Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just in case anyone's been wondering where I am, I brought my lap top out to the farm so I can post!

We've been having problems w/the internet for some time now. Some days, I can't get on at all. Other days, I'd get on only to lose the connection. And still other days, I'd get on only to have such a poor connection that it would take me forever to be able to read a thread. I'd click on it to open it, and would play a couple of games of solitaire while I was waiting for it! On Wednesday, I finally gave up.

My husband had gotten disgusted w/our internet provider, and had decided to switch. They were supposed to do the installation on Friday. As far as we knew, they were bringing a new router w/them. Well, they didn't. And while we have internet to the main computer, I can't get on w/my lap top. And, I prefer NOT to post on here from the main computer. Right now, I'm in my tack shed. I do have a connection, though it isn't the greatest. And, I have a cat trying to help me. (I have to keep going back and erasing all the stuff she tries to post.) So, until we get the new router, I won't be on much. And, I miss y'all! I have a cold again, and wanted to get Abi's directions for tumeric milk to see if that helps. I want to read everyone's journals. I want to participate in the Bible study.

So far as life in general goes, I'm working on simplifying my life. I did not renew the ads for the pony rides. At the end of April, I'm going from caring for 9 horses to 4. (As much as I'd like to do it b4 then, I can't.) I'm planning on quitting my job at the end of the year, so I have just 50 weeks to go! I want to be able to stay home, cook good food, care for my animals, work in my garden, etc. And, I can't do it unless I make some changes. I've prayed about them, and I know that if this is God's will, they'll happen.

I'm not sure when I'll be on again, I may bring my computer w/me to the farm again tomorrow, it's going to depend on how I'm feeling. Right now, I want to go to sleep again. (I slept from about 7:00 pm to 6:00 am!) But, b4 I can do that, I have to stop and pick up the 25 bales I bought at the hay auction for the goats. I have no hay at home for them, so I kinda have to do that. :/ If I'm not feeling so beat tomorrow, I'll bring my laptop and get on then.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Just in case anyone's been wondering where I am, I brought my lap top out to the farm so I can post!

We've been having problems w/the internet for some time now. Some days, I can't get on at all. Other days, I'd get on only to lose the connection. And still other days, I'd get on only to have such a poor connection that it would take me forever to be able to read a thread. I'd click on it to open it, and would play a couple of games of solitaire while I was waiting for it! On Wednesday, I finally gave up.

My husband had gotten disgusted w/our internet provider, and had decided to switch. They were supposed to do the installation on Friday. As far as we knew, they were bringing a new router w/them. Well, they didn't. And while we have internet to the main computer, I can't get on w/my lap top. And, I prefer NOT to post on here from the main computer. Right now, I'm in my tack shed. I do have a connection, though it isn't the greatest. And, I have a cat trying to help me. (I have to keep going back and erasing all the stuff she tries to post.) So, until we get the new router, I won't be on much. And, I miss y'all! I have a cold again, and wanted to get Abi's directions for tumeric milk to see if that helps. I want to read everyone's journals. I want to participate in the Bible study.

So far as life in general goes, I'm working on simplifying my life. I did not renew the ads for the pony rides. At the end of April, I'm going from caring for 9 horses to 4. (As much as I'd like to do it b4 then, I can't.) I'm planning on quitting my job at the end of the year, so I have just 50 weeks to go! I want to be able to stay home, cook good food, care for my animals, work in my garden, etc. And, I can't do it unless I make some changes. I've prayed about them, and I know that if this is God's will, they'll happen.

I'm not sure when I'll be on again, I may bring my computer w/me to the farm again tomorrow, it's going to depend on how I'm feeling. Right now, I want to go to sleep again. (I slept from about 7:00 pm to 6:00 am!) But, b4 I can do that, I have to stop and pick up the 25 bales I bought at the hay auction for the goats. I have no hay at home for them, so I kinda have to do that. :/ If I'm not feeling so beat tomorrow, I'll bring my laptop and get on then.
Oh Deb, could you at least *read* and keep up with the postings from the computer you didn't want to use? :hu I look forward to your posts, but if I know you're at least watching, we can still send a shout-out your way now and then!

