Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm tired and I ache all over! I had a very busy, but mostly good day.

Get to the farm, got everyone fed, had someone stop and want manure, so I let them in so they could fill their pickup bed. Once they were done, I got to work. I was able to get the mower started. I had the electric up, but put it down to get out. But what I didn't see cuz RU was parked in the lane was that Licky got out on the other side. So, I turned off the mower, and went down to LF's field so I could catch her. Get her back in the parking area, go and dump the manure and come back up. I got in w/out her getting out.

I drive into the field and up to the stone pile. Rather than fill the cart up completely, I put several shovel fulls in, then tried to drive into Stormy's stall. The mower did fine, but the cart got stuck. So, I went back and got the shovel and shoveled some out. I was then able to pull into the stall and dump the stones. Went back and got some more stones, and dumped them in front of the door. Realized I didn't have enough in, so got another load and dumped it. Got all of that raked out, then got started on getting more stones in. I found the best way was to get a load, drive in, dump it, drive out and go over to the pile and park. Then, I'd rake what I had just dumped.

After working for awhile, I had to take a break from the stones to put the last of the boards in at the bottom of the stalls. It took me less than an hour! And, seeing as it took me an hour to do the first 2 the other day, I figure I did pretty good! Got back to work.

The good news is, I got a bunch of the stones in the stalls. The bad news is, I didn't finish. And, I'll admit to being a bit upset. This is all work that KN was supposed to help me w/years ago and I could NEVER get her to help. We're doing better as friends now that we're not sharing a space, but I really wish she had helped me do all this years ago. My life would be much easier now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wish I could have finished a lot earlier yesterday. It's cold out there! I need a fire. :(

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Fire sounds good I am huddled nest to a little heater here at work keeping my feet warm. My fault though, sun was out so I wore the very unpractical cute shoes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I do have a little bit of dry wood I can cut up-which is good. We got rain last night, so anything I'd haul out of the woods would be wet. And, I wish it would warm up and stay warm! This week coming up, we're back into the upper 50s, low 60s. That's not typical weather for this area at this time of year.

CW, hope your tootsies don't get too cold!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today hubby and I did something different, something we hadn't done in a long time. We worked together in the yard! It made a HUGE difference in the amount I was able to get done! If we can do the same every evening this week, we'll have the majority of the worst stuff cleaned up! And maybe after that, we can start working IN the house!

At the farm today, in spite of the rain last night, I didn't have to put on my muck boots! Putting the stones in the stalls and in front of them meant that the stalls were dry, and there wasn't a ton of mud to sink into in front of the doors. I've decided that after I dumped the cart, I'm going to put more stones down. And, I'll do that every time I empty it until the stones are all in place.

It's going to be cold again tonight, so I dragged home a piece of sassafras, cut that up as well as some of the dry stuff I had in the wood shed. The sassafras burns quickly, but that's OK. I don't need a huge fire, so that will be good.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I am SO glad I didn't transplant my starts yet! It got cold last night-as in below freezing. And, they WEREN'T calling for that. If they had been, I would have had the heater going in the green house. I was afraid when I got up and saw how cold it was that all my starts were going to be dead. So, I quick put on my flip flops, grabbed a flashlight and ran outside. (Probably not the smartest move cuz now my ankle hurts. :( ) They were all fine, but since I didn't have the heater in there, I grabbed my starts and took them in the house. I now have a fire going and am hiding in the house hoping it warms up soon!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wow...yeah i am glad my life has been too crazy to get mine in the ground as well. I would have lost SO many!! Glad you were able to save them. It sucks to lose all that hard work!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, they weren't all fine. :( My slicing tomatoes look fine, but I lost all of my grape tomatoes, and most of my sauce tomatoes. :hit But, at least I think it's still early enough in the year to get more started. I haven't had any luck getting peppers and eggplants to come up, and had those in the house.

Today was not the best day I've had. Not only did I lose most of my maters, but had a semi horrible day at the farm. I get there, get my guys fed, feed CL's horses, then go to feed KN's horse. No sign of her in her field. KN forgot once again to latch the gate. :he And, she stepped on my foot when I was getting her back. :somad

I got my field cleaned-which filled the cart. Go to start the mower, and can't find the key! I cleaned up my tack shed trying to find it. I had no luck. I cannot figure out where the key could have gotten to. So, I'm going to have to buy another one. I had planned on working on the stones more, but that didn't happen. So, that means the next time I'll be able to work on it is Friday at the earliest.

The electric that I have up in the parking area doesn't quite reach, so I had a piece of rope tied on the one end to make it long enough. For Stormy and Misty, it's not a problem. However, Licky is another story. She figured it out and got out, so I had to stop what I was doing, and go and get her. I stuck her in the field, then took a piece of wire and added that to the electric rope. I went to get my fence checker to make sure the charge was going thru all the way. The end pulled off. :rant But, I was able to get it to work. Had to fiddle w/the wire a bit, but finally got it to work. Let Licky back in for a bit, then fed Stormy, got hay out and left.

It's still cold. I'm going to have to do more wood.


Jun 27, 2011
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Sorry about your tomatoes! We got down to 37 so they are ok. I hope you have a much better evening and tomorrow!

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