Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm feeling much better now, thank you. I took it as easy as possible today.

As for not working, so far, all it's meant is that I'm getting more at the farm done. I haven't really tried to get too caught up at home yet. Yesterday was the last day Honey needed her foot done. I told KN that she had to do her at night. It was my DD 20th birthday, and she was actually going to be home! So, I was looking forward to that. Instead I spent the afternoon in bed. And, I didn't get up today until I felt like it.

I was bad the other day. The neighbor had 12 plastic chairs, a 40" round plastic table, 2-27" plastic tables, and a turtle sandbox out for the trash. I trash picked them. The turtle sand box looks to be in good shape, and has the top to it. It just needs to be cleaned up good. I gave that to RU. She has a young granddaughter, so this will give her a sandbox for her, and she can keep the cats out. I took one of the smaller tables and 2 of the chairs. I had already decided to take home the table and chairs home that I had at the farm. They're too nice to leave out there. So, they've come home. I'm going to give these chairs and table a good cleaning, then spray paint them all the same color-hunter green. I was planning on buying a couple of the plastic chairs next year, and wanted to find some kind of small table. Now, for $5.00 for the paint, I have what I'm looking for! And, RU and the other boarders can fight over the rest of them.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Glad you are doing better! :)

Some days we just have to take it easy. Tuesday and Wednesday were like that for me. I basically did nothing Wednesday, just sat and rested until I felt better.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just giving a quick update. I haven't been on much lately because I've been as busy as a one armed paper hanger w/fleas. I'm trying to get as much done as possible while it's still nice out. To date, I have gotten part of my living room, kitchen and master bedroom cleaned as well as my bathroom. I'm getting caught up on my laundry, and if it stays nice long enough, I should have that all done next week.

I've actually been able to play my piano some! Normally, the only time I get to play is at church, so this is a nice change for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hymns, but I like to be able to play a bit of classical from time to time. I get a bit more caught up, and I'll be working on my guitar and clarinet as well.

At the farm, today was a fun day. RU and I set aside today to work on my fence. Originally, we had been going to move the fence back to put in my hydrant. But, when we looked at where the old hydrant was, we realized that it would actually be easier to leave the fence where it was. But, it did need to be replaced. So, we got started on that.

This is the fence that goes down to where I needed a new corner post. We were supposed to put it in the other day. Well, I got to the farm, and found that she already had it in! There was another large post in the fence line. She wanted a gate on that post, so she had hung it the other day. We took down the old fence, and realized that the big post was no good! It was rotting right at ground level, so we took it out. We were going to put in a new one, but changed our mines Instead, we hung the gate off of the other big post.

In the meantime, we had fun w/horses. She has 2 horses in the field on the other side of this fence line. I have a piece of electric fence rope that I put up when I want to keep my horses out of that section of the field. I had this up, so we weren't worried about her horses getting into my field. I'm not sure how long we worked, when Licorice decided that the wire was high enough for her to duck under. :barnie At first, she was fine. Then, she started to chase these horses around. It wouldn't have been a problem except for one thing, the one horse has problems w/her back legs. That's why they're in this field. It's easier for her to get in and out of the run in than the barn. So, I had to catch Licky. And, she didn't want to be caught. I was finally able to get her, and locked her in Misty and Stormy's stall. I'm not sure how long we worked when Stormy decided he could duck under the wire, and Misty followed him! And he started to chase them around. So, I caught him. I couldn't put him and Misty in the stall w/Licky. I was going to put them in the riding arena, when I remembered the KN has her horse in there. So, that left the RP. I got Stormy in, then Misty. Then went back to work.

Around 2:00, we took a break, and went and got some lunch. W/the extra work, it was just taking too long to get done. So, we decided that for now, we'd fasten the one end of the fence, then tie the rest of it to the fence posts for now. We did that. Because the corner post had been missing, the electric wire had gone at an angle across the corner. The fence was kind of leaning, and it was the only way I could put it until the fence was fixed. So, we needed to put the wire on properly. Once that was done, we cleaned up the tools, got her horses out of the field, chased the goats out of my field, and closed the gate between the 2 fields. Then, I let Licky out of the stall, and went and got Misty and Stormy out of the RP.

I had the hay guy coming, and needed to run to the bank. I also needed some more pallets out in my field. I put 3 pallets in the back of my truck and ran to the bank. The road I normally take is closed-Irene took the bridge out. So, I had to go a different way-right thru the middle of town. The traffic was horrible! So, I tried a different way back to the farm and it worked! I missed out on all the traffic!

I got back to the farm, opened the gate to my field, and tried to drive in. Couldn't do it. Even though it's been a few days since we've had any rain, there's still a puddle, and I got stuck! Licky notices the opened gate, and comes running. I wasn't able to get to the gate fast enough, so she got out. I was just barely able to get it closed B4 Honey also got out. I take off my belt, walk up to Licky, put it around her neck, and was able to lead her back into the field. Then, I was able to back out of the puddle, and parked the truck in the parking area instead. Stormy was waiting at the gate by the tack shed, wanting out so he could eat. I put up the wire across the opening, and fed him. Once he was done eating, I also let Misty in there w/him.

Because of all the rain, the only way to get to the RBs is thru CL's field. So, RU was in her field putting out RBs. There was just one field she couldn't put hay out in. She tried, but couldn't get thru the mud. So, she drove the tractor back into my field. Next week, we'll be working on that fence line! The only way to get the tractor from that field to my field is to back it thru a gate! We're going to be moving the gate next week. We had just gotten the tractor out when my hay guy called, he was on the way.

Once again, I put up my wire. Since there were no strange horses in the field, and it was just Licky and Honey, I was hoping she respect the wire this time. (If I had had time, I would have put the wire down lower, but didn't have time to move it.) The hay guy gets there, and was able to drive in the field w/out getting stuck. We start working on getting the hay out. I look up just in time to see Licky coming under the wire again! So, once again I have to chase her around, catch her and put her in the stall. We get done w/the hay, he leaves, RU gets the tractor out, and once again I let Licky out. Then, I go over w/RU. She has some RBs that can be rolled out into the one field. We open the gate all set to roll it out, and have 3 horses shove their way in. 1 was wearing a halter. I grab her, take her out, and one of the others follows her out. Then, I take off my belt, and was able to catch the last horse, put the belt around his neck and get him out. There was some loose hay in there, so we threw that out hoping it would be enough to occupy them until we were done. It worked!

By now, it was almost 6:00 pm. I had all kinds of stuff out. I had to get feed ready for the morning, and all I wanted to do was go home. So, I basically just dumped the stuff in my shed, got the feed set up, fed the cats, put away the chicken's feeder, put away the horses and left. I can hardly wait until Monday. We're going riding, and I think I need it.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey Deb, those Phillies are running out of remaining at-bats :(


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm glad to hear you are having time to play your music and have fun with the horses! Those fencing issues don't look too fun but I'm glad you are getting it all accomplished!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I won't get my grass seed down until Tuesday at the earliest though. Hope it will still have enough time to come up. :( We had a month and a half where, every time you turned around, it was raining again. And, much of it was heavy rain. If I had put the seed down, it would have just washed away. :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I am amazed you have time for playing music! Reading your journal usually exhausts me, lol. You are always so busy!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Isn't she? She makes me feel lazy.

I think it is already too late for me to lay down grass seed. We get a deluge most every October, I can count on it! We are getting the leaves starting to change color, I always love that.

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