Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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We are getting ready to finish our garden prep with some nice composted chicken/cow poop :D :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not planning on it. I have too much to do B4 it gets too cold and/or snowy.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We are planning to do as much outside stuff as we possibly can tomorrow/Thursday, as the temps here will be in the 50-60's. Then, starting Friday, 20-30's, snow, sleet and ice :p

Hope you can knock it all out Deb!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now, I'm debating on whether to take my truck or my motorcycle today. I just might take the truck. I'm planning on taking lunch w/me so I can get as much done as possible. Since it's supposed to be nice and I now know where my paint brush is, I might take my house paint, and finish painting the shed. Plus I have to take out the paint for the RB feeder. I have all the nuts and bolts for the RB feeder in my truck, so I'll want to leave them there if I get done so I have them for tomorrow. I need gas for the mower and the tractor. And if I take the truck, I can leave earlier in the day than if I take the bike.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I took the truck, but forgot to leave the bolts, so I'll have to remember to take them tomorrow. And, I'm happy w/what all I got done today. I'm seeing more and more light at the end of the tunnel. I got a lot done today.

For the first time in months, my kitchen is basically clean. And, I can eat at my table! I still have to do some dishes and get rid of a bit of stuff on the one counter, but that's it! Other than that, all I need to do to the kitchen is finish organizing and washing the cabinets, but most of that is done.

I got my RB feeder painted. So, as long as I remember to take the bolts out tomorrow, I'll be able to put it together!

I got my shed painted-including all the little grooves in the wood!

The majority of the old hay is cleaned up in my field! I'll wait to do the rest until after I get the RB feeder out.

All I have left to do at the farm B4 winter (other than putting the RB feeder back together) is to get my hay shelter up and do the stalls. That should be done this week. I'm hoping hubby will help, but if not, I'm doing it myself. I need it done. Then, w/that done, then I'll be able to start working w/the horses more!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wore myself out, too! :lol: I went to bed early and hoped I'd sleep in some. Does 15 extra minutes count? I'm in the bedroom on my new toy, a tablet. I'm starting to get the hang of it, but it will take a while.:/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm so eggcited right now! I haven't gotten any eggs for over a month. My older girls aren't laying-they're almost over their molt, but haven't started to lay again And, my pullets hadn't started. I've only been checking 1x a day. Well today when I went to feed, I found an egg! By the size of it, I'd say it was one of the pullets so it looks like I won't have to buy eggs after all!

My day got a bit messed up. I told PT that I'd sell her a couple of RBs. Well today, she decided she wanted one of them. I told her I didn't have time. But, she had no hay for her horses and it's not fair to the horses to leave them w/no hay. And of course, the tractor wouldn't start. :rant Finally got it started, put out the hay for her and then, since I had the tractor and it was running, I went ahead and pushed the last of my manure into a pile. I won't be adding more. And, I put an ad on CL to try and get rid of Mt. Manure. Then, I got another RB and put it on the pallets I have for the bottom of my hay shelter. Didn't quite get it where I wanted it, and couldn't move it w/the tractor, so I put a strap around it, hooked it to the truck and pretty much got it where I wanted. I should still be able to get sbs in there.

At home, I did get more of the garden done. Not as much as I wanted, but I just didn't feel like doing more. And, I got a bit more wood cut up. I didn't do a whole lot of that since we have quite a bit in the wood holder. But, since it's the stuff that's not burning the greatest, I want to mix it. I'm hoping I won't need to take any more out of the wood shelter until later in the winter. I'm hoping to start adding to it instead.

I still have to do some dishes and clean my bathroom. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.

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