Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've had days like that. Never did soak last night. I just felt too tired to even think about it. So instead, I relaxed and read. And, I also didn't do the dishes, work on the basement or my book. But today is supposed to be a fairly nice day, so I might get some done today. So, my list for today:

1. Clean bathroom
2. Practice piano
3. Feed animals and put out hay
4. Clean field
5. Clean truck as much as I can-hopefully I can find my propane!
6. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
7. Feed goats
8. Work in basement
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Do dishes
11. Work on book

I felt like I was missing something, and realized that it was do wood and laundry. The laundry is all caught up, and most of the wood is as well. However, on Thursday, I'll be doing both.

I'm wondering how much snow there is at the farm. I'm hoping we didn't get much. If we didn't, then between the warmer temps today and the rain tomorrow, we should finally have all the snow gone! And if that happens, my chickens will hopefully come out of their pen. I just hope they start laying again soon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
They have no clue what this mess will bring us tomorrow. They are saying Ice rain and snow.... just to cover all the bases I guess. Not good!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm about ready to try it. :lol:

Today was a much better day-it wasn't snowing or raining! And, even though we only got a couple of peeks of sunshine, I still manged to get a lot done. W/the exception of working on my book, everything on my list is done plus a couple of extra things!

Last year, RU had a hen go broody late and hatch out a couple of chicks. She got 12 more at the auction, and since the hen can't count, added them in. Only problem being, a rat got half of them. So, we moved them to where they were safe until they got big enough. But, out of the 7, 5 are roosters, one's a hen and one weren't not sure about yet. And the roosters have been gang raping all the hens. KN tried to pen them up last week, but the pen she put them in had no top to it, so they just flew out. Today, she figured out another place to put them, but she needed to do a bit to it make it escape proof. I helped her to that, then helped her round up the roosters. I'm sure the hens will be very happy once they realize they're gone.

Once I was done that, I worked on cleaning out my truck. The front seat was pretty much clean, so I started working on the back seat. Stuff that was good went in the front seat. Recyclables went in the bed, and the trash went in a bag. When I got home, I took everything off the front seat and either put it away or threw it away.

Most of the snow is gone out at the farm. And for the first time in I'm not sure how long, my chickens decided it was OK to come out of the pen! Of course, I did bribe them a bit w/some corn. But once they got out, they were fine. They were running all over. I think they were happy to be out. If we get any more snow, I think I'm going to shovel a path from their pen to the run in and then into the front part of the field. I'm still not getting any eggs, but hope I will soon now.

Since it's supposed to rain tomorrow, rather than putting out the trash and recyclables in the morning, I put them out today. That way, I won't get as wet. Then I worked in the basement for a bit. I'm able to see more of the floor! Some stuff I burned, some stuff got trashed, and some stuff got put in the good pile. Then I did dishes, got a shower and ate. Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 working on my book, then heading for bed.

I have made one decision, though. Hubby stopped on the way home. Normally when he does that, I work either until he calls and tells me he's on his way home, or 7:00. Tonight I went until 5:00. And, that's all the later I'm planning on working. Otherwise, I do too much and wear myself out.

Hubby's home now, and he's driving me nuts. He got mad cuz I didn't make him any dinner. I'm sorry, if you don't get home until close to 7:00, don't expect me to make you anything. I cook what I like then. It would be different if he was working, but when he's going out, I have no idea when he's getting home or if he's eating.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We got some rain overnight, and they're calling for more today. And it's going to be a cold rain! Then over the weekend, we could get a ton of snow. Right now, it's still too early to tell. I hope we don't. I want to go for a walk in the woods, but won't do it if the weather's really bad. If it's just a normal snowfall, yeah, I'll go, but not if it's a blizzard!

I would really love to send some of this moisture out to CA. I'm sure they'd appreciate it at this point in time. I'm not looking forward to the muddy mess at the farm today, and am glad I have choir practice this morning. So, my list for today is:

1. Clean kitchen (I still have the old fridge sitting in there, so I'll have to clean around it)
2. Practice piano
3. Feed animals, put out hay (I filled the hay nets yesterday, so I'll hang them in the stalls today)
4. Choir practice
5. Feed Stormy and take care of the chickens
6. Run a few errands
7. Feed goats
8. Make bread
9. Work in bedroom
10. Make and eat dinner
11. Dishes
12. Work on book

I've finally figured out why we use so many dishes for just the 2 of us. Hubby made himself something last night and used 3 plates! I am NOT happy about that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't quite get everything done yesterday. I didn't realize until I got to the farm that we had had some sleet and freezing rain earlier. It never did get very warm. There's a row of white pines along the road, and they were covered in ice! It made it hard for me to pull out onto the road when I left for choir practice because the branches were hanging down so low, I couldn't see the road in that direction! And I really wished I had hung the hay out the day B4. In spite of her water proof blanket, Licorice was shivering. I think part of the problem is, it's a bit too short for her and I can't afford to buy her another one right now. This one leaves her butt exposed. B4 next winter hits, I'm going to have to get her one. So, I'll be keeping an eye on the weather for the rest of the winter. We get any more systems moving in like this, the hay will be inside-even though it means it will be harder for me to clean.

