Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's what I was leaning towards. I did some research, and that's what I came up with. I like the looks of them, and don't think I've ever seen any around here. I'll have to do some research, but I think they're a breed I'd like to raise.

In other news, I got 6 new Americauna chicks today! I thought the feed store didn't open until 8:30, so I waited until then to call them. Come to find out, they open at 7:30! Not only did they have them, but they said they were going fast. So, w/out eating any breakfast, I rushed out the door. I'm driving away when I remembered that our hose isn't working, and I never cleaned the tote I was using for a brooder. I wanted to get gas, plus I needed to get to TSC. I did neither, just went to the store and got my chicks. Then, I went to TSC. I didn't spend any longer in there than I needed to. Got out, checked the chicks. They were fine. Left from there and went and got my gas. Checked the chicks, they were fine. Got home and took them in. Opened the box, and they were fine. Brought the brooder in the house, stuck it in the tub :hide, cleaned it all up, dried it, put shavings in and put the chicks in. They were fine. Once they were in, I got everything else all set up for them. I waited around the house for a bit so I could check and see what the temp was in there and ate a couple of cereal bars. I finally left and went to the farm.

Got to the farm and got some dirty looks from the horses. After all, I was late feeding them. I got them fed, but rather than working on the weeding like I had planned on doing, I took Honey into the RP, and groomed her. Then, I worked w/her a bit in there. Not long-it was getting hot, but enough to be pretty sure I won't have many problems working w/her. Then I got Licky out and did the same. I already know Licky is going to be a challenge. She's going to butt heads w/me constantly until I get her to where she's ready to listen to reason. Tomorrow, I plan on working w/Misty and Stormy, and on Friday, I hope to be able to work w/everyone. I did a bit of weeding near my tack shed, but that was it.

Now, I'm home. I'm trying a different recipe in my bread machine. Every time I make the recipe that came w/it, the top sinks. So, I adapted the one I use when I make bread w/out using the bread machine. I'm tired and I have a head ache.

Oh, hubby came home, looked at the new chicks and says, they look like chipmunks! So I asked him if any of them were Alvin, Simon and Theodore. He didn't really answer.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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definatly sound like bantam cochins...they are adorable as adults, look like fluffy bowling balls when there all filled out :D
I want a couple of standard cochin hens eventually, cochins are some of THE best broodies.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's what I'm finding out. Plus, they're supposed to be friendly. And, the little pullet was for sure. She'd come running over to me so I could pet her and pick her up. I'll admit to missing them. I wondering if I should just order some, or wait until next year and seeing if I can find any. I'm not really set up for 2 separate batches of chicks, so waiting might be a better idea.

And, I think I've finally figured out what I want for my outside brooder! I clicked on an ad at the bottom of a page on this little coop. It looks like the ideal size for raising chicks w/or w/out a mama. Now I just need to figure out how to build it, or get hubby to build it. :hide


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Enjoy your new chicks. sorry for your bad experience with the others it happens:hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling better today, but still feel bad. Having the new chicks help. Hubby is already wanting to play w/them and has now asked if one is Alvin. Wonder where he got that from. :/

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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Oh gosh, sorry about your chicks! I'm glad to see you were able to get new ones though. The little puffy cheeked chipmunks are so adorable! Good luck with them.

One of the EE Americauna chicks I got is turning out to be a rooster, I think. His name is "macaroni" because when his big feathers were growing in, he still had really big bits of fluff on the sides of the top of his head. They were so sprouty that he looked a bit like a macaroni penguin. The name stuck.

And good luck with the bread machine recipes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Top sunk again. But, I liked how this bread taste as compared to the recipe that came w/the machine. Next time I make bread, I'm going to select a different setting for the crust. And, if this doesn't work, I'll just use the machine to make the dough, then cook it in the oven. I hate to do that since I don't want to heat up the kitchen, but it's hard to make sandwiches w/how the loaf is. :/

As for the chicks, I'm thinking I should name them Alva, Simone, Theodora, Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor. Of course, if one of them turns out to be a roo, I could change it to Alvin. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had a good, busy day today. Not only did I get my field cleaned again, but I groomed both Misty and Stormy, and worked both of them in the RP! I had a feeling that Stormy was going to give me some attitude, and I was right. He's my alpha horse, so I expected him to challenge me. But, I worked him thru it and feel really good about it.

We were supposed to have a riding club meeting tonight in front of my tack shed. So, I decided that I was going to clean up my tack shed some. I was working on that when I got a call. The meeting has been postponed. :barnie I didn't get it all done, I figured I had enough done, and I could finish the rest later. So, I went home. Got some lunch, relaxed a bit and got to work. I got a load of clothes washed and out on the line. Then, I started to work on the basement. I see a big difference in it. I hope to get done all I want. I'm having a yard sale on Saturday. Everything that doesn't go will go to a thrift store.

