Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Can I go back to bed? I'm still tired! But, I have too much to do to do that, so I guess I have to keep going. It's going to be a beautiful day out. If I didn't have so much to get done, I'd take a day off and go canoeing. But, they're calling for it to get colder next week, so that's out. So, my list for today:

1. Take out trash (done)
2. Clean kitchen (done)
3. Practice piano (done)
4. Wash and hang out a bulk load of laundry (it's in the washer right now)
5. Work in living room
6. Feed animals and put out hay
7. Finish run-in (the batteries are charged and sitting upside down in my boots so I don't forget them)
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
9. Run some errands
10. Work outside
11. Feed goats
12. Make and eat dinner (salmon loaf)
13. Do dishes
14. Go to choir practice.

I don't feel like going out tonight, but have to go. But I should be home earlier than I was last night, so I should be able to get to bed earlier. I'm still not sleeping the greatest. I think part of my problem last night was I forgot to crack open the window and it got too stuffy in ther

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was so tired last night, I almost fell asleep sitting at my computer. But at least I don't have to go out tonight, so I should be able to get a good night's sleep tonight. Today is going to be the last "good" day we have for a few days. While we have fog right now, and it's supposed to be cloudy, at least it's not supposed to rain. But, we could get showers tomorrow and Saturday morning, then a wintry mix on Sunday w/rain on Monday! So, I'll be getting a load of wood. W/where I have to go, I'm thinking I'm going to go in a couple of stores over that way. I don't think I'll be able to do any other work outside today. I was able to get the one flower garden finished weeded yesterday, but I know it will all need to be done good next year. But at least then, I should have more time. So, my list for today:

1. Work on bedroom (done)
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Wash and hang out a load of laundry (it's in the washer now)
4. Feed animals, move RB feeder and put out hay
5. Go to Bible study
6. Clean field
7. Feed Stormy, take care of chickens
8. Go to a couple of stores
9. Get a load of wood, unload it and fill wood holder in basement
10. Work on living room
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Dishes

The past few nights, hubby hasn't been home for dinner. Is it wrong of me to be loving that? So, I've only had dishes from myself to do. And it doesn't take long. Plus, I'm cooking what I want to cook w/out having to worry about tripping over him, or having him complain that he doesn't want to eat that. I'm getting some leftovers made to freeze for when I'm super busy and don't have time to cook

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't get everything done today. They've been working on our road. When I went to leave this morning, I couldn't get out of my driveway-there was a truck blocking it! But, our road is now wide enough to drive 2 cars down at the same time. Since I was late leaving, I didn't get as much done as I'd planned B4 leaving for Bible study Bible study went over, so by the time I was able to leave the farm, it was after 2:00-about an hour later than I'd planned on leaving.

Went to Wally World. But, I don't normally go to this one, and had trouble finding what I was looking for. Had to go to a couple of other stores, but they went quick. Then I had to get a load of wood. By the time I got home, it was 4:30. Fed the goats and got the clothes off the line. They weren't quite dry (sun never came out today), so I threw them in the dryer, then started to unload the wood. Got the wood holder in the basement filled, and got some into the wood shed, plus put the stuff that's too long on a pallet. But, I didn't get it all unloaded. It was dark out, I was hungry and tired, so I decided to leave the rest there. I just hope it's not raining too hard tomorrow afternoon, I'll get it done then. Dinner I just made some soup. I also worked for a bit on a Christmas present I'm making. I'm not doing the dishes tonight, there's not that many of them, so I'll do them tomorrow. I'm going to relax on here for a bit, then work some more on that gift, then go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I don't have a really big list since I won't be able to do much outside. But what I have will get a lot done around here and (hopefully) make my life easier. It will mean that for the first time in a long time, all I'll need to do to the living room weekly is vacuum a couple of times a week and dust! So, my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Feed animals, put out hay
3. Go to volunteer meeting at the Nature Center
4. Clean chicken coop and set up some more perches (weather permitting)
5. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
6. Blanket horses (Not the easiest thing to do. Stormy just stands there, Misty and Licky act like I'm trying to kill them)
7. Finish cleaning living room
8. Feed goats
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Do dishes

I'll be taking some breaks while cleaning and when I do, I'll work on this Christmas present I'm making.

Hubby wants me to make a list of what I want for Christmas. I doubt I'll get it, but I'm going to ask for a better riding mower. Thing is, I don't really need anything. There's some solar lights I want for the front, a couple of tube of wormer, some new feed buckets, another big mixing bowl and a square. And that's it. Anything else would be just clutter. I have enough clothes and don't need nor want any more dust collectors. But if he and the kids all chip in, they could get me a mower w/no problem. I see them on CL all the time.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, the weather cooperated today, and I was able to get the perches in the hen house. I'm hoping they'll actually use them. They've been sleeping in the nesting boxes, and they were filthy! So hopefully, this will stop them. I cleaned it into the muck bucket I use for cleaning up the field. Then, I stuck that right in the back of the truck, got it home and dumped it in my composter. The only thing I have left to do is dishes. I've been working on the living room and the Christmas present today. I'll work on one for awhile, then the other. By switching back and forth like that, I'm actually getting more done cuz I'm not getting overly tired of either. Think once I'm done the living room, I'll find another project to do, and tackle the bedroom in the same way.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It got colder overnight, which is good. I need to clean my field today, so hopefully w/the dryer weather, I'll be able to dump the cart w/out having to worry about getting stuck.

