Yay on the pullets starting to lay! Seems like everybody's chickens around here slowed to a crawl - but have suddenly picked up again :/ We went from 2 egga/day to 9 today Weird.
Well, no eggs today. I just hope the one I got yesterday wasn't a teaser egg! I need em. If I don't get more soon, I'm going to have to break down and buy a dozen. (Or "steal" them from KN.) We went riding today. This will probably be the last time this year that we ride there. KN is the only one that I can get to go during the week, and she doesn't have another day off until Christmas. Though, if the weather's good, I guess we can go then. But, I don't have any weekends free for now.
We get back to the farm and I go to park the trailer. There's a puddle in the parking area. RU threw wood chips in it to fill it in, and someone has dumped kitty litter in it. I've tried to tell them that that wouldn't do any good and that I was going to get stuck. After all, I don't have 4 wheel drive. It's extremely difficult to maneuver in there right now. She has a whole pile of wood chips still. And, she has her truck and trailer in there. Plus there's the puddle. Well, I got stuck. And not only did I get stuck, but the tongue of the trailer was on the ground! We had to unload the horses like that. We were hoping that would bring up the front of the trailer. No such luck. So, I got the jack out, and we jacked up the trailer, and unhooked it. It's still sitting there. Then, w/out the trailer, I was able to get unstuck. I don't know if I could move the trailer using her truck or what. But one day next week, I'm taking all the junk out of the puddle. That will allow it to (hopefully) dry out. And, I know where there's a bunch of rocks, so I'll probably start to throw some of them in there as well.
Last time I bought eggs, I got them from the farmer around the corner from the farm. And even though he free ranges his chickens, they just didn't taste the same. Guess I'm just spoiled. (Maybe it's cuz mine go thru horse poo?)
Well, the stalls are almost completely done! And hubby did help! There wasn't a whole lot really that needed to be done, but it was time consuming. We had to figure out things as we went. And of course, the horses wanted to help a few times-especially Licorice! I am now able to open up the run in completely, or have the horses in stalls for feeding, bad weather, farrier, etc! It took much longer than we were expecting, so I didn't get anything else done.
Now that I have the run in done enough, next week, I'm hoping to finally get the stones (pea gravel) in. The idea for the stones is to allow drainage, keep the stalls from getting muddy, and still be easy to clean. I'm not sure if it will work the way it's supposed to, but I'm hoping it will. I'll also be putting some screw eyes up on the one wall, but won't be putting any buckets on them-unless I'm leaving the horses in the stalls. That way, I'll be able to hang water buckets if I have them in. Stormy eats from a feed pan. Misty and Licorice eat from buckets. And since I'd have to move them every time I opened or closed the gates, I'll have them hanging on the gates. I'll use bucket straps, then can just move the buckets from one side of the gate to the other.
I'm also going to rope off Honey's old stall. And, I'm going to move all my wood into there. There is definitely some that's no good. This will (hopefully) keep the wood dry and keep it from rotting. I'll also move all of my tools into there. I'm hoping w/them in there I won't have people borrowing them any more!
We still need to get the hydrant in. But, I'm not sure if that's going to happen this year or not. Hubby's working the next 2 Saturdays and he doesn't want me to attempt that on my own. But at least w/what I have done, I finally feel like I can relax a bit.
And in other news, I got another egg today! So, that's given me 2 for the week! I'm not sure if this is from the same girl, or if another one has started to lay. If we had gotten there just a bit earlier, I would have been able to find out which one laid it. The egg was still really warm.