Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was one of those days when I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get everything done that I wanted. They were calling for rain, but not until later, so I took the bike out to the farm today. I had to chase the stupid sheep out to feed CL's horses, but he's not giving me as much grief about it. I just had to tell him to move and he did. The rooster was back by my chickens, and I think Ralph was laughing at him. He was crowing, but he didn't sound normal. At first I thought it was one of the nuggets, but it wasn't. So, I think he must have been laughing. After all, he has 4 hens all to himself and will be getting more. There's maybe 11 more hens on the farm, and 3 roosters. And, they kind of fight over them.

I groomed and worked both Misty and Stormy in the RP. They both gave me some trouble. I don't know if it was the weather or what! I get done w/them, and get Stormy his 2nd feeding, and it started to rain! I didn't think I was going to be able to do anything else, but figured I'd try to do some weeding. Well, it stopped raining. I got the section done that I wanted to get done. I'm hoping to have the whole area that I'm working on done in 2 weeks at the most. Then, I can fence in my section and start working on the rest of the fence line.

I went home, and relaxed for a bit, ate some lunch, then did some dishes and made some brownies and some bread. It was getting late, and I decided that I'd work in the garden. I STILL don't have it fenced in, let alone planted. I can't plant it until it's fenced in because of the stupid whistle pigs. So that means it's getting full of weeds again! :barnie I decided I was going to get 1/4 of it done tonight. I had about 5 ft left to go, and it started to rain a bit. I decided I was going to try and get those last 5 ft done. That section of the garden is a bit protected by an ash tree so I wasn't right out in the rain. I got done just in time! I get in the house, look out the window and it was pouring! I hope I get get some more of it done tomorrow.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
The rain held off for me to get the horses taken care of that I had to tonight (watching 2 different sets for folks out of town right now), and I am SO grateful. The weather was REALLY rough just north of some of the areas I had to be in, and I am glad I didn't have to deal with it!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We had a soaking rain all day today, so I stayed inside :D Never got above 50 outside, and hovered at 58 inside, so I baked up some bacon cheese bread, and made biscuits so DS and I could have biscuits and gravy for dinner :drool Now it's a toasty 64 in here!
Wish my rooster was like Ralph - mine's just an annoying bully that I can't wait to invite to Sunday dinner! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ralph's OK. I just don't know if he's doing his job or not! I plan on trying one last batch in the incubator this year-unless one of my silkies turns out to be a pullet and she goes broody, then I'd let her sit! We got some heavy rain over night, but it's supposed to be beautiful today. I think I'm going to take my truck so I can take more sand for in front of the stalls. I don't know if I'll still need another load after this or not.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was the last "meeting" of my 4-H club until the fall. We'll do an awards picnic in August, but until fall, today was it. And, we didn't have a regular meeting. Instead we went to Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge. It's about 45 miles away from my house, but not really sure how far it is from the nature center. I only had 1 family going, so we taking my truck. Only problem being I needed to take some stuff out of my truck and I was running late. I got my lunch in, 3 bird books and my binoculars.

I told hubby I needed to leave by 8:00, so of course I wasn't able to leave until 8:30. :he I wanted to take more sand w/me, and hadn't had a chance to get it in the buckets B4 the rain hit last night, so had to do that. I get to the farm, and the first thing I noticed was the tarp over the nuggets. I HATE that tarp. I didn't realize it when I bought it that it only had grommets on 2 sides. So, that made it difficult to even tie it up. And last night, it pulled loose. So, their feed got soaked. Got the horses fed, then went and took care of the tarp and got the chickens fed. Got the sand in my cart, got my manure fork, and got to work. Dumped the sand in the 1 spot, and started scooping manure. I didn't get it all done. Dumped the cart, then started to work on getting stuff out of my truck. Got everything out that I could and left.

I get to the nature center. I had had some stuff fall off the seat-including my bird book. Picked it all up and realize that when I took the stuff out, I took out 2 of the bird books! :he They were both the same, but they're the one I prefer. And, I didn't have them. So, we had to go w/just the one. And, we really didn't use it cuz I couldn't find anything in it.

We did see some neat birds. I tried to take some pics, but I'm not really sure what all I got. I wanted to get the black skimmers, but couldn't. They were flying too fast. The cormorants kept going underwater, and the wood ducks were too far away. I know I got some pics, I just need to see what I got. We did find a diamondback terrapin! I'm inclined to believe it was a female due to the size. I've never seen 1 B4, but knew they were in the area! And, we found an itty bitty toad. I did get a pic of that.

Right now, I'm too beat to post any pics, hopefully I'll be up to it tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.


Jun 27, 2011
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Sounds like you had a struggling kind of day. We have had a few of them lately and they are no fun. Just everything is a struggle and I think it is mostly because we are tired. I wish better days ahead for you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I am tired, and this week is also going to be hectic. I have a viewing to go to tomorrow night-BIL's MIL died and the viewing is tomorrow. I don't really want to go, I barely knew her. But I know how hurt I was when almost NO ONE on that side went to either the viewing or funeral for my SIL last year, or even send a card or call. And, I don't want to hurt them. Then on Thursday I have either a viewing or funeral to go to. An older man in the church died the other day, so I'll go for that.

I'm trying to get a hold of the vet. I need to get the horses their rabies shots. I can give them their other shots, but only a vet can get rabies shots in NJ. And while I could have friends that live out of state get them for me, the hassle that I'd go thru in case anything happened is not worth it! I had told everyone that I wanted to get her out and to let me know who all wanted what so she could come properly prepared. I FINALLY had to hunt everyone down yesterday and ask them what they wanted done so I could get the appointment set up. It's cheaper for all of us if we do it this way. We split the vet fee. I have a call into her, but she hasn't called back yet. I'm hoping for Friday. Then on Saturday, I'm hoping to go canoeing.

Along w/all this I have housework to do, yard and garden work to do, and work at the farm. I've just learned that I still have a shot for the summer job at the nature center (they haven't hired anyone yet). And while on the one hand I want it-I could use the money-on the other hand, I don't. It would make my life even more complicated. :/


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hmmm, those are hard decisions. Whatever happens was meant to be, ehh?

Vet is coming here soon, too. Trying to figure out what shots are absolutely necessary... I'm tired of vaccinating. A friend's horse became lame after being vaccinated, and I keep hearing more and more about the negatives of it, and I'm tired of it. Have to see what can be done.

I feel you on the hectic week, I'm not really looking forward to mine, either... And it is my week to be moodybroody, too :/

:fl may this week go smoothly and quickly for both of us!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've been really craving chocolate lately. Only problem is, if I have it in the house when I'm like this, I'll eat it all in a short period of time -unless it's someplace I can't get to it. So, I've been giving it to hubby and telling him to only give me 1 bar a day. Today, I REALLY wanted it, so I tried to find where he had it hidden. No luck. He gets home and I ask him for a bar. He goes and looks and says, "We're all out of it. Do you have to have it?". I told him I'd try to do w/out, he just had to hope I didn't kill him. He went out and bought me chocolate. :hide

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