Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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By the time I got home on Sunday night, I was too beat to post anything else. And, I've been busy since then.

When I got to the farm, I found that they had turned the water back on. KN and CL were in the process of filling my tank up. They had already filled one for CL's horses. And they filled my 2-15 gallon containers as well. RU had asked me to check on the water for her horses that don't have a waterer. And, they needed water as well.

KN is redoing the chicken area. But, in order to redo it, there was a rabbit cage that needed to be moved. And since the frame is pipe and it's fairly large, we could not pick it up and move it. We needed the tractor. We were able to get it partially moved on Monday morning, but because of a large oak tree, couldn't get it 100% into place since I needed to leave. I worked Monday morning.

When I got back to the farm, I went and talked w/RU for a bit. Between the wedding, and trying to deal w/CL on the phone, she was exhausted. Plus, one of her dogs was missing and she was quite upset about that. Then she got into an argument w/her son about the fence. She's planning on doing a bit of work on that fence line, but not where he had put the posts. She wants to be able to drive her tractor along the fence so she doesn't have to go in the road to get from one part of the farm to another. I know CL, she's not going to object to losing a bit of her field for that purpose-especially since it's not going to be the 30 ft CU was planning on taking!

Yesterday, I got to the farm early and got the tractor out. KN and I worked on getting the rabbit cage moved. Only problem being, we needed one more person. W/how we had to position the cage, we had to lift up one end w/the tractor, but she couldn't lift the other end by herself. So, I went to see if RU was up. She wasn't, but an out of state friend that came down for the wedding was there and was up. She's a bit older, and not really that strong. So, I got the tractor all positioned, and showed her how to drive it enough to help us get the cage in place. She did it and was all excited. The cage is now in place, and is in a much better position.

Went to Bible study, then ran home-I forgot my check book and was going to the hay auction. I got 51 bales for a total of $127! I was going to leave when I noticed a small, cast iron skillet in a pile of stuff. I decided to wait to see if I could get that for just a few bucks. I didn't really want the other stuff, and was willing to go up to $10. I figured I could probably sell some of the other stuff. Well, I got it for $2! I also got a light shade-which I actually needed for my light in the tack shed. There's a cast iron dutch oven w/out a lid, a griddle, an oval pan and an enamelware pot. This pot is smaller than my WB canner, but larger than other pots I have. It doesn't have a lid, but I'm sure I can find one to fit it. Hubby is going to make me something to lift jars out with, and I'll use this when I have small jars that need WB canning. I think for my $2, I did pretty good.

I just barely got home in time to take care of the goat, do dishes and eat something B4 I left for a motorcycle run. I'm really wondering if I want to continue to ride w/this one group. I had to do 60 just to keep up at times-I don't like going that fast. Then the ice cream place we went to was expensive. I had thought about getting a split-they wanted $10! Then to get home from there, I had to go on a major road. I DO NOT go on major roads. I do not know that area, and didn't realize until too late that I was going on one. Plus, it took me about an hour to get home. I was beat once I got home and just wanted to get a shower, relax for a bit and go to bed. But, hubby couldn't find his phone, so I had to help him look for that. He finally found it-across the street at the neighbor's. Hubby had talked about picking up the hay last night. I really wish I had instead of going on the run.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'll be keeping at least the fry pan and the big pot, don't know about the other stuff. The only other thing I'd be interested in is the dutch oven. But, since it doesn't have a lid, that's a no go. If the griddle was cast iron, I'd keep it as well, but it's not. So, I'll add it to my yard sale stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know for sure. I go more by the look and the smell than anything else. I avoid alfalfa for the most part. I'd say it's probably some type of grass hay.

Today I finally got to do something I've been wanting to do for months-I rode my horse!

I knew it was going to be hot today, so I decided to leave fairly early. I didn't leave quite as early as I'd planned, but still earlier than I've been leaving. I got everyone fed, got everything I needed over in the RP, let the horses loose, then grabbed her rope halter and took her over. Since I haven't really done much w/her this year, there was no way I was just going to saddle her up and hop on her. Instead, I worked her in the RP for a few minutes until I knew for sure she was listening to me. After giving me the horse equivalence of flipping me the bird for a few minutes, she calmed down, and started paying attention to me. So, I saddled her up. She did give me a bit of trouble about taking the bit, but I worked thru it.

When I went to get on her, she stood rock still! And, she was pretty good about doing what I asked her to do. I didn't ride her long for a few reasons. For one, it was really getting hot out there. For another, I didn't have any fly spray at the farm, it was at home and she was really being bothered by the flies. And lastly, RU and CU were loading junk on a trailer and making quite a bit of noise. I didn't need it spooking her w/me on her back, so I got down. Rather than unsaddling her there, I took her back in my field and walked her up to my shed. Then I unsaddled her. After all, it was easier for her to carry the saddle than me.

I put out a bale of hay, got the horses back in the field (they were in the parking area), and left. I was going to do a ton of housework, but I was just too tired. I did wash a load of clothes and hang them out and got most of my bathroom clean. Once hubby was home, we hooked up the trailer, then went and got the hay. He followed me in his car to get it, then once it was loaded, he left. I drove the trailer to the farm, and dropped in. And since it could rain, I covered it w/a tarp. Of course the wind started to blow when I was doing that, but I got it done.

I hadn't fed Stormy earlier since I had to come back, so I fed him, bagged feed, took care of the chickens and left. Now I'm trying to stay awake for just a bit longer. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It was. I'm hoping I can get on her again tomorrow. I'm planning on starting my lessons the middle of July, so I really need to work w/her more B4 then.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got the manure spreader out of the trailer! But, I couldn't get it thru the gate by my tack shed to go into my area. I had to go all the way around to the gate at the road. And, since I haven't touched my field since last Monday, I wasn't able to get the whole thing cleaned. But, I did get about half of it done. And, I used RU's mower again today to mow the fields again. It didn't take as long this week as it did last week, so that's good.

I would have liked to have worked w/Misty again today, but just didn't have the time. But come next week, if I can get to the farm at the time I want to, I should be able to work w/her at least 2 or 3 days.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I just need to do it more. And, I need to work w/Licorice, and start riding her again.

I've been spending too much time on the computer in the morning and not getting stuff done. So I decided that I wasn't going to get on here in the morning. Instead, I was going to go right to work. It worked. I got more done. I was able to fold and put away 3 loads of clothes B4 heading to the farm. I left the house pretty early since I was going canoeing at the Nature Center today. I didn't know how many people were going to show up, but JT is on vacation, so she was counting on the volunteers to cover this.

At the farm, I got almost all of one section of my field cleaned up. I also bagged feed for Stormy. He's now up to 6 lbs a day! If he continues to eat like this, on Monday, I'll bump him up to 6.5 lbs, then on Friday, he'd be back to his 7 lbs of grain. And, he's starting to put the weight back on.

Went to the Nature Center, and almost wished I hadn't gone. There were 3 volunteers that showed up. And