Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Oh believe me, I'll be bringing up about the food at our next meeting. Problem is, this is a riding club, and we have a new president. And, she's not as good as our old one about organizing these rides. We're supposed to figure out the food ahead of time, but didn't do it this time. And, we often do the sack lunches. But, since we were going on a short ride, we had decided to have a picnic instead. I had already planned on the potato salad. I knew they all like mine, so I normally take it. As for the sausages, I got them for hubby, and he doesn't want them, so this used up most of them. And yes, they are thoughtless. I agree. Not one of them is as likely as I am to plan for the unexpected. So, their training is about to commence. (Where's the evil, grinning smilie when you need it?)

As for my ex-boss, B4 I left we had a talk. And, while I won't just drop everything to go and rescue her, I do not mind going over occasionally and doing some work-as long as I don't have to clean stalls! I already turned down a weekend of doing that! Other than the tractor, this was kind of fun, and I didn't mind in the least. If I hadn't been able to do it, she would have come up w/something different, but since I wasn't busy, I didn't mind. Don't worry, I'm not about to stick my head in THAT noose again! And, she knows it.

Henrietta, sorry, I don't know of anyone that's looking for a dog.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We've had another week of showers. Which meant, I was going to the farm, feeding, doing a bit of stuff, then as long as I was there for at least 2 hours, I'd give Stormy his 2nd feeding, and leaving. I'm getting a ton of housework done.

The horses needed a trim job. I tried getting a hold of the guy I've used the last 2 times, and couldn't get him. I heard that he broke his ankle, so I figured he might not be up to doing it. I had a "chance" meeting w/a farrier I had never heard of, let alone used when I went to get gas on Tuesday, so I asked if he could come out and do the horses this week. He had time today. So, my plan for today was go, feed, have the horses trimmed, give Storm his 2nd feeding, and leave. So, the farrier was there, and my phone rings. It's PT. She was having trouble w/her car and wanted to know if I could feed horses for her. It would have taken me an extra half hour. I wanted to get out of there by noon, so I told her no. I did what I needed to do, and left! And, it was B4 noon. It cleared up this afternoon, so KN went out and did the horses. And, as far as I was concerned, she should have been going out anyway. Her horse is on meds, and RU just doesn't always have the time to give them to her. It would be one thing if this was a full boarding barn, but it isn't-it's a combination of self care, and co-op.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Deb, "NO" is a good word to use in your vocabulary. ;) Way to go!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We're still stuck w/the rainy pattern that began in August! The most we can go w/out rain seems to be a week, then we get more. Farmers are having a hard time getting some of their crops in. And, it means that every time I feed my horses, I have to wear my muck boots. When the gutter was put on my barn years ago, it wasn't done properly, and a lot of rain comes out-right at the door. So, it never has a chance to completely dry out.

Yesterday, a friend and I went kaynoeing. (She has a kayak, I have my canoe, so we go kaynoeing.) I've been wanting to go on this one lake near me. I had gone 1x, years ago, and never had the chance to again. It was a beautiful day. It was partly sunny, not to warm, and not too cold. There was no wind, and the trees, clouds, sun and even flying birds were reflected in the still waters of the lake. We saw a female kingfisher, an osprey, a great blue heron, as well as the more "common" birds. I had talked to someone just the day B4, and was told this was a great place to canoe, that you could get up past the high tension wires. Well, either we missed a stream, or else he was talking about a different lake. There was a beaver dam across the stream! There was a smaller stream to the one side. We tried to take that to get around the dam, but could never find our way back to the main stream, and all we were doing was getting stuck, so we turned around and went back. So, we tried a different lake. And again, we hit a beaver dam! So, we turned around again. My friend had to leave. She's doing a presentation on the Jersey Devil at the township library tonight, and I'm planning on going to hear it. I've always been fascinated by stories of the devil, and I know people who have claimed to see it.

After my friend left, it was still pretty early, it was only around 12:00. It was just too early to go home. So, even though it's not a long trip, I decided to go on the lake near my house. And, I'm glad I did!

Years ago, I found a little steam to the side. It leads back to a little pond. I call it the hidden pond-even though you can see houses from it. I would love to own property w/something like this on it that would lead to a good spot to canoe. But, it's been years since I've gone down there, and couldn't quite remember where it was. So, I had to look. And, I scared up a couple of ducks, ducks that I had never seen B4. I'm not sure if they were both the same, because I didn't get the greatest look at both of them. I could only see the one clearly, but it had a white eye patch, slicked back "hair", and looked to be gray. I immediately thought wood duck, but wasn't sure. Well, I googled it, and sure enough, I found a pic of it, it was the female! I also saw the male kingfisher. He kept flying up stream away from me. I also scared a pair of great blues. I went as far as I could, then turned around, and had the kingfisher accompany me for quite some time. He almost flew over me at one point.

Coming back, I noticed what looked to be a stream off to the side, so I went down it. And, sure enough, it was the stream to the hidden pond! It was a little rough going down it since it's not used that much, but I was able to. And, in spite of the cedar water, I was able to see some turtles swimming in the water.