While I was working, I got a call from KN. She had stopped and bought some chicks. They had just gotten some into the feed store. I called to see if they had any banty cochins. Guy knew they had banties, just didn't know what kind. He was young, and couldn't quite grasp what I was telling him to look for. I had less than 1/2 hour to get there and it normally takes me about 1/2 an hour to get there. I decided to take the chance and go look.

I got there w/just a couple minutes to spare. They were all silkies! It said so on the label that came from the hatchery. Plus, I looked at the skin. It was black. So, I showed him the skin. Plus I pointed out that it said silkies on the label. I think he felt bad that I came all that distance for nothing, but at least he now knows more about chicks than he did.

I was only a few miles from the farm. The windows of my tack shed were opened and there was the chance of thunderstorms. I figured I was that close, I'd swing by and close them.

Once that was done, I went home, fed the animals, took down clothes and did just a bit more in the basement. I'm now sitting back and relaxing.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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The cochens- bantam or standard- are very broody! The ones I had would set on anything that didn't move. And you had to fight them to check the chicks after they hatched. Too bad those hens wernt any chalenge for the owl.:barnie I planned to get some more in the standard size but haven't seen any this year.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had my plans all set for this morning. I was going to go out, feed the horses, work w/Honey and Licky, clean my water tank as well as the auto waterer, then mow CL's field (RU's paying me to :D) work Stormy and Misty, give Stormy his 2nd feeding, then go home. Morning did not go as planned.

It was foggy, so I left later than I had planned to. But I was hoping I'd get everything done anyway. I got the horses fed, then took Honey over to the RP. Tied her up and proceeded to groom her. Once that was done, it was time to go to work. Normally, I don't like to work a horse right after they eat. But, Honey only gets a half a pound or so, just enough to make her feel like she's getting something-she doesn't need the grain-plus, I wasn't planning on working her that hard. So, I worked w/her for a bit, put her away and got out Licky. Got her all groomed and worked her a bit. Got her put away, and w/a little bit of help got both the stock tank and the auto waterer cleaned. I was in the process of putting gas in the mower when LF's hubby, TF came over and told me there was a brown horse in the road. My first thought was that it was Stormy. I had let him out in the back yard to eat, and sometimes the dogs will chase him a bit. But, he's never gone out in the road, he's always gotten closer to the field. It wasn't Stormy. He was still in the yard. TF tells me he'll drive me to where the horse was. I was thinking it was right out in front of the house. We had go go around the corner and down the road a bit! And, I had never seen the horse B4 in my life!

A few cars had stopped, but no one had a clue as to what to do to catch him. I took off my belt hoping he'd let me walk up to him and put it around his neck. He took off. Someone gave me a ride back to the barn. I grabbed a coffee can and a lead rope. Couldn't find a bucket, so figured the can would have to do. Got feed in it, and got a ride back down to where the horse was. Someone else was trying to catch him, and he started to take off again. That's when I rattled the can. The horse stopped dead. His ears came up, his nose came out and he walked right up to me! I had the guy take the lead rope from off my shoulder, and put it around the horses neck. Horsie didn't mind in the least. After all, I'm giving him some grain. Then the guy gives me the end of the lead rope.

Now I'm holding a horse that I have no idea where it belongs. There were 2 police cars out there, as well as several other people, but no one knew who it belonged to. Finally 2 guys show up in a pick up. They were friends of the owner but neither of them had a clue as to what to do w/the horse. I was asked, do you think you could lead it home? There was no way I was going to lead this horse down that street w/nothing more than a lead rope! I had tried to lead it a bit, and found out that the horse was rude. So, I told them if they could get me a halter, I'd do it. Cop goes down the street to where the horse lives and came back w/a halter that was way to small and a bridle. Since I wasn't planning on riding the horse, I couldn't use either of them.

One of the guys in the pickup had brought out some rope w/him. I looked at it, it was thin enough and there was plenty of it. So, I threw the end of it over his poll, then took the end and put it around his nose then tied it underneath. I had to give the horse a lesson on proper leadline etiquette, and was finally able to lead it home. The owner had left the gate opened. :/

I never did work w/Misty and Stormy. I got the field mowed, but that was it. CL showed up w/all her dogs, so I was quite happy to leave. Now other people are starting to talk about coming during the week so they can work w/horses. I think we might have to get some kind of schedule in place so we don't all show up at the same time. There's only 1 RP.

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