Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't know how much bucks go for around here. But, I know that when I got Sugar, she was $200.00. And, that was w/a price break since my daughter was in 4 H. She supposedly belongs to my daughter, but my daughter does nothing w/her. She did talk about breeding her this year, but nothing ever came of that.

In other news, we have more snow. :hit B4 it started to snow again, I had large bare patches in my yard. About the only place that it was still snow covered was where it was really shady. B4 it started to snow, there was rain, then it snowed, then rained, then stopped. Our road was not touched. (I'm not surprised, it's 1/4 mile long or so, has 7 houses, and no one "important" lives on my street.) Then it started to rain again. The temps are supposed to drop into the 20s overnight, and we're supposed to get more snow, 5-8". I'm hoping they're wrong. Normally, I wouldn't even be home at this time on a Wednesday night-I go to prayer meeting-but it was canceled. We were supposed to have our annual business meeting. It will be next week instead.

I had to feed the horses this morning. After I had all of them fed, I went to take care of my chickens. They were up in the oak tree. I shoveled a spot for them since I know they won't come down if there's not a clear spot for them. They didn't budge. I put down some BOSS for them. They didn't budge. And I knew they wouldn't just come down on their own at that point. I've gotten there b4 and found them in the tree, soaking wet and shivering. So, I got the step ladder, set it up, climbed it and was able to grab Angel. Of course she protested about being taken out of the tree. But, I was able to get to the ground w/her. She didn't try to fly back up. Next, I grabbed Ralph. Same story. Last one I grabbed was Penny. She was up the highest, and I was just barely able to reach her. But, once they were all down on the ground, they stayed there. They were still there when I went back to give Stormy his 2nd feeding. I'm hoping they didn't go back in the tree. If so, I'll have to dig a clear spot again tomorrow, then climb up after them again tomorrow. When I move them, they WON'T have a tree to roost in, but will have room in their house. I don't want to have to do this next year!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it's snowing. And, I'm really wondering what kind of a storm we're in for. My ears have been hurting for hours, so that means the barometric pressure is down. And, it's the only reason I'm still up. I'm normally asleep by now, but it's hard for me to sleep when my ears hurt. I

I know it had been raining earlier, so I'm expecting a mess when I get up. I'll be setting my battery powered alarm clock tonight for just in case. I'm hoping we don't lose power, but w/the weather, can't say for sure we won't.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I get that in my ears too! I can tell when a big storm is coming. I tend to get vertigo when it is clear weather too though. We actually had a beautiful warm sunny day here today and I was stuck in bed with vertigo! Dang. I took a five hour nap.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was getting vertigo attacks yesterday. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm better right at this moment, but I hate vertigo sooooooooooooooooo much. :sick

I think I am getting more sensitive to eggs. I ate some food that had egg as an ingredient and now I'm paying the price. I knew when I was eating it that the egg content might be a little high for me and I know I'm allergic so its my own fault.

There are just so many things that have eggs in them!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm so glad eggs don't bother me.

I wish I could just stay in my house today. We got 5" or so of snow on top of all the mess from yesterday. And I have no idea when they'll plow our street. There have been times when they haven't plowed it at all, or they'll do such a poor job that after a bit, we're driving on ice. Not fun at all. :(


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Denver, you would think, has a great system set up for snow.

:rolleyes: In reality, they do plow and salt the MAIN streets... and they do a quick plow of the side neighborhoods, but they don't try too hard if you aren't a main street.

Even then, they take a long time to get out and are dainty with the salt. LOL.

I'd blame budget cuts, but it's a Colorado thing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I don't know when they plowed the street-it must have been b4 it got light out. I never checked until I went out to do the animals, and it was already done. So, yesterday, I spent over an hour digging out my truck and the mail box. Then, I went to the farm and fed the horses.

Once the horses were fed, I dug out my chickens. They went back up in the tree overnight. Ralph and Angel were under the tree when I got there, and Penny was in the tree. Once I dug up to them, Ralph and Angel went to their house to eat. Penny finally flew down and joined them.

Then, I walked down the lane to the road. I had had to park in RU's driveway. The snow plow had left a mess at the end of it, so I couldn't get down it. I shoveled a section of the end out.

Then I went to work. I had to shovel out the manure spreader. (Is anyone noticing a pattern here?) Then, I had to clean 5 stalls, then shovel all around the one door.

Then I went back to the farm to give Stormy his 2nd feeding. I found that I just barely dug out the end of the lane enough. I didn't have time to do more, so I'll be doing that today.

Then I went home, fed my animals and did some firewood. Then I threw a load of clothes in the washer and got a shower. I had a lecture I was going to. I fell sleep during it. Came home, threw the clothes in the dryer, and went to bed! I am so sick of winter.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Chin up - Groundhog's Day is just around the corner!

That is why it is SUCH a big deal holiday with me. I can't wait for that old whistle pig to predict whether winter will be over in just six weeks or if it will be ANOTHER month and a half. ;) :lol:


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
My goodness I'm exhausted just reading what you wrote. I feel very lucky here with my 50 degree weather yesterday and no rain for a change. We have frosts overnight but it has been nice here. Of course the change in weather gave me vertigo though.

Gosh, I think my back would be killing me after all that shoveling. You must be in great shape! I suppose you don't have to worry about keeping up a gym membership! That is a lot of healthy exercise. But I've shoveled all day once or twice doing gardening projects and PAID for it for weeks......once I had to even get physical therapy and they told me not to do so much in one day.

I suppose you have your muscles built up for it though? My goodness. I worry about slipping and falling in the snow too, I'm such a clutz.

I sure hope that our country can get a milder spell for everyone to get a breather at least from this weather, if winter must stick around!