Hang in there!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
It's all good Deb.

It's good to know you will be back soon.

Take care of yourself and stop in when you can.




City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Glad you took the time to let us know what is going on with you. You know how we all worry around here. :)

Keep us posted when you can. We will miss your regular visits.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I am so not happy w/my hubby right now. He was doing some stuff w/my laptop and managed to wipe it all out! I have asked him several times to show me how to back up my computer so I wouldn't lose it if something happened, and he never showed me. So then he asked me if I had stuff I had wanted to save on it. The answer was yes. :he I've lost everything I had, all my links, every thing. And, he didn't bother to back it up because he hadn't planned on doing that. I had to go into my e-mails to find my password for on here since the only password I had was one that was assigned to me when I first joined. So now I've changed it to something I'll remember. I hope I can get on all my other sites as well. Right now, my laptop is hard wired in, so at least I was able to get on.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California

I hope you are feeling better though. I really hate computers and all the problems that go a long with them.....but who can live with out one?



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Oh my, I'm sorry.

I've gone through that a couple times, having my computer crash and losing stuff. The upside for me has been that when I re set things up I was able to make it more organized for the way I use it.

I hope you did not lose photos.....I was so crushed to lose some of mine!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good news! A guy friend (not to be mistaken for a BF) of my DD's was over, and he knows about computers. He was able to find all of my files, even the links that I have so I didn't lose anything. It's either a good thing or a bad thing that I'm still not feeling the greatest. Otherwise, I would have given him a big hug and kiss!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of winter. Normally, our winters are pretty mild w/nights in the 20s, and day time highs in the upper 30s, lower 40s. We might have a week of colder weather where I'm giving the bunnies water 2 or 3 times a day. And, we normally get a thaw in January, which means anyone that got a balled Christmas tree can plant it. Plus, we can normally ride all winter long.

Winter 08/09 was wet. In order to care for the horses, I pretty much had to wear muck boots the whole winter. That pattern continued into the summer, and we had well above rainfall for the year.

Winter 09/10 was snowy. We had 3 major snowstorms. The normal snowfall for Philly is around 24". Instead, the snowfall for the area was 80". I can't walk easily in deep snow w/out snowshoes-I fall, so I had to wear snowshoes to care for the horses. Let me assure you, it was no fun. At times, I had a horse step on one of my snowshoes!

This year, they predicted a mild winter. They've now changed their mind. We had one day back early in the month when it got warm, rained and melted most of the snow from the December 26th storm. Since then, we've had 3 snow storms, none totaling what we had last year, but it's been cold so the snow hasn't melted. Monday night, it started to snow, then changed to rain. The temps managed to get into the 30s, but it wasn't enough to melt the snow, plus they're calling for more snow Thursday night into Friday.

I don't think I'd mind the weather so much if I had had time to get all the wood for the winter done. Instead, it's in a big pile waiting to be cut and split. I've been doing it as I have time, or as needed. At least this year, my hubby has actually helped cut some up. Plus, even though I kept telling KN that we needed to get set up to store several RBs for the horses for the winter, it never happened. So, that means I still have to go to the hay auction all winter long. At least last time I went, I was able to get 4 RBs for $22.50 each. That will last until next Tuesday's auction, but I'm not sure what I'll be able to get then because they're calling for more rain/snow that day. There's normally not a lot there when the weather's bad.

Yesterday, I had Stormy out to give him his second feeding. I had a few other chores to do while he was eating. When I came back to him, I really hated to put him away. He found a patch of grass and was so enjoying it that I found a couple of other things to do for awhile longer. I know how he feels. I'd like to see the bare ground and see grass instead of snow.