When I got back, I noticed that they were packing up the road blocks that had been put up after Irene. I got my canoe on just about the time all these trucks left. I stood there waving to all of the guys, and yelled thank you a couple of times. Then, got in my truck, and for the first time in over a month, drove the short way to my house! I no longer have to go all the way around the lake to get places. :ya I hate taking the other way around the lake. Something about that road always makes me feel like I have a problem w/my bike.

Well, I need to get in gear. It's trash day, so I need to get that out, plus eat, then get to the farm. RU is away, so I have to feed her horses. I'm only staying as long as I have to, then going home and cleaning. My hubby is working a ton of overtime again, so, unless my leg is bothering me, I should be able to get quite a bit done today.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Woot on the NO too ;)

It's 32* here. No rain (or snow) but I'm snuggled into blankets and cold hahaha.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I am getting so tired of all the rain. I'm not getting stuff done outside that needs to be done because every time I turn around, it's raining again. We had some rain Monday night, it's raining now, and it's supposed to rain on Saturday! And, on Saturday, it's supposed to be cold. I was supposed to be in a fun day horse show. I was going to go as the headless horseman. I have a feeling that that's going to be canceled. It's being held where I used to work. And, I did those hay rides plus some mowing to be able to pay for it. Oh well, guess I'll put the money towards lessons instead.

In other news, I'm getting more of my house clean. I'm getting caught up on laundry, but still have a ways to go. Big problem right now is my knee. It's hurting more and more. I had hoped to wait until February to have it taken care of. I'm planning on calling the doctor's office either today or next week and making an appointment so I can talk to him about it. Don't know if he'll want a new MRI, or what. I'm just hoping nothing's been pushed out of the way.

I'm finding more and more that I don't want to go to the farm. And, it has nothing to do w/my horses. It has to do w/everything else out there. In order for me to get to the farm, it takes me at least 20 minutes, longer if I'm riding the bike and it's a bit cool. After all, I have to put on a ton of clothes just to go. Then, I get there and feed my horses, not a problem. But then, I feed CL's horses. I feed KN's horse. I feed cats in the hay shelter and in RU's tack shed. And, I care for my horses. On a day like today, I find something to do for a couple of hours so I can feed Stormy again, then go home. The other day, I had PT telling me her horses were out of hay. I told her to go tell RU. It's one thing if RU is away, sick or whatever, I'll put out hay. But, don't come to me if she's home! She also told me one of RU's pony's had a bloody nose. It wasn't gushing blood, and I have a feeling he stuck his nose where it didn't belong. Again, don't tell me, tell her!

KN called me up last night upset w/something that was done there by one of the other boarders. I didn't really care. I understand her point, but it's not my farm. Saturday, we had a pony ride. After the pony ride, I had to drop her off, then get to the house of someone in my church. We were having a Fall Festival, and I had promised to bring a pony. I asked KN if she could give Storm his 2nd feeding since I knew it would be late by the time I got back. She assured me it wouldn't be a problem. So, I went to the festival, and had a really nice time. Since I took Honey, almost everyone that was there could ride her. I even got a ride. I just had someone else lead her. :D I got back to the farm. It was dark, I got Honey unloaded, and started getting stuff done so I could leave. Just B4 I left, I decided to check to see if KN had fed Storm. She hadn't. :he :somad :rant :smack If I had checked when I first got there, I would have let him out to feed him. If I don't let him out of the field, or lock him in his stall, he'll let Misty eat his food. I was beat by then, so I just fed him in his stall, and left. I am praying for a farm of my own.

In other news, hubby is no longer yelling and screaming at me when he gets drunk. He's also not getting drunk as much. He knows I will no longer put up w/it-I'll leave. I'm still hoping and praying that he'll come back to God. Some days it seems impossible, but I know w/God, all things are possible.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
So glad to here that the stuff with hubby is better. :hugs I'll keep praying for that situation.

The knee is probably being aggravated by all of the rainy weather. Hopefully your doctor can do something that will help.

As for the farm situation ... maybe it is time to look for another boarding facility or even just a small field that can be rented. A friend of mine was having problems several years ago and was able to find an older lady living on her SS retirement checks with a fenced 10 acre field behind her house. She hadn't even considered that becoming an additional income for her until my friend approached her about the situation.

My friend paid her the same amount that she did when boarding her three horses and in exchange got peace the use of an entire barn with stalls and a nice pasture full of grass, where before she was just one of a rabble in a pasture only situation. The lady got a new friend, someone to help maintain her property and almost doubled her monthly income! Win win. :thumbsup

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If I could go elsewhere, I would. But, unless I found a place for free, it ain't going to happen. :( I don't pay RU anything, instead, I help her around the farm. I'm just tired of everyone expecting me to pick up after them. RU doesn't expect it, and they shouldn't either. She has started to get on them about certain things.

As for the knee, I think it's being aggravated by not being able to just stay off of it. I spend too much time on my feet, or driving.

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