Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Well it's raining already here today so I don't know what the plan will be today. I guess we can use the rain so I suppose it's alright.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I took the truck today since it looked like rain. It rained for maybe 5 minutes earlier, and then didn't rain until late. And, I think I'm glad it started to rain. I was working on the firewood, and had to stop. And, since hubby is home, I can't work in the house. But I probably did enough for today anyway.

1. I got a load of clothes folded and put away. I'm going to need to do more laundry soon, but they keep calling for showers! Makes it hard to hang clothes out if you're afraid of rain.

2. Worked more in the kitchen. I was down on my knees scrubbing the floor. I'd do a small section w/a soap pad, then wipe it up w/a rag, and when I did a certain amount, I'd dump the bucket, get clean water and wipe up that section again. I got about 2/3 to 3/4 of the floor done. I also got the trash and recyclables out. I figure I have 1, or at the most 2 days worth of work in there to have it completely done. And since I only work on it 1 day a week, it should be done either next week, or the following week.

3. Didn't really do much out at the farm today. They changed the day for Bible Study for this week and next. And, they may change it to Tuesday-which would be perfect for me! So, I went to Bible Study. From there, I went to a few places that sell plants and got some tomatoes, peppers, egg plants and flowers. When I was at the farm, I did catch a horse for LF. She can't always catch her horses.

4. Got home to find a goat in my yard! So, once I got them fed and her back where she belonged, I put a cattle panel up where I think she's getting out. I'm hoping I have the time to work on it over the weekend.

5. Got dishes done. They were all clean-until hubby came home from work.

6. Got about 1/2 of the wood in front of my trailer put away. Some of it I needed to cut. I was trying to split what needed splitting as well, but I was just too tired. As long as it's not too wet tomorrow, I'll get that done and move all the old bark, saw dust, etc and put it in my garden.

Hubby's making dinner. I've had my shower, so once I've had dinner, I think I'm going to crash.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They've been calling for rain all week, and we didn't really get any until today!

It took me awhile to get everything done that I wanted to get done. But that was because it started to rain right about when I got outside to do some stuff! I got the following done.

1. Bedroom. I actually do have a floor! And while I still don't have the bedroom completely clean, it's the cleanest it's been in years! I'm hoping another 2, 3 weeks max will see it completely clean.

2. Ran some errands and went to the bank. I wanted to change how I have the gates into my field closing, but needed some quick links, so I had to go to TSC. I managed to find the size that I need, so I was happy about that.

3. Some of the hay that I had put out was no good. So, I raked all of that up, and put it in a pile next to Mt. Manure. I'm going to start bringing it home when I have the truck. I figure I can put it in some old feed sacks. That took awhile.

4. I am no longer using my RB feeder. So, I took it apart and took it home. I'm going to sell it.

5. Cleaned up the pieces from my hay shelter. I put most of them in the back of my truck and brought them home. I'll sort thru them later on.

6. This was something I didn't want to have to do, and shouldn't have had to do. KN bought a small chicken house w/an attached run. She had to put it together, so she put the box in my hay shelter until she had the time to do that. And, once she put it together, she just left the box in my hay shelter, along w/all the packing material. Needless to say, it was in my way. I kept hoping she do something w/it, but she didn't. And then when my hay shelter blew over, it got all wet. I had some baling twine in the area that I needed to clean up, so I cleaned up all her trash as well and took it home. When I mentioned it to her, she told me that she had been going to use the cardboard and the pieces of styrofoam and wanted to know if it was gone. I could have taken it back to the farm, but I wasn't ABOUT to do that. I want the area around my shed clean, not junky.

She still has a ton of junk in my truck tool box. I've told her time after time that I want it out of there. She bought farrier tools-they're on my chair in front of my tack shed along w/her halter, lead rope and some grooming supplies. In my shed, she has battery operated tools, a shirt, a bag of shredded paper to use for bedding for her chickens, and I don't know what all else.

As much as I hate to do this, I think the only way I'm going to get her stuff gone is to provide some place for her to put it. I shouldn't have to do it, but I'm tired of having her stuff in my tack shed and hearing her complain that she has no place to put her stuff out there.

7. Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit B4 heading out to do the goats, firewood and unload the back of the truck. Of course, as soon as I got out there, it started to thunder! So, I fed the goats, then as a precaution, I put all my plants in my green house. I got in the house just in time. It poured. Once it stopped, I ran to the store (forgot milk), then started on the wood. I got about 1/2 of it done, and it started to rain again! So, I had to stop again. Once the rain was done, I was able to finish the wood. Even though it's not in the wood shed, it's no longer in front of my trailer. So at least I can use it now.

I also had a big pile of bark, sawdust and small pieces of wood. I got my cart out, and moved all of that. It's been dumped at the edge of my garden. Once I get the garden done, I'll be putting the wood down in the "aisles". W/everything else moved, I was able to get the stuff out of the back of my truck.