Not sure what all I'm going to get done today. I have a bird walk and my 4-H meeting this morning. But, these are my goals:

1. Bird walk
2. 4-H
3. Feed Stormy, put out hay and take care of the chickens
4. Clean field
5. Work in living room
6. Go to 2 live Nativities, then dinner (I don't have to cook or do dishes!)

Any extra time I'll spend working on the Christmas present. Only problem I have is it's taking more of the one thing than I realized I was going to need, and I'm not sure when I'll have the time to go and get more of it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Had no kids for 4-H today. So, I'm going to continue to advertise the meetings in the Nature Center Newsletter thru April, then if I'm still not getting kids, that's it. I was planning on giving it up after next year, but I don't feel like putting in the time and not having the kids.

Thought hubby was going out today and get my supplies while he was out. Well, he didn't go. So that means I'll have to find the time tomorrow to run to the store and get the rest of the stuff I need. He's not going to be home until I'm not sure what time. He's going to a tailgate party in Philly. He's barely been home all week and I find myself wishing I had a cat and a dog in the house. I've not really missed him being here, I just wish I had a couple of animals in the house to keep me company.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They were so wrong on the forecast! The forecast was for some light snow to start falling around noon, w/less than an inch B4 changing over to rain. So, I figured I'll have plenty of time to get everything done that I wanted to do out at the farm B4 heading home. When I cleaned my field yesterday, the cart wasn't full, so I didn't dump it. I figured I'd be able to clean the field today, then dump it right B4 I left. And, I'd planned on getting hay into the hay nets for tomorrow since it's supposed to rain then.

I get to church. It was just starting to snow some very fine, light flakes. I go in the church and tell them it's snowing. An older woman decided that she was going to go home then. Once Sunday School started, I never had the chance to check to see what it was doing outside. Between Sunday School and church, I play the piano for the kids, so I couldn't check then. Then right after church, we had choir practice. Get done, get my coat on, walk outside and find that the ground is completely covered! I was glad I had a broom w/me in the truck.

Get the truck all swept off, and change my boots. I had to change them since I would have slip and slid all over w/the ones I had on, but I decided not to worry about putting on my Carhartt. I just wanted to get done ASAP and get home. It's only about 5, 6 miles from the church to the farm, but it took forever to get there. I knew CL would not be showing up today, and I can't say I blame her. So, I fed Stormy, then fed her guys and checked the farm chickens for eggs. I'm so glad that I have the sbs and a sled. Only problem being, the sled had no rope on it. So, I put one on real quick, then grab a bale of hay and put it on the sled. Had no problem getting that to the RB feeder and putting the hay out. Go back to the hay shelter and grab another bale of hay. This one i put in the feed stall. Tomorrow, I'll divided into 3 parts, put it in the hay nets and put the hay nets in the run in.

Now I have to take care of the chickens. The boys were not coming out of their little house. I got water for everyone and put that out. Then I went and got feed and scratch grains. The rest of the chickens were all in the run in. I called them. 3 of them came out, looked at me like I was nuts, then went back in. I did NOT feel like chasing chickens in the snow, so I left them out. By then, both Stormy and CL's horses were done eating. Turned them all loose, and came home! It took me almost 2x as long to get here as normal.

Got home, fed the goats and put their hay in their shelter. Then came in the house. I now have the heater on, have the fire going and I'm staying in for the rest of the day. They're now calling for 3-6" of snow B4 it changes over so I figure home is a good place to be.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of time inside this week. I don't know how much snow we actually got. Philly had 8" on the field when the Eagles were playing. I turned on the game near the end and they had to stop playing for a bit so they could get a snow blower out to figure out where the end zone was-then the Eagles scored a TD. It warmed up overnight and rained some, and it's going to be warm and wet today. But, I don't know if it will get rid of all the snow out there. Then tomorrow there's supposed to be a wintry mix B4 changing to all snow then it's going to get cold and sunny for the rest of the week! I don't know if I'll be able to work on my garden anymore this year or not. It just got too cold to quickly. And, I don't know what I'll be getting done at the farm. I really wish hubby had done everything he was going to do. I still don't have my heater hooked up nor my solar panels up. If I had them, I could probably take my laptop to the farm and spend time doing research. I can take my tablet, but it's not quite the same. So, my list for today is:

1. Put away a load of laundry (done)
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Clean living room completely
4. Sort a bunch of socks
5. Feed animals, put hay in hay nets and hang in stalls
6. Clean out tack shed and feed stall
7. Feed RU's animals (she's away)
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed, take care of chickens
9. Run to a couple of stores in the area and see if I can get the supplies I need for finishing this Christmas present
10. Feed goats
11. Bring in wood
12. Decorate tree-I have it up, but need to move it over a bit-it's sticking me in the back when I practice the piano!
13.Make and eat dinner
14. Dishes

I'm really wishing we had a slimmer tree. When we got this one, we didn't realize it was as big as it was. The only place I can store it is in the basement, and I have to make 3 trips to get it all down there. Plus, it's pretty wide. I've already decided that the next tree I get will not be as wide. The height is fine, but not the width.

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