Deflation followed by hyperinflation?


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 3, 2009
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This is my first post. I've found this site from and have enjoyed your posts, so I thought I would chime in.

I'm a Biblical Counselor, licensed minister and have a jail ministry. My son and I also own a small Landscape Maintenance business in North TX. From late October to early March we have extra time on our hands. Back in October, I heard (U.K. PM) Gordon Brown say "we need a one World currency, and we're going to tell the President when we meet on Nov. 15 that we must start laying the groundwork for it."

It was one of those "did he just say what I think he said?" moments. I grabbed the remote and ran it back. Sure enough, I was watching Biblical prophecy unfold before my very eyes. It was then that I decided to use our down time to study our financial problems in great detail, spending as much as 5-6 hours per day doing research.

I've created a "financial time line" of events that have shaken our world. Each day I cut and paste just the lead paragraphs of financial stories as they occur. It's a funny thing .... even I lose track of the depth of our problems when I take them day by day. But when I start at the top (March 2008) and read every snippet - one after another after another after .... only then does it truly hit me. I sit back and think to myself "My LORD, what have we gotten ourselves in to?"

The amounts of money lost - and spent - are beyond comprehension. I would warn any of you who would dare read the carnage, it will scare the daylights out of you. But it will also give you a sense of reality that few are seeing.

The time line is current through Jan. 21 and you can see it here:

May God bless us all.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
:welcome , CJHames. My only problem with your timeline is it doesn't start early enough - go back to 1977 and the Community Redevelopment Act, that's where this whole mess starts. We are truly doomed with these inmates running the asylum.


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 3, 2009
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True enough, true enough.

But it really goes back to 1929. I'm currently reading 'The Forgotten Man' by Amity Schlaes, I could not more highly recommend it. The parallels between The Great Depression and now are startling. Bernanke is supposed to be a Great Depression scholar, but in his effort to starve out inflation he (and Greenspan) has given us deflation, which was the terrible medicine that killed us from 1929 until WW2.

I am afraid that deflation, coupled with an unmanageable debt, a citizenry that thinks sacrifice is cutting back to one visit per day to Starbucks and a world economy on the edge of collapse might make the Depression seem like a walk in the park.

I think we'll know by August just how deep and strong this is going to be.

I see nothing that makes me think we aren't in serious, serious trouble. I hope and pray I am wrong.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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We have been stocking up our pantry, seeds & canning supplies mostly. I also have been getting clothes for dd when I find them on freecycle or yard sales & I am up to size 10/12 for her. She currently wears 3t. Some of the bigger sizes are from ds#2 as he has outgrown things & they will work for her as play clothes or working on the homestead mainly. Plus baseball pants if she decides to play ball too. I have also been stocking up on material from the remenant bin @ Walmart whenever I find a piece I know someone would like. That way I can make jammies for the kids, shorts too if need be. Ds#2 is getting close to a size I used to be & t-shirts would not be a problem then for him. I want dh to stock up on ammo too & fishing supplies. Hygeine & cleaning supplies are also on my list with TP(I listen Karen). I think it is coming & so many people will be caught with their pants down(so to speak).


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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Homesteadmom said:
We have been stocking up our pantry, seeds & canning supplies mostly. I also have been getting clothes for dd when I find them on freecycle or yard sales & I am up to size 10/12 for her. She currently wears 3t. Some of the bigger sizes are from ds#2 as he has outgrown things & they will work for her as play clothes or working on the homestead mainly. Plus baseball pants if she decides to play ball too. I have also been stocking up on material from the remenant bin @ Walmart whenever I find a piece I know someone would like. That way I can make jammies for the kids, shorts too if need be. Ds#2 is getting close to a size I used to be & t-shirts would not be a problem then for him. I want dh to stock up on ammo too & fishing supplies. Hygeine & cleaning supplies are also on my list with TP(I listen Karen). I think it is coming & so many people will be caught with their pants down(so to speak).
They eliminated the fabric departments from all the Walmarts in my area, leaving us with no fabric stores nearby. Unsure if this is a nationwide phasing out. I'll have to go to the big city now. I'm thinking of buying larger clothing at yard sales and thrift stores to use as fabric on hand.