Now I'm sitting here trying to stay awake. Probably won't be up too much longer. I'm beat!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I came into your story late, so I don't know all the characters... who is KN? and why does she think she can leave her junk in your space?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Glad you made progress even with the rain. We had a few shower storms here but nothing major. Loss like the weekend will be nice if a little on the cloudy side. Hope you have the same!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I came into your story late, so I don't know all the characters... who is KN? and why does she think she can leave her junk in your space?

KN is one of the people that comes to the farm. She used to own a horse, but lost her last year. She does have chickens. And, the hen that's raising the chicks right now is actually hers. Plus, she's my late SIL's sister. I cannot just wash my hands of her because it could cause a backlash that could hurt my brother and he's been hurt enough. She has been driving me nuts now for several years and you cannot talk to her. It goes in one ear, and out the other.

In some ways, I need her. She feeds my horses on Saturday and Sunday morning. Plus, she has more horse sense than most of the others. If I need a hand w/a horse, I'm going to be asking her, not one of the other boarders, or even RU. Any of the others either don't pay attention, can't read a horse, or are afraid.

In some ways, she's my best friend. In other ways, she's my worst nightmare. :\

I don't know how much rain we got here, but out at the farm, we got about 2"! So that meant mowing was out. Some of the fields are pretty much underwater. Plus, they got hail-we didn't.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I see... so you can't just tell her to take her junk and get lost. That's a pain in the rear when she's not being helpful

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That about sums it up. There are many things that she does that just leaves me shaking my head. And other times, they leave me biting my tongue.

To understand more about KN and the problems I have w/her, go to page 9 (?) of my journal and read the post from November 20. That pretty much sums up the situation.
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So far I've had a busy and productive weekend. I wasn't sure that was going to happen. After all, hubby took off Friday, and he has off Monday. And normally when he's off, I get very little done. However, I've done quite a bit.

1. Garden. The fencing is all up! This morning, I went out and marked out where the rows are going to go. Then, I started working on getting some posts in for my tomatoes. I'm going to try something, don't know for sure if it's going to work. I grow my tomatoes in 2 rows that are 18" apart. So, down the center of that, I put posts every 5'. Next thing I'll do is run baling twine in horizontal rolls. Then, after I get my tomatoes planted, I'll put more posts on either side of the double row. And, as the plants grow, I'll run baling twine on these posts. As the plants grow, I'll add rows. And, I'll also take baling twine and go from one row to the next. I'm hoping that this will keep the plants upright w/out having to tying them up.

I also got about half of the garden weeded! This is where I'll be growing my tomatoes, peppers, egg plans and sweet taters. I didn't get any of it planted, but will be doing that on Monday. I figure, w/the exception of the sweet taters, to have the other stuff in on Monday! And while it's late to plant them, I'll also be putting in my onions. I may or may not get the other posts in. I think I have enough for that, but I'll need more for the trellis I'll be building for my melons, squash and cukes. At least they don't cost me anything. I use dead red cedar posts from the woods next to me. And, I started working on weeding the orchard again. I still need to order my trees, and hope to be able to do it soon. I would have gotten more done, but I started feeling sick and had to stop.

2. Laundry. I got a load of clothes washed and out on the line. And, it didn't rain! I'll be doing another load on Monday.

3. Farm. I got all of the chains on the gates redone to how I want them. I had taken out one of the post that I had for sectioning off my field since I was supposed to be moving the horses. Since I'm not moving them, I had to put one back in. I got that done, and was able to rope off a section of the field. I also had to replace the handle on the one end of the wire. But, since I'm not putting hay in the corner of my field this year, I was able to take the handle off the electric on that section. I did have to cut off a few inches of the electric. The section that I have roped off is where the RPs were stored and that area needs to be cleaned out, so I'll be doing that next week. I was going to mow my field as well as some of the other smaller fields, but they were flooded! We got about 2" of rain out at the farm the other day as well as some hail. Soonest I'll be able to mow now is Thursday.

I don't know if it was because of the hail or what, but I lost one of my chicks. It was my Ameraucana chick. :( Not overly happy about that. Hopefully, I'll get a good hatch out next time I fire up the bator.

4. I moved minis for the people that gave me the spreader. The girls weren't that hard to load up, but the stud was horrible! We had trouble catching him and once he was caught, it was hard to get him on the trailer. But, we got them in and they're now in their permanent home. I also ID the trees and a lot of weeds in the pasture so they knew what they had to keep an eye on.

5. I went to pick up that mower I'm being given. Only problem being, it had 2 flat tires, so I couldn't get it to budge. Hubby's going to have to go w/me to get it. We had hoped to do it today, but just didn't have time.