Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Jun 27, 2011
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Glad your chickens are doing well! And that you had a ride that kept you awake! Have a restful day today, I am.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So far, since getting home, all I've done is eat breakfast, play on the computer and take a nap. I should really do some dishes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now, it feels kind of weird. Hubby is getting ready to go to work, and I feel like I should be, but I'm not. Plus, I don't want to leave for the farm too early since, if at all possible, I'm going to the hay auction, we're getting the remnants of Isaac, and there's not a whole lot I can do if it's raining. So, this is feeling very weird. But, we did need the rain.

I am thinking of looking to see if I can find some pea seeds and trying to plant some of them. I think I have enough time to get some B4 we'd get a hard freeze and the ground is definitely wet enough for planting. Hope this hasn't come too late for all the hay farmers in the area.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Hope your peas do well, has it been a difficult hay year in your area?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not really sure. I was talking to some one at the hay auction today, and they said prices haven't been bad. But, the guy I was getting hay from has only gotten one cutting so far. There wasn't a lot of hay there this time, and I expected it to high. The only lot I bid on, I got-for $1.75 a square bale. I could have gotten more, but it had gotten rained on a bit. This will last me for just over a week, so I figure it should be OK. And, some of the hay went for even cheaper. I'll be going again next week, I just might not pick it up that day since it will be when I have my appointments. RU also got some hay. We got all of mine loaded in my horse trailer and started to load her's in. She got 2 lots. We got the first lot in, and it started to rain. So, I left. I thought she was going to be right on my tail, but she wasn't. So, I got back to the farm, backed up to her barn, and unloaded and stacked almost all of hers by the time she showed up. I left mine in my trailer. I may or may not take it out and stack it on a pallet. I haven't decided yet.

And today felt very weird. I spent the morning weeding along my fence line. I kept feeling like I should be leaving for work. Tomorrow won't be so bad. I'm supposed to go over to the nature center for a canoe trip for the volunteers. So, I'll be leaving the farm at about the time I normally would have if I was going to work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I've decided. I had help loading the hay in my trailer. If I had done it on my own, I would have put the wettest bales where I could use them first. But since I didn't, I'll have to unload it all so I can use those bales first. Otherwise, they can create a problem for all the rest of them. At least it's only 27 bales. I just have to remember to take a tarp out w/me.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on getting some hay, and 1.75 a bale? Wow! I'm hoping that I can find some under $8. The feed stores sell sq. bales for at least $12.... I'll be checking Craigslist this evening. I'm going to try to pick up 40 or 50 square bales before I go back to work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Only problem being, that will only last me a bit more than a week! So, that means I'll be going back next week. I'm getting to where I'm wishing more and more for my own place. I just don't have enough ground at the farm to really have the horses graze the way they should. If I had my own farm, I'd save so much money between the hay and gas getting out there.

I got the hay all unloaded. And I know the horses like it. I stacked it near my tack shed. Misty and Stormy were out in the parking area while I was doing this. So, they had a bunch of grass-and left it to try and eat the hay!

Went to the Nature Center for some kaynoeing. This storm system that we had roll thru was nuts. Some places barely got any rain. But, it poured out there yesterday. So, the water level was up! And, we were able to get over the first dam, but not the 2nd. :( And we also paddled all around to places we'd never really seen B4. Normally when we go out, it's w/a group that may not know what they're doing. Today was basically just for the volunteers. So, everyone knew how to paddle. :weee That meant we had a nice, relaxing outing.

We did have something funny happen. We get back in, and everyone is getting out of the boats and getting their stuff out. I was the only one in a canoe, the rest were in kayaks. One lady bends over to get something out and exclaims, there's a snake in here! Sure enough, there was a small, northern water snake in there! I'm sure she was glad it didn't slither over her legs while she was out on the lake! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today JT started some training for the volunteers. Don't know if I'll really learn anything, but it was fun. But, the best part of it was one guy that's new is the leader of the 4-H radio club! I've been wanting to learn about ham radios for some time now, but didn't know anyone that was into it. I do now. And, w/the way he's talking, I think he's willing to teach me about them. So, that made today completely worth while!

The chickens still haven't quite figured out how to get back in their pen when I call them. So, I've been leaving them out some. It would be different if I was out there late, but since I'm not and have no desire to wait around for them to figure it out, if they don't have it figured out by the time I leave, I've been leaving them out. Last time I did that, when I fed in the morning, they were all happy to go in their pen. I just hope nothing gets them!

I'm starting to get caught up on the house work. I found a letter today from the 4-H office that was sent last month! It's about the back to 4-H night we're having. I was supposed to call by yesterday to say whether or not I was going to be there. I was never giving the letter. :he At times, hubby really drives me nuts. I don't always get my mail. So, there's things that I find out about either too late, or not at all.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Ham radio's are fun! I, unfortunately, let my Tech license lapse some time ago (KC5AQQ - hey, my brain isn't so shriveled after all! :p ), but the operators in the area I was in ( San Antonio, TX) were a fun bunch. We did a lot of group activities. like 'Chase The Idiot' (triangulate/track the person designated as the illegal transmitter) and volunteer things, like communications for sporting events. You should NEVER do it, but my ex liked to drive through the parking garages, key his mike, and set off the car alarms :rolleyes: Boys will be boys, I guess. I had wished I'd made the attempt to learn morse code, so I could advance my license and talk to people all over the world - that would've been cool!

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