Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It did. And, the first loaf is almost gone.

Today was another long day, but not as physical. I left super early since I had a continue ed program to go to at the Nature Center. It was fun, but long. (9:00-3:00) And then, I had to go back to the farm. It wasn't bad when I did it over the summer, but at this time of year, not so much since it gets dark so early.

One little exercise we did was something w/the water cycle. We had to go from one station to another and follow the direction, plus write down where we went. The, we had to write a story about our "adventure". That was fun. Then, we had to read them out loud. They liked mine. :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Got up this morning and knew hubby would be wanting to go out. We had some shopping we needed to do. So, I got the fire going, and got clothes in the washer pretty early. (Like around 6:00 am) Then, I started killing time. I put away 2 baskets full of clothes. I ironed 8 shirts. I got the clothes out on the line. I loaded the dishwasher and started washing dishes. Finally, around 10:30 hubby tells me, I'm getting ready to leave in 5, 10 minutes. Are you going to be ready? I will admit to feeling like smacking him. But, at least I got some more stuff done.

I had wanted to spend the day working outside, but we got rain overnight, so it was just too wet. :hit So instead, I went shopping w/hubby. But, I was able to get a new manure fork and a new mouse so it wasn't a wasted day. Once we got home, I jumped on the bike and went out to the farm to feed Stormy. It's taking him longer to eat, so while he was, I bagged some feed and worked on cleaning the field. I had just gotten to where I could ride the mower in there again, but now it's a muddy mess again. I didn't get it all done, but at least it's clean round the RB feeder.

Got home when it was getting dark out. And found that the clothes hardly dried at all, so they're in the dryer. Hopefully we'll start getting better weather for drying clothes. Or, at the very least, hopefully I'll be able to get the basement cleaned so I can start hanging clothes up down there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today really felt weird. CL fed for me this morning so for the first time in I don't know how long, I wasn't rushing around in the morning trying to get everything done B4 I headed to church. I also started at the new church this morning. So for the first time in I don't know how long, I got to go to church (other than visiting) and know I didn't have to do anything there. Of course, I know that won't last, but it was still nice.

I wasn't going to do anything when I got home, but they're calling for more rain overnight, and I'm almost out of wood in the house. I thought I'd be able to go for longer w/out cutting wood, but hubby wants the house warmer than I do, so I had to have the fire going more than I would have if it had been warm during the week. So, I cut up enough wood to replace what I've used, then took a walk in the woods. I'm hoping I can get in there on Tuesday and cut more wood up, and I wanted to see where the best place was to go.

I still had to go out and feed Stormy, Cindy and my chickens but wanted to go out as late as possible since I decided to go to church straight from the farm. Well, I forgot that this church starts at 6:30, not 6:00. So, I left later than I had planned to. But of course, w/the time of year that it is, it got dark B4 I had to leave. So, I'm sitting there trying to figure out what else I can do w/very little light when my phone rings. It had gotten really foggy, so they canceled church. I didn't really mind.

Now, I'm home playing on my computer and enjoying having a mouse that works.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had another gray day. I wanted to take the bike, but they were calling for rain, so I took the truck. I could have taken the bike. :/ It never rained the whole time I was out there.

My field is a muddy mess again, so that means I have to put all the manure in a bucket, then carry the bucket out of the field and dump it in the cart. But, at least I was able to start the mower today and dump the cart.

Because of all the gray days, I had to hook up my battery operated fence charger. But, the end broke off on the one end, so I had to replace the end. I had trouble doing that, but got it done, then found that it was shorting some place. So, I had to check the line to find out where the problem was. And I found it. Someone had leaned something metal up against the fence. It got knocked by a horse, and was on my wire. :he Some days I want out of there so bad, but just can't afford it yet. I'm trying my hardest to save money so I can get out, but hubby keeps spending.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I used to have to "hide" money if I really wanted to save it. Now, I just have a separate account where I stick it for saving. Probably not the best way to do it - but it works!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's why I have my own account for my animal expenses. Hubby can't get it. But, if I take any more than what I'm supposed to get, he throws a fit. But, he'll take whatever he wants. :rant

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is not going to be a very productive day out at the farm. It's still raining and everything out there is soaked! Yesterday, I cleaned my tack shed. It was just too miserable to do anything outside and I was freezing. I had hoped it would be better today. Well, it's not. I don't have blankets on anyone since I had taken Misty's home to wash and forgot to take it out yesterday. And, while I'd like to groom them B4 I blanket them, if they're wet, that won't work. Guess I'll be playing it by ear.

Once I get home, I don't know what I'll be doing either. I should really do some cleaning, but I just don't feel like it. I need to get out and get firewood, but it's just too wet out. I have enough inside for today and tomorrow and enough outside to maybe fill the wood holder halfway. And, it's all damp since it just never stops raining long enough for it to dry.

They've also changed the forecast for tomorrow. Now we're supposed to get showers then as well. It was supposed to be sunny out. But after this, we're supposed to get several days of dry weather again. I'm hoping everything dries out fairly quickly. Then hopefully, I can get the last of my hay next Friday and I can get in the woods and get a ton of wood. I probably won't stack it when I cut it, but leave it out so it can dry out, then put it in B4 we get the net system.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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What to do? Clean house. Because once the weather breaks you are NOT gonna want to be inside anymore :lol: I feel your pain, trust me! We have ice covered everything down here right now, and as it melts off, it'll be a mud slush mess tracked in the house constantly. YUCK! So, anyway, I get to work in that mess, and then clean up the house when we come in to thaw out so that we can go back out and do it all over again :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
But I don't wanna clean house. :hit

Right now, I'm a bit wet and cold. I had to help RU roll some RBs out of the top of the barn-and the one was wet! The horses were wet, so they didn't get groomed, just had their blankets thrown on them. Of course Misty and Licky acted like I was killing them. After all, blankets are evil! But, at least, they're warm and dry now.

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