Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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:thNO CHOCOLATE?? OMG - call 911!

We try to have a piece of chocolate every night, but we do the dark chocolate with very little sugar. DH goes for the 90% stuff that is really, really, not sweet... I usually do the 80ish percent which is not really sweet either, but at least its not bitter!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm craving sweets right now, but I'm also about ready to go to bed, so I should get thru the night.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Craving sweets and chocolate is a sign of adrenal fatigue. It can also be a magnesium deficiency. Getting some good chelated magnesium could help with that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't have much in the way of cravings today, so that's good. I figure not eating the chocolate is also helping my grocery bill.

It feels good to sit down! And, I think I'm going to sleep good tonight. I'm excited w/what all I got done today.

1. Wash and put out a load of laundry. But, since it was kind of cloudy and damp, they didn't dry completely. So when I got home, I tossed them in the dryer for just a few minutes. I also got the towels I washed yesterday folded and put away and got the socks sorted and put away.

2. Cleaned about half of the kitchen. I was hoping I'd get home early enough to work on it some more, but didn't quite make it. I also cleaned out the fridge, and took out the trash and recyclables.

3. Worked some more in the garden. I had a ton of grass clumps in the section I was working in as well as in the next. So, I decided I'd get them all dug out and fed them to the goats. Didn't get the sections done, but it shouldn't take me long to do them. I'll try and get them done in the morning.

4. I had planned on working w/Misty today, but had a change of plans. And for once, I didn't mind it. My eggs are due to hatch in just a couple of days. I'm planning on getting a couple of chicks from the feed store. And, there's a hen out at the farm sitting on 3 eggs. KN and I already decided that if she actually hatched anything out, we'd stick her in my broody area and let her raise all the chicks. Well, she had an egg pip today! I've been wanting to do something better for a broody house, but haven't really had the time. I had thought of just using the little "dog" house that's in there for now-until she went so early. They are calling for a very nasty system to come in on Friday. And there's just no way to keep the food dry in that kind of weather. So, I decided I needed to get it made.

Only problem being, I didn't have a real clue as to how I was going to make it. But I figured I had to get it going. I was basically designing it as I went. And, I'm pretty happy w/how it's looking. I didn't quite finish. The only screws I had were splitting the wood and I ran out of the nails I was using. Since I need feed, I'll get that in the morning as well as nails. I had hoped the chicks would be there by the time I needed feed, but no such luck. I have enough feed for tomorrow, and that's it. It also took me a lot longer than I was expecting.

5. Got a load of manure and put it in my garden. It's well composted, so I'm hoping it really does my garden good. I need to get one more load in, so I'll get that tomorrow. My goal is to have the whole garden ready to go by the time I go to bed tomorrow night.

6. Got all the dishes caught up again. That took awhile cuz of all the stuff I took out of the fridge. But at least the fridge isn't so full.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
You just keep chugging away! Glad you're making progress. I wish I felt like I was making so much progress too.
You'll have to post pictures of the broody house when you get it done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Will do. Told hubby I want to learn how to really build stuff.

Well, it was a lot of work, but I can scratch some stuff off of my to do list!!!!!! :ya I still have a ton of stuff on there, but I transplanted all the raspberries I wanted. I took out the rest of the ones in my garden (there's still some on the outside, but not a whole lot). I finished weeding my garden. Actually, once I got the raspberries out, it wasn't that hard. There wasn't much else in there! And, I finished putting horse manure in my garden! I also had a cart load extra. That was dumped in my orchard area. I figured I didn't need to cover the whole thing, just where I'm going to put plants.

I got more of my chick house done. I didn't quite finish, so I put it in my feed stall along w/the rest of the wood. It shouldn't take me long to finish it. And, I have chickies! The hen that had an egg pip had 2 hatch out. There's still one egg that may or may not hatch. I was later getting to the feed store than I wanted to be, but I'm so glad I was. I got my nails and had JUST gotten to the counter when they walked in w/a couple of boxes. And I could hear chicks in them. So, I got the 2 chicks I wanted. I slipped them in w/the hen, and she was fine w/them. After Bible study, KN showed up. We didn't really want the chicks in where they were since they could fall out and not get back in. So, moved them into my broody pen. The one I'm really going to have to keep an eye on. It's not staying in the little house. KN stopped by on her way home and found it not only out of the house, but out of the pen! So, she rigged something up around the house to keep it contained in a smaller area for now.

I did some laundry today, but didn't finish. I got most of the one load folded and put away, and I got a load out on the line. Other than putting clean sheets on the bed and partially unloading the dishwasher, I didn't get anything else done in the house. But I figure w/what I did get done, I did enough for the day.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well with the rain today you'll have more time to work in the house lol
Glad you got it done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have 2 pips! And I've been hearing some very light peeps! So at least something good is happening today!

Today was wet. I would have liked to have left for the farm early. It wasn't raining when I got up. But, I had some place to go in the afternoon, and was planning on going straight from the farm. So, I didn't want to sit around the farm any longer than I had to. While I was waiting at home, I worked in the bedroom. I got most of the winter clothes put away, and the summer clothes out. I also did the dishes. I thought I had all of them. I checked in the oven and didn't see any. Found out later that hubby had some stuffed in the back.

By the time I left, it was raining, but not that hard. I got to the farm, and it started raining harder. Got my horses fed, then had to feed CL's. Right now, there's a bunch of minis and an extra horse in her field. The minis were all in the run in, so I had to chase them out. They were not happy. I got hay out for my horses. I'm wanting to use up the RB since it's getting moldy and that's not good. I tried to check on my chicks, but couldn't really look in on them. I did see one. I felt a bit bad since the wind was coming from the south, so it was blowing into the house a bit. Really made me wish I had gotten the house done.

Even though I had a rain coat on, I still got wet. So I figured I'd go and talk to RU for a bit. It actually felt good to relax for a bit. Finally went back to my area and was all set to do some cleaning in my tack shed when I heard a strange noise. I looked out the door and found out that the wind had blown over my hay shelter! The ground was so soft it pulled the pegs right out of the ground! So I had to go back out and take it apart. Needless to say, that spooked the horses! I managed to get it down and covered the hay w/the tarp. I'm glad there were only 8 bales left and that I HADN'T put my chick house in there! It may have gotten messed up! By the time I got it all down, I was completely soaked! I was glad that I had a dry shirt and a pair of sweat pants in my shed! I put them on. Then, I cleaned up the shed a bit. I did as much as I wanted, then went and fed Stormy. For now, I'm not bagging a ton of feed for him. He's still not eating the best, so I'm basically bagging feed every day after I see how much he's eaten. Got feed bagged for tomorrow, let him out, checked the chickens and left!

I had a couple of pictures to pick up. There's a photo contest out at the Nature Center and today was the last day to submit your photos. I haven't had time to really do much w/the pics I took, but I found that you could send them to CVS and they'd print them. So I had to stop there and pick em up. I also went to the bank, then to the Nature Center. Tomorrow's the judging, so we got stuff set up. I didn't stay the whole time. I was getting cold! So, I left. I had one desire, to get warm and dry! Got home, checked the eggs and found a pip! I looked later, and saw a 2nd pip! So now I keep checking on them. I hope I get some chicks out of this!

I've gotten a shower. I've fed the goats. I have to run out to a store for a bit then I'm not doing anything else today. It feels good to stop early for once. Tomorrow if I have the time, I'm going to try and get my chick house done. I'd really like to get that set up.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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:weee for pips!
Bummer on the hay shelter! My Dad had something similar at his house, and he mounted it to railroad ties - to help hold it in place. With some of the wind we've had here lately, I'm not sure those would even work, not to mention it would make it impossible to move around if needed.
Let us know where you place with your photos - can you post them here? I love nature photos! I really like photographer Lori Deiter, have you heard of her? She does nature photography, but my favorites are her barn photos.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, since there's not that many photos, in the one category, I should place. And, the worst I'll do w/either pic is 3rd. They're giving out ribbons for 1st and 2nd place only. The one category has 2 entries, the other 3. But what I have going for me in that category is the other 2 pics are almost identical-they're both of a turtle. Mine is of a spider web in the sunlight. The other is of a lake.



In other news, I have 2 chicks out! The first one that pipped has done nothing since I went to bed last night, so we'll see what happens. But at least I have 6 chicks!

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