I never did get my bread made yesterday. There were power outages all over, and I just didn't want to take the chance of having no power, so I'll have to make it another day. Don't know that I'll have time today. And, I didn't do the dishes. It took me longer than I was expecting to do the kitchen, so I'll have to do them today. Plus I'm struggling to even want to do things right now. I think a good part of it is the weather. We have not had any sun all week. Plus on both Monday and Wednesday, we had cold, rainy days so I got cold and wet. I didn't want to do anything else once I got home. I'm really wondering if I have a vitamin D deficiency as well. Just might have to start taking some D3 as a precaution.

I'm wondering how bad it's going to be out at the farm. Several areas of it are flooded. And it got down in the low 20s last night. Today is not supposed to go above freezing and tomorrow it's supposed to be just above freezing. I'm thinking of taking some ice skates and skating in the riding arena. Maybe even making a fire next to it so I can warm up if need be. :D

I had been going to hang a load of clothes out on the line. But, I don't really want to be putting up clothes when it's this cold out-especially since it's not going to warm up that much, so my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Wash and put away a load of laundry
3. Feed animals and put out hay
4. Go to Bible study
5. Feed Stormy and clean field
6. Cut up some of the stuff I brought home last year and fill the wood holder downstairs
7. Feed goats
8. Work in bedroom
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Do dishes
11 Work on book

If I have time, I need to make a new wood carrier. Mine ripped. I have the material, just haven't had the time to make the new one.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
So how much ice did you guys get? We had about 1/4" and I think that maxed out about midmorning, and then started melting. We had a tiny peek of sunshine yesterday afternoon late, which helped a LOT to dry the roads so that this morning wasn't so bad. We were lucky I think... Now, on to the blizzard of the weekend, or whatever's gonna happen....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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W/the exception of one spot, my field doesn't get a puddle, so I don't have a big problem w/ice. However, CL's horses stayed in the one area of the field basically all day. Roads were fine.

I forgot to put the laundry in the washer this morning, so while the clothes are clean, I didn't get them put away. I was going to do it while I was making dinner since hubby stopped, but he came home earlier than I was expecting. And since I normally put the folded clothes on the couch, I couldn't do that. I don't think he would have appreciated me putting the clothes on top of him.

Didn't fill up the wood holder completely, but it's over half full. I'll do more tomorrow. Since some of the wood is too short, it can be hard to fill it all the way w/out having the wood falling out. But, I did cut up some of the stuff I brought home in the spring! So, I feel like I'm making progress.

Worked in the bedroom some. I have an old dresser that's full of craft stuff, sewing supplies, trash and junk. I got some of that cleaned out. I also got part of my new wood carrier made. I think I'll be able to finish it up in the morning.

Hubby is driving me nuts more and more. I'm looking forward to the day I have the house all clean and can have dinner early. Then, I can go and hide downstairs on either my computer, working on a book, reading or studying.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had a volunteer meeting at the Nature Center this morning, so I didn't type up my list. I just didn't have time. And, rather than going out to the farm, then going to the NC, then back, I decided that I was just going to go to the NC, then the farm. The meetings are normally done around 10:00, so I figured I'd be getting there around the same time. Meeting went longer than expected, so I got to the farm later than expected. But, since I didn't have a whole lot that I wanted to get done, I figured it would work out OK.

Got all the animals fed, and hay put out, then started working on cleaning the field. It actually got up in the lower 40s today, so I was able to get up most of the frozen manure! I also spent a few minutes talking to RU. I was almost done cleaning my field when I heard a bunch of banging in CL's field. I looked over. Her one horse had tried to roll too close to a fence-and had gotten hung up. I ran over to see what I could do. At first, I thought his feet were stuck. Nope, they were fine. He needed to roll the other way, but couldn't. So, I ran and got RU. In order to flip him, you need to get a rope on his far feet, then from behind him, pull the ropes to flip him over. Well, he was just too big for us to flip! But, the guys were there working on the addition to the house, so she called for one of them to come over. Between the 3 of us, we were able to flip him. Once he was on the other side, he got right up. If I had not heard him, he would have probably died, so I'm glad I was there.

This put me behind on when I wanted to leave. But I was still able to get home and do some work. My basement is more clean. I even took the vacuum cleaner down and did some vacuuming! And, the wood holder in the basement is full. I even cut up some of the wood I got in the spring! The laundry is put away. Didn't bother w/the dishes cuz there's not that many dirty. I practiced the piano, and fed the goats. So, I got almost everything done today that I wanted to do. The only thing I wasn't able to finish was my wood tote. I was working on it this morning. I needed to sew up the sides then attach the handles. I figured I wouldn't be able to get the handles on, but that would be it. Got the long sides done. Got one of the short sides done, then got started on the 2nd side. And my needle broke! I know I have more needles, but the only one I could find wasn't the right size. So, now I'm going to have to wait until I get more needles to finish it.

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