Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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That does sound a little odd, but maybe it just looks like one he used to have or something that he liked that particular model trailer? Some people say I am too trusting though.......but you never really know :hu

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He might have been harmless, but I don't want to take a chance. I can't afford to replace it if it turns up missing. We got the lock, so I'll put it on tomorrow.

Right now, I should be sleeping, but my knee hurts. :( I took some motrin, but it's not helping.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 20, 2010
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I always say to trust your gut. If you THINK he was shady, and you act accordingly, you have nothing to fuss at yourself for later - and maybe you'll still have your trailer too!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Especially since I think he's been watching it. I couldn't understand everything he said, but he said something about it not being used. Well, I haven't used it since November-we haven't gone off property since then-but I sure do use it enough when the weather is nice. Once I get one of the smaller ones redone, I'll be taking the big one home and leaving it there. I'll take out one of the small ones and get another lock. Then, I'll only bring out the big one if it's needed.

I'm hoping to lease out Licky to someone who likes to trail ride. The daughter of a friend of mine wants to come over and ride in exchange for work. So, if I get some more weight on Stormy, I could go on a trail ride w/all 3 of my horses! I'd love to be able to do that. Stormy is actually looking better. I was almost afraid to take his blanket off since this winter was kind of rough. But, while he still needs some weight, he has filled out some! So, switching the feeds helped. And, he does better w/grass than hay, so having the grass for him to graze on is going to help. I'm thinking I need to get a rope and put that up while I'm there to keep them out of the seeded area so they'll graze in the parking area. Then, when I leave, take down the rope. This way, both sections will get grazed on.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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stick with your gut. course- i have been told i am too paranoid since that break-in so...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I agree with the others. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck....

Gotta trust your instincts in cases like this.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
KN called me this morning. My trailer was still there, but I had forgotten to turn the electric back on when I left yesterday, so of course, Licky got into the seeded area. :/ She got her out w/no problem, but I'll be glad when I'm able to open up that area. Then hopefully, she won't be trying to get in where she doesn't belong any more! And, I could tell that she tried to get into the hay first.

I didn't get everything done that I'd hoped to get done today. I worked in the garden for awhile this morning, but had to stop. I had choir practice at 1:00, and I was tripping over hubby, so I was late! I felt really bad-until I got to church, and the choir director wasn't there! She forgot! :lol: She finally got there, we practiced for a bit, then I headed for the farm. I couldn't start the mower yesterday, so I pulled the battery, brought it home, and charged it. It started today w/no problem, so I dumped the cart, then cleaned the rest of the field. I also folded up the cover for an old hay shelter and stuck it in my horse trailer. I have just a couple more things to move into the tack stall for now, plus some mats for a wash stall I'm going to try to sell. Then, I can move the trailer back. And yes, I did put the lock on it.

Stopped on the way home and got some onion sets and beets. I had hoped to get them in the ground today, but it didn't happen. So, on Monday, I'll finish getting the ground ready. I found a chart that suggests what to plant by moon phases up to the beginning of May, and the next time I can plant is Tueday thru Thursday, so we'll see how it goes.

I was going to do some dishes, but I'm beat, so they'll get done in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday morning, I got a call from KN. Once again, Licky was in the seeded area-and she couldn't get her out. Nor did she have time to mess w/her, so she just left her. But for some reason, she left her food in her bucket in her stall w/the door wide opened. So of course, Licky didn't get fed yesterday. I didn't realize it until too late to give her more food. There was an empty bucket in my tack shed, so I thought she had put the food in that, and put it in w/her. It wasn't until I talked to her later that I found out what she had done.

Once I had gotten her out, I took some baling twine and tied the electric down to all the posts. I'm hoping that she won't have been able to get in there overnight. And, since it was getting ready to rain, I put some lime down. I still need more lime, but I can do that later. I also got all the manure cleaned up, and got the cart dumped. I had to jump the mower again, but at least it started right up once I got the charger hooked up.

Today, I'll be opening up that section! So, that means I shouldn't have to worry about Licky getting in there. :lol: I have a little bit of work to do out there today, and should have time to work w/the horses! They all need a good grooming.

When I get home, I have just a little bit to do in the garden. Another hour or 2 at the most should see that all done! Then, I'll be cleaning out under the bunnies and the goat pen and putting all of that in there. I'll also be getting a bin set up for growing my potatoes. I plan on throwing a bunch of stuff in there from the goats.

It's getting warmer, so I'm not having to have a fire as much, so that's helping. I have a little bit of wood cut up and in the woodshed. I'm planning on using all of that up, then giving the woodshed a good raking out. I'm hoping that 1 more load of wood will see me thru the rest of the spring! I'm only bringing in enough wood for overnight-unless they're calling for rain the next day. So, hopefully next week, I can start on the big pile of green wood that I have.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score

Need I say more? :lol:

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