't need my money for food. I think they should test for nicotine and booze too. Food stamps, etc... is for people in serious need. NOT to allow people to have food given to them free so they can use their money on their bad habits. I also support eliminating the food stamp program and going back to the old commodities box. I object to someone using my money to buy Chili Cheese Fritos, Pepsi, breakfast cereal and other crap that destroys their health and costs me more in tax dollars for their diabetes medicine, obesity treatment, thyroid surgery, etc...And if a drug is LEGAL, then why should you be subjected to a drug test? That seems a contradiction. Just sayin'.
European leaders demand action.abifae said: