Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today and tomorrow are going to be busy days. We're supposed to get our worst storm of the winter Wednesday night into Thursday. They're calling for snow changing to sleet/freezing rain/rain/snow w/4-8 inches of snow. So, depending on the timing, it could be a real mess here! I would not be surprised if we lost power. I'm thinking of getting some extra money tomorrow, and making sure we have gas for the generator. And, I'm planning on getting a load of wood tomorrow. But after that, they are calling for it to start warming up. I hope they're right. So, my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Clean bathroom
3. Work on living room
4. Feed animals, put out hay
5. Clean field
6. Talk to RU
7. Feed Stormy, take care of chickens, bag feed
8. Go to my appointments and Wally World (I have GOT to get some sewing machine needles so I can finish my wood carrier!)
9. Feed goats
10. Bring in wood
11. Do dishes
12. Work on wood carrier

I cooked a big ham last night, so dinner will probably be left overs.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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At this point in time they really have no idea what's going to happen. One forecast I saw called for about an inch of snow B4 changing to rain. Another called for 6-10 inches. I've already told RU I might not be able to make it on Thursday, but will leave everything all set up for her for just in case.

Well, I got my needles and did some more of my wood carrier, but didn't finish. Hubby stopped on his way home, and got home earlier than I was expecting. And, he's been driving me nuts. So, I didn't get the carrier done, nor did I do the dishes.

I'm really wondering if he and I are going to last. Tonight he told me that he never wanted horses but figures he's stuck w/them. Really made me feel good. I'm really feeling like I was deceived when we first started dating. I had a dog in the house. He never said a word about it. And, he brought me home a kitten after we got married. Now he says he doesn't want animals in his house. He knew from the get go that my dream was to have a house in the country w/enough room for horses. Now he says he never wanted horses. And when we first started dating, he stopped drinking because he had to choose between me and the drinking. Plus, he went w/me to church and Bible studies. I feel like either he deceived me or he is not the man I married.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't know what all I'm getting done today. The local forecast on TV is showing about an inch of snow B4 changing to rain. But, and both show that we're going to get several inches of snow. So today is going to be spent prepping the best I can. If I get housework done, that will be a bonus. I have 2 loads of clothes I need to wash. I have to make bread. I have to get a load of wood. I have to get the horses done and have everything set up tomorrow for just in case.

I still have the old fridge in the kitchen. And since hubby didn't take the doors off, or leave them opened, it's now all moldy in there. That has got to get cleaned out so it can go outside. I am sick and tired of it being in the house. If I have to, I'll put it out myself. I don't know how I'll do it, but it will get done.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hugs! I hope you get lots done today!
Who knows what we'll get. At this point I've given up caring lol


Power Conserver
Dec 29, 2010
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So I have been reading your journal for a long time. cast him out is what I think. You work harder, he is a drag on you and seems lazy to me. Whose name is the house in? Boy I sound heartless but enough is enough

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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House is in both of our names. Right now, I'm not ready to make any move like that. I'm not able to support myself at this point in time. And if I were to get a job now, I wouldn't be able to get everything finished. I'm hoping to get my book finished next month, then I'll see about getting it published. If I'm able to do that, that will give me some money and at least help me get closer to being able to support myself.

Fridge is out! I got it all cleaned out, had the doors propped opened, and it stunk! I had already taken out all the shelves. So, I decided I was going to take the doors off so that he'd have no reason NOT to take it out. In order to get the one door off, I had to tip the fridge. (I leaned it against the table) And, I realized that it wasn't that heavy. I got the doors off, and was just going to leave it sitting there. Then, I tried to move it. It moved real easy, so I decided to try to get it out. I had to lay it down to get it out, but it wasn't that hard. Then I stood it back up. So it's out!

Because of the forecast, I decided to do the smart thing. I got the hay nets filled and hung in the stalls. I don't know for sure when or if it's going to change to rain at the farm. I think where I live is right about at the line between a lot of snow or more rain. But this way, I don't have to get into the hay if it's bad out. I also got as much of the manure cleaned up as I could. Some of it is frozen to the ground.

Once I was finally able to leave the farm, I went and got a load of wood. I didn't get home until around 3:30. Got the fire going and swept the floor under the wood holder and put all the pieces of bark, etc in the wood stove. Then I got the goats fed and started to unload the wood. I got more of my wood carrier done, but it's not finished. I'll get it done on Friday. It took me until almost 6:30 to get all the wood out! The wood holder in the basement is full and I stacked some of the wood in the wood shed. The rest, I dumped in there. Some of it is too big, but I just didn't have the time to stack it properly.

I cooked some frozen pizza real quick, then headed out. I had choir practice tonight. I was glad to get out of the house. Hubby was drunk. And he has off tomorrow. I just hope he's not going to drive me completely nuts tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm up and the forecast calling for 1-2 inches of snow was sooooo wrong! I'm not sure how many inches we've gotten. The snow plow has gone thru. I heard hubby up, and figured he do the stove. He didn't touch it! So I hope it burns OK for me.

I'm not sure what all I'm going to get done. I still haven't made my bread, but don't think I'm going to try it today. We could lose power. And since he's home, I'm not sure what all I'm going to get done. I've checked the hourly, and since they've plowed the roads, if I go out a bit late, I should be OK for doing the horses. We have a band of just rain that's supposed to move in. So, that's when I'll be doing them.

The good thing? Next week, it's supposed to start warming up! So hopefully, I'll FINALLY be able to get stuff done outside. And, if he gets my bike running, then I should be able to start riding it soon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
How much do you have? I'm sure we've got over a foot already. Is raining now but supposed to turn back to snow and we could get another 2-5". We'll see I guess.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not sure. I think we got about a foot B4 it changed to rain. The rain has compressed it. And we can get more snow tonight, just don't know how much.

Yesterday I got to thinking about how nice it would be to have a break. I have not had a day when I haven't had to go out to the farm since I got sick last year. Well RU called and told me not to come out. This wasn't quite what I had in mind. I just hope she doesn't have a problem. I had left everything all set up for just in case, so we'll see. I have a feeling that my chickens are going to spend the day in the hen house.

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