Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Saturday we had a cold front move thru. We got some nice rain as well as cooler temps. And all I can say about them is, ahhhhhhhhh. I'm enjoying these temps so much more!

Yesterday, I really didn't get anything done. I try to take it as easy as possible on Sunday. But today, I was able to get more done. I got part of my living room clean. I finally finished weeding my inside fence line out at the farm. Plus, other than putting something across the bottom of the gate near my tack shed, I have it so my chickens will stay in my field-and no other chicken (nor goat) should be able to get in! :celebrate

I would have gotten more done, but we had a BACK TO 4-H night at the county building. I made up a display for my club, and went. This year, they'll be learning that 4-H is a shore thing. All of the lessons will be about the shore. Plus, I have a couple of trips planned that I'm hoping the kids will really enjoy. I had a few people interested, so hopefully, I'll have a good turnout this year.

There were 2 other clubs there that I kind of wish I could join. They had a beek club start up not too long ago, and now they have one called the Spin Off club. The kids are learning how to use spinning wheels, as well as how to knit and crochet.

Last night, it got down to 53. It's down to 56 now, and I think it will be getting cooler. So, I should sleep good tonight.

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Enjoy your cooler weather! Ours is getting a little better, but I'm ready for more fall-like weather. It's my favorite season!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm jealous of your temps...we're only getting into the 60's. Congrats on getting the chickens contained. Mine are tempting me to move up the execution day, lol. I moved some of the roos into a new pen and forgot to clip wings on a couple of them - which are now roaming free again. Geeze....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Mine don't normally fly, otherwise I'd have to clip their wings as well. And, it would make my life easier at times if they would fly! After all, someone keeps moving the gate on them, so they have a hard time finding their way back in the pen if they're on the outside of my field. :barnie


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Since misery loves company, I just had to let ya know that we've got chiggers with ya! :lol: We must have disturbed a nest of them when we moved the Chick-n-Barn and they made a meal out of docs' ankles...I was just a quick snack! :gig

We've got the cooler temps here, too, finally! And of course I've been pretty much out of commition due to my back and a toothache. :rolleyes:

frustratedearthmother said:
Be glad you don't have fire ants - they are HORRIBLE and they do horrible things around here. I had a broody hen trying to hatch eggs a few months ago. As soon as a chick would pip the ants would be all over and inside the egg - killing the chicks. I finally figured out what was happening and pulled the eggs to hatch in the incubator. Bad, bad ants!
Wow, that's scary, fem! Glad you figured out what was happening! :hugs

I first met fire ants in basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC. We had just come out of the gas chamber and were doing pt. Leave it to me to lay down on top of a nest of them. :rolleyes: They started biting and I jump up and am doing this dance trying to get them off of me and the drill sargeants are screaming at me to "drop and give 'em 50" (push-ups) and I screamed right back at them about getting my bleep eaten alive. They got over it pretty quick when they realized what was happening! :gig


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yep - you don't wanna be still too long around my place - the fire ants will carry you off!

I will admit that I laughed a little at your story, even though I can feel your pain! I can just see you doing the ant dance while getting yelled at by the DS...:lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Glad we don't have those bugs here, just helicopter-sized mosquitoes which, for the most part, leave me alone. I used to be a terrible mosquito magnet, but I don't seem to get bit much anymore. When we are camping where there are the tiny biting black flies and horse flies, that's another story altogether--those guys love me!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today, the only chickens in my field were my chickens! It was so nice, it meant if I had any chickens "helping" me while I weeded and cleaned up manure, it was my chickens! They were the ones to get all the yummy ( :sick ) treats. Even in the parking area, there were no other chickens. I could see them, I could hear them, but I wasn't tripping over them! Now, if only the same could be said for the cats and the goats. It's bad enough when I have to chase the cats out of my tack shed. And, occasionally, I have to chase a chicken out. Today, I had to chase a goat out. :somad

I slept good last night. It got quite chilly overnight-down in the lower 40s! It may have even been colder, I haven't checked my high/low thermometer yet. Normally, at this time of year I'd be opening all the windows to get the cooler air in. Not this morning, it was just too cold! I had to put on a sweat shirt and socks!

I'm starting to see some progress in my field. I got way behind on cleaning my field because of work and the weather. Yesterday, I didn't try to work on cleaning since I wasn't sure if I could start the mower. Today, I tried and it wouldn't start-even after hooking it up to the jump box. So, I jumped it w/the truck and it started right up. I got a whole cart load cleaned up. Then, I started to work on getting rid of the pig weed in the area I seeded. It's going to take awhile, but I have one whole area weed free!

I also got started on cleaning the outside of my fence line! I won't be able to do along the road side for awhile though, there's a ton of poison ivy and I don't need to get it! I'll probably wait until it's later in the year-after the leaves have fallen off. And, I'll wear my muck boots as well as disposable gloves. Then, when I get home, I'd take my clothes off and put them right in the washing machine.

Wen to the hay auction and got 3 RBs for $17.00 each! They're not the greatest hay, but they're also not the worst. So, I'm hoping they'll be OK. And, I think I need to start wearing my rings to the hay auction. I keep having guys trying to pick me up. :he

I'll be leaving soon for my motorcycle ride. I'm not sure how much longer we'll be going out. I've been coming home in the dark, and we're starting to shorten our rides. But, once it's done, there's a local church that's having a bilingual Bible study on Tuesday evenings. I'll be going to that so I can work on my Spanish w/out paying for it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Yay for only having to deal with your chickens! I hope the goat in your tack shed didn't leave any presents for you :lol:

I am far too overweight and old to be hit on, although a very old man did say 'Hi, beautiful' to me the other day. I am pretty sure he was senile, as I looked like poo and was walking with DH (which is the ANTI guy magnet :lol: ). Oh well, at least senile old dudes still find me attractive! :gig

Have fun on your ride! Temps have been hovering around the mid forties here at night - last check has been a cold and short visit for me lately!

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