Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, seeing as I didn't buy a ticket, it would be kind of hard for me to have it. :lol: But, I had to stop on the way home and get some cheese for hubby, and there was a guy in there buying $100.00 worth of tickets! :ep

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If I had won that kind of money, I'd be out of NJ so fast it would make your head spin! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it's started. They're calling for 3-5". :hit


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Deb, there is a swatch across this part of the country where we all are sharing. about 4 inches last night, was raining/sleeting about an hour ago.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I would have been more than willing to let someone else have my share. The roads were worse going out to the farm than they were coming home. But, I got cold and couldn't get warm. So, once I got home, I didn't do anything for awhile. Plus, I'm beat. I need a day to do nothing w/no one bothering me. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday's snow is almost all gone! There was still snow on the ground when I hung out my clothes. And, there was still snow on the ground when I left (on my motorcycle.) By the time I got to the farm, almost all the snow was gone. I don't know if it was because they didn't get as much, or if it was just because it was warming up.

It's a muddy mess out at the farm again. I didn't even attempt to get my field cleaned up. There was just no easy way to do it. So, instead, I worked on cleaning the parking area. And, I've come to the conclusion that my horses are nuts. I decided to let the horses in there since the grass is coming up real nice in there. So, I got the wire set up, then opened the gate. Licorice watched me, but chose NOT to go thru the gate. However, if I didn't want her to go thru, she would have been out in a heart beat! So, I took off my belt, and walked up to Stormy. Put the belt around his neck and led him out. He was all excited to get out-for about 2 seconds. Then he realized Misty wasn't out there, so he ran back.

OK, I decided to take Misty out. After all, Story normally tries to follow me when I take her out. Well, today, he didn't! Misty was happy in there for about 10 seconds, then she ran out! :barnie

That left Licky. I got her out and she stayed out. I was hoping the other 2 would miss her and go looking for her. No such luck. And, Stormy needs the grass more than she does. So, I went and got Misty halter and lead, put them on her, and led her out. I then tied her to the trailer. I was heading back in to get Stormy's halter and lead when he came calling and looking for her. So, he came out in the parking area. I took her halter off, and they were all happy to be in there.

I did some more work in there, and I was getting hot! So, I decided to take their blankets off. I didn't bother to tie them up. Stormy was no problem. Then I took off Misty's. No problem. Then, I go to do Licky. Well, she didn't want me to come up near her. Then, she stopped for just a couple of seconds. I start getting her blanket unhooked. Stormy and Misty had moved, so they were near the gate going back into the field. Licky decides she's going to run into the field. And, when she started running towards the gate, the other 2 decided that's what they needed to do :he At least Licky did stop once she got in there, and let me take her blanket off. But, none of them tried to come back out and I didn't feel like messing w/them again.

Got home, had some lunch, did some house work, then went outside. And, I got to play in the dirt! I honestly don't know if they'll come up or not, but I had a few packs of old seed peas. So, I planted them today! If they don't come up, I'm not going to worry about it. I don't have the time to go get seeds right now, nor do I have the money. If I don't get anything out of them, I'll get some new seeds later on, and plant them in the fall. I'll be working on getting the rest of the garden ready, and I'll be getting some onions planted soon. If not this week, then next week.

It felt so good. This is the first time in years I've had the chance to get anything in this early. I also took a short walk in the woods. I need to get some small, dead red cedars to use in the garden for supports. Just in the quick walk I took, I saw almost all that I need!

I also did more wood. I'm going to have to go and get at least another load. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to get in there easily. I can see leaves coming out on some shrubs. And, I'm not sure how bad the ticks are in there. I think from now on, I'm going to have to get a shower and wash my hair after going on there. I don't need to get Lyme's disease.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had another fairly nice day today, so I let the horses in the parking area again. This time, it didn't take as much persuasion to get the horses out there. And, this time, they stayed! They were quite happy to be out there. Normally Stormy bothers me every little bit because he wants to eat his 2nd feeding. This time, he didn't. And, when I did give him his 2nd feeding, he wouldn't eat it-until I chased them back in the field. Then, he ate.