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 3, 2009
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Sounds like your preparedness is going very well. I'd also recommend things like aspirin, tylenol, vitamins and pedialyte if you have small one's. I also try to refill and stock any antibiotics or "cyllins" (ampycillins, penicillins, etc) of any kind that will keep for any length of time.

I see you are in AZ. Can you tell me more about it? You don't have to tell me exactly where, but what region, how you like it, how you find your animals like the heat, how do you deal with water, etc? I see very affordable ranches advertised in AZ and always wonder how easy it is to farm there and grow food. Thanks!


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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sylvie said:
Homesteadmom said:
We have been stocking up our pantry, seeds & canning supplies mostly. I also have been getting clothes for dd when I find them on freecycle or yard sales & I am up to size 10/12 for her. She currently wears 3t. Some of the bigger sizes are from ds#2 as he has outgrown things & they will work for her as play clothes or working on the homestead mainly. Plus baseball pants if she decides to play ball too. I have also been stocking up on material from the remenant bin @ Walmart whenever I find a piece I know someone would like. That way I can make jammies for the kids, shorts too if need be. Ds#2 is getting close to a size I used to be & t-shirts would not be a problem then for him. I want dh to stock up on ammo too & fishing supplies. Hygeine & cleaning supplies are also on my list with TP(I listen Karen). I think it is coming & so many people will be caught with their pants down(so to speak).
They eliminated the fabric departments from all the Walmarts in my area, leaving us with no fabric stores nearby. Unsure if this is a nationwide phasing out. I'll have to go to the big city now. I'm thinking of buying larger clothing at yard sales and thrift stores to use as fabric on hand.
I inquired with the manager of the notions dept here & she said they were only phasing out the depts in stores that had no fabric stores in their town(or nearby vicinity). Then I found a link online that said the same thing. So we get to keep our fabric dept(for now anyway).


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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CJHames said:

Sounds like your preparedness is going very well. I'd also recommend things like aspirin, tylenol, vitamins and pedialyte if you have small one's. I also try to refill and stock any antibiotics or "cyllins" (ampycillins, penicillins, etc) of any kind that will keep for any length of time.

I see you are in AZ. Can you tell me more about it? You don't have to tell me exactly where, but what region, how you like it, how you find your animals like the heat, how do you deal with water, etc? I see very affordable ranches advertised in AZ and always wonder how easy it is to farm there and grow food. Thanks!
True I do need to stock up on those meds thanks, they slipped my mind.

We live in the central desert about 1 hr S of Phx(we are kind of inbetween Phx & Tucson. We actually live outside Casa Grande. The one good thing I can say about this area is we can garden 12 mos a yr. But it does take a lot of water to do it in the heat. I lost 3 chickens last summer due to the heat & have since resorted to using frozen 2 ltr bottles in the coops when the heat comes on. We have to keep the ram sheared during the heat to keep him cool & the cattle we water down their pen when we have a heat index warning to help keep them cooler & they have a big mesquite tree to stay under. Here where we live citrus is grown a lot & cotton too & there are quite a few dairy farms nearby. The ranches you are seeing advertised are probobly the ones near our property up north on top of the White Mtns. Up there it is easier to grow food & raise animals as it is about 20 degrees cooler up there than here. Are they the 40 acres ranchettes for $19, 995? We can't wait to be able to move up there to our 40 acres, but dh's job keeps us here in the desert for now. It is greener up there too. Here we have a lot of brown as we have no water around. In fact where we live we average about 8in a yr in rainfall. Up north is about 20.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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go back to 1977 and the Community Redevelopment Act, that's where this whole mess starts. We are truly doomed with these inmates running the asylum


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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If the stuff really hits the fan......there is always the "underground" economy......that way "they" don't get "our" money in taxes....
and folks....I think that is something that everyone of you needs to consider and prepare for.

And I would like to thank CJHames for the suggestion of stocking up on OTC medicines. I had never thought about that.........

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