Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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"Some days are diamonds, some days are stones."
I guess I really don't understand your arrangement out there. Can you explain that to me?
Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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FJ, you're right, I need my own place. I'm praying for it constantly. I want out, and hubby wants me out of there too.

ICU, this is a self care/co-op place. RU basically doesn't care what kind of animals anyone has. That's why I'm able to have my chickens. KN has chickens and ducks, PT has ducks and there's a sheep that I'm not sure who really owns it, either CL or RU. Everyone is SUPPOSED to pitch in and help w/animals when others can't make it out there. Big problem is, I'm the only one that's there 7 days a week. Everyone else works. Even RU has been working lately. (She's a retired teacher, but still subs, and has been subbing for the past several weeks every day.) As a result, when there's a problem I'm the one that ends up dealing w/it. I've also found that I can't trust people to really care for my animals for more than 1 feeding. Basically, they act like they're doing me a big favor if they feed them for me. :he That's why I'm trying my hardest to get my area all set up. Then hopefully, I won't have to deal w/anyone else or their animals. I'll be posting some more pics of my area soon.

Today was so much better. I was late getting there. I had a viewing to go to and decided I'd go to the farm after the viewing. Well, we had a power outage this morning, so I was late leaving. I couldn't find the funeral home and finally ended up calling to find out where it was. They gave me the wrong directions, but I finally found it. And, I was almost in an accident w/a bus that decided it wanted to be in my lane when I was already there! :th I had to slam on my brakes and blow the horn. As a result, it made the shoulder I hurt in April hurt. I didn't get home then until around 11:00. Grabbed something to eat quick and got to the farm around 12:00. Got my animals fed, fed CL's horses then got changed. (It was getting hot, I had shorts in the tack shed. I put them on as well as a pair of flip flops.) Tried my mower and it started! So, I got part of my field cleaned, then worked on weeding some. Another week of work like that and I'll FINALLY be able to fence off my area!

Came home, relaxed for a bit, then grabbed the "chipmunks" and put them outside. I think they enjoyed it. Started working in the garden and heard thunder. :hit So, I grabbed the chipmunks, brought them back in the house and am now relaxing. My friend LK is supposed to come out to the farm tomorrow. I'm going to saddle up Honey for her, and see how she does. If she does OK, we might try riding off property for a bit. I wanting to go trail riding w/her. And, LF wants to go when we do. Out of everybody, they're the only ones I really want to ride w/now.

Almost forgot to say, hubby and I went into Dicks's Sporting Goods last night. He found a canoe he actually liked. I'm hoping if I save up and it goes on sale, I can maybe get it for him either for Christmas or his birthday next year. I keep telling him I wished he'd go canoe/riding/etc w/me. Maybe if he had his own canoe, it would be an incentive for him.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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:hide So what are you doing concretely in the here and now to move the ball forward, getting closer to the goal you want?:hide


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Duh jamie...griping online...same thing I do :p :lol:

Deb, just move to TN and be done with it. We'll find you a nice place down here :D ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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WBF, I can't right now. My parents are getting up there in age. I don't know how much longer I'm going to have them in my life, and don't want to leave the area now.

Jamie, right now I'm working on getting bills paid off, and getting rid of anything and EVERYTHING I can. I'm also working to get the house cleaned up inside and outside. And, I'm praying and seeking God's direction. So far, He hasn't opened any doors, and I know better than to try and force one opened. It never works doing that.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I can really relate to your feelings about where you are! We are in the same catch 22 here - we can't leave yet because we don't have the resources (not enough $$ in the bank!), and yet being here causes us both stress. We just keep trying to stay focused on where we want to be, and how we're going to get there, and learning skills while we're still in a convenient area. Its hard to stay focused sometimes, but it is about the only thing we can do.

You know, Pat Parelli always advocates carrying a string with you. (He of courses uses his "savvy strings") and I don't know how many times I have found it REALLY handy to have a 6' piece of rope in my pocket! From leading animals to chasing others away to hooking a stick to get it out of my way while hiking on the trail to tying something up when I need to. Its just a really handy thing to shove in my pocket. It is RARE that I am without my knife or "string" in my pocket when I am out and about on the farm. Really, the only time I don't have it is when I am riding because I'm in breeches and not jeans with pockets!

Glad you were able to play wrangler without too much trouble!

Would it be possible at all if you're managing things to ask RU to give you a small payment for your time? Or you could be really blunt and bill the owners of the animals that you have to manage that aren't your own.
We feel the same pressure here - there is no acknowledgement of our commitment to the non-profit and our physically being here and being available almost 24/7. The fact that if we happen to look out the window while eating dinner with friends and see a horse run by we'll be out the door leaving dinner to grow cold on the table much to our guest's astonishment doesn't seem to really matter to anyone here. The fact that if, on the weekend, when the barn manager isn't here, we'll put out hay if it needs to be done, or mend a fence, or what have you, doesn't seem to matter. The fact that when a car rolls in late at night we're checking outside to make sure they roll right back out again and that they don't hang around, and if they do we chase them off, doesn't matter either.

So I feel your pain! :hugs

Just gotta keep plugging away toward the goal and be ready when the door opens so that you can run through without a second thought!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's why I wear a belt. I've used my belt countless times to lead a horse, or keep horses away from a gate, etc. It works well w/them, but not that well on the sheep or the goats. They don't respond the same way as a horse.

As for RU paying me anything, she does from time to time. But because of all the work I do around the farm, she doesn't charge me much. I couldn't afford to go elsewhere unless I got rid of both Stormy and Licky. I know it would kill Stormy-he's too attacked to Misty, plus remove him from the herd and he stops eating. And, I'd only get rid of Licky as a last resort. Believe me, I've thought of it, but I'd rather put up w/all the problems than get rid of her. I've know too many people that get rid of a horse only to find out the "good" home was horrible.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
That's why I wear a belt. I've used my belt countless times to lead a horse, or keep horses away from a gate, etc. It works well w/them, but not that well on the sheep or the goats. They don't respond the same way as a horse.

As for RU paying me anything, she does from time to time. But because of all the work I do around the farm, she doesn't charge me much. I couldn't afford to go elsewhere unless I got rid of both Stormy and Licky. I know it would kill Stormy-he's too attacked to Misty, plus remove him from the herd and he stops eating. And, I'd only get rid of Licky as a last resort. Believe me, I've thought of it, but I'd rather put up w/all the problems than get rid of her. I've know too many people that get rid of a horse only to find out the "good" home was horrible.
I am hoping that you will get your place ready soon. Sounds like you are taking care of everybody else's animals too, without getting the same benefit in return. Wish you'd live closer, we are in grass-mageddon right now with all the mares missing and all the pastures being high in grass. We have room for about 15 regular horses more :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
Duh jamie...griping online...same thing I do :p :lol:

Deb, just move to TN and be done with it. We'll find you a nice place down here :D ;)
After Pinky talked about her parents checking things out, I went on line and found an AWESOME place, right 'around the corner' from Pinky, on 35 acres, that I really liked! I liked it so much, I told DH about it. I pointed out that he already works out of town, what's several (10, 12) more hours of drive time to get home :lol: He didn't think it was as great an idea as I did, and promptly 'banned' me from looking at houses on line! :lol:

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Well at least the dang mower worked! Just curious, not sure where else you could buy a canoe cheaper, but sometimes you find them "used" but not too used. People buy them and then hardly ever take them out. *coughmeandmyhusbandcough*. You might be able to find a really good deal that way.

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