I got most of the parking area cleaned up! I just have a little section near my tack shed to take care of! I had been going to do it on Friday since I normally have a Bible study tomorrow. But, I got a call today that it's been canceled. So, I'll do it tomorrow instead. Then on Friday, I'll get the field cleaned again. It's still soupy in there, so I'm waiting a bit to give it a chance to dry out more.

Got home, and worked in the garden some more! The area that I was working on has more growing in it than the area I worked on yesterday, so it took me a lot longer. I hoped to be done that area by 6:00, but wasn't going to go over that-unless I was almost done. Well, I got done it right at 6:00! I need to get that area all done so I can get my onions in. Then, I'll get the section next to that done, and hope I have time to get things like carrots, radishes, spinach, etc in.

I got enough wood done for tonight, did some dishes and now I'm relaxing a bit. I'm almost ready to go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Every March, the county runs what they call a tire amnesty program where you can turn in up to 25 tires w/no questions asked. They want homeowners to get rid of them B4 mosquito season. For some reason, I thought they were also collecting used motor oil. And, we had quite a bit to get rid of. So, hubby had loaded it all up in my truck. I was going to go to the bank, then go and drop off the stuff, then go to the feed store, then go feed. But I got to thinking about it. I have to pass w/in a mile of the farm to get to the drop off point. There's a branch of the bank near the feed store. Plus, I needed gas and there's a gas station right next to the bank. So, I swung by and fed first.

So, I get there, and once again Licky was stuck! This time, it was in w/the hay. She had managed to get completely in the section, and must have been in there for quite some time. I had to clean up several piles of poop! And, she couldn't get any of the hay cuz it was well covered. Plus, there was still hay in the RB feeder. So, I don't know why she had to get in there.

Got them all fed, and ran the stuff over. I get there and found that they weren't collecting the oil now, but in April! There was no way I was leaving the stuff in the back of my truck until then, nor was I going to take it out and take it another day. The township has a dump site, so I figured I'd have to run it over there later. Went to the bank, the gas station, the feed store, then back to the farm. I get there, put up the wires and had them all waiting for me at the gate. Of course, Stormy thought I'd come back to give him his 2nd feeding, but it was too early for that. So, I just opened the gate and let them all in there. They were happy.

I got quite a bit done. And, what a difference it's making in how things look! Next week, I'm probably going to get there, and have days when I don't have to do a ton of other stuff! Plus, the daughter of someone from church wants to come out and help me some in exchange for riding time. And, according to her mother, she's a good rider and about my size! So, since I want to get Licky out on the trails, and can't ride her and Misty at the same time, this could really work out for me.

When I left the farm, I went and dropped off all the oil, then went home. Had a lunch break, then went and worked in the garden. I got another strip prepared! And, it didn't take as long as the last section! Then I did some firewood, got a shower, ate dinner, did dishes and went to a Holy Thursday service at church. I was supposed to pick someone up first, get there and find out she's sick and not going. She forgot I was coming, so didn't call. At least it wasn't too far out of my way. :/

Today is supposed to be warmer, so I should be able to get quite a bit done outside today. I was actually glad yesterday that I had taken the truck! It was much colder than I was expecting, and we even had a bit of sleet! :barnie I want Spring!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, maybe I'm just paranoid, but I had something happen today that really made me feel uneasy. A guy shows up at the farm. I've never seen him B4 in my life, and something about him just didn't sit right. And, he wants to know if my trailer is for sale. The trailer I'm currently using is an old, steel 16' stock trailer. I cannot image why anyone would pull into a horse farm and ask to buy a trailer when there's no for sale sign out. There's no ad on CL. And, I know of people who have had them stolen for scrap. So, I called hubby. Instead of working in the garden like I'd planned, we're going to run to TSC and get a hitch lock. And, if it's not raining on Sunday, I'll be moving the trailer behind my shed. I've got it clean there now, so this way, it won't really be noticeable from the road.

Of course, he could be perfectly legit, but like I said, he made me uneasy. And, I'd rather be safe than sorry. RU is going to keep an eye on it overnight and I'll get the lock on it tomorrow.

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