Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
For stomach virus, I take ACV mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with honey. Pour some in a glass and top with water. If you have no honey, just use ACV. Sip it slowly and even if you puke it back up, keep drinking it. Enough will stay in your system to help. About 45 minutes after drinking ACV, you should be ok.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I'm starting to feel better. And, I've found out what 1 problem is w/my computer-it's the mouse. I can move it all over, but I can't click on anything. So, I guess a new mouse is in my future. I'll be near Best Buys tomorrow, so maybe I'll go in and get one. I tried to use hubby's computer today, and it was horrible! I've never been able to stand using his mouse and today was no different. So, I didn't stay on for long.

Saturday, I was just barely able to feed the goats and the bunnies, then felt like passing out. Yesterday, I managed to make it out to the farm and do the PM feeding of my horses, take care of the chickens and Cindy and feed the goats and the bunnies. Today, I made it out to the farm and did the AM feeding of my horses, CL's horses and KN's horse. Then, I went in my tack shed, blew up the air mattress, and took a nice nap. Got up, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, took care of my chickens and the farm cats, came home and made some chicken noodle soup. That's the most I've had to eat since I got sick! And, I probably would have felt better if I had had it sooner, but it never seems to dawn on the family that when I'm sick, I need food. :hu I also loaded the dishwasher, washed a load of pots and pans, fed the goats and the bunnies and brought in an armload of wood. And, I somehow or another managed to lose my phone. I have no idea where it could have gone. I had it when my hubby called when he was done work. I don't recall picking it back up, but it's gone. And, it's not ringing, so I can't even find it! :barnie And, I just charged it this morning, so that makes no sense.

After driving around w/a cracked radiator for over 2 years, hubby finally fixed it yesterday. And now I have something else wrong w/the truck. He doesn't know if it's a cracked block or a blown head gasket. I can't help but wonder if he had fixed it when I first told him about the problem if this other one wouldn't have developed. :somad

Oh well, such is life. Looks like I'll be doing a ton of cleaning this week so I can hopefully find my phone. I'm almost afraid to even put the trash out tomorrow for just in case it show how or another ended up in there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't need to do a bunch of cleaning after all! I had a bag of potato chips in the living room next to my recliner. My phone fell in there and was in some kind of power save mode-which is why it wouldn't ring. Good thing hubby decided to eat some or I don't know when I would have found it. I just don't feel like potato chips right now. (Of course, if I hadn't left the bag there in the first place, it wouldn't have fallen in there.) And, I moved that dumb bag when I was looking for it. :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Aw, don't feel bad Deb, I was looking for mine the other day and you'll never guess where I found the stupid my other hand under the stack of bills I was putting in the box before going to run errands :/ :gig Now see, you shouldn't feel so stupid...that's my title these days ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm just glad I found the dumb thing.

Well, today I feel pretty much normal, but I'm not going to go crazy on getting stuff done. In a little bit, I'll get up and do some laundry and dishes-but that's it for at home this morning. Today at the farm, I'm going to get caught back up on the manure and hopefully get my hay put where it belongs-providing there's still gas in the tractor. :/ I have my doctors' appointments this afternoon and need to go in both Wal-Mart and maybe Best Buys. I'm really missing my mouse, so I'll see what I can find in Wal-Mart B4 heading to Best Buys. And, if I'm up to it when I get home, I'll cut up enough wood for tonight. If not, I'll just bring in some of the stuff I already have cut up.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you get feeling better sis :hugs DH is still moaning about the house, fussing at everything that dares make a move, scowling at everyone like it's their fault he got sick :lol: Bless his wittle heart, and you KNOW what I mean by THAT dontcha?! :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah, I've heard that expression a time or three B4. :lol:

I'm beat. This is the longest I've been up since Friday and I got done very little of what I wanted to do. I got a frantic call from a friend of mine. She had a horse stuck in the mud, was by herself and wanted to know if I could come over and give her a hand. I got there and found her in the field w/the horse on it's side and her tractor buried to the axles in the mud! The horse was so low in the mud, she was about level w/it! She had called 911 and they were no help. Told her to call AC. She did and an officer came out. Between the 3 of us, we were able to get the tractor cleared enough to be able to drag her out of the field and into the yard, but it was hours B4 she was able to get to her feet. Last I talked to my friend, she was up, grazing but cold. And, her blanket was wet and muddy. Since she's not far from my horses and her horse is also an Arab, I told her to go over to the farm and get Misty's blanket. (She's not wearing it cuz it's warm out) I'm hoping the horse will be OK. But, that took all my spare time. I just barely had time to get Stormy fed, the chickens and cats, get changed and make it to my doctors' appointments in time. By the time I got home, I was beat, so other than bringing in wood and getting a fire going, I did nothing. I hope tomorrow turns out better.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I've hoped tomorrow turns out better for two days now :lol: I really hope it does for the both of us...I think we could both use a break from the craziness!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today for the first time, I've actually eaten 3 meals! The only thing I didn't have was my coffee and I'll try that tomorrow.

I haven't been getting up in the morning w/hubby, but I'm going to try to get up at my normal time tomorrow. But, I did get the trash and the recyclables out B4 the trash trucks got here, so that was good.

At the farm, my field is clean again. It took longer than I would have liked, but it's done! Tomorrow, I'll finally be getting my hay taken care of. And, I've come to a decision w/Stormy. I've been watching him. And, quite often, he'll just stand there and not even attempt to eat the hay. I tried to chop hay, but it didn't work that well. Plus, he turned his nose up at it. He doesn't really like the hay pellets. So, I'm going to switch him to a senior feed. They're more of a complete feed. KN's horse is on one, so I got a handful of it and gave it to him. He loved it! And, it's cheaper than what I'm feeding him now. But, if I feed him that, get rid of the hay pellets and maybe the rice bran, I might actually be spending less. Well see.

Got home and cut up a whole bunch of wood. The wood holder in the basement is full. And, it should stay pretty full for quite some time. The next time it's supposed to go below freezing is next week! It's nice out there. In fact, it's so warm, I'm seeing a bunch of bugs and this evening I saw a bat!

When I was done w/the wood, I came in and did dishes. The oven is now empty. :somad I still have a few dishes on the table and even on the floor, but that's it! Tomorrow, I'm hoping to do some laundry and clean the bathroom. So, as long as I don't get sick again or have problems w/my Meniere's, I should be able to start getting caught up again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well today was a busy day. I got up at almost the normal time. I made 2 loaves of chocolate chip banana bread. I washed a load of clothes and put them out on the line. I cleaned the bathroom. Then, I went to the farm.

At the farm, I got my horses, CL's and KN's horses fed. Then, I moved my RB feeder, went and fed RU's horses since she's away, moved the tarps over my hay, cleaned up all around them, then went and got the tractor. I got the hay all moved around, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, fed the chickens, gave RU's horses a 2nd feeding, fed Cindy and left. By then, it was after 4:00! Got home, got the goats and bunnies fed, got the clothes off the line and went shopping. I didn't get home until after 7:30! Can I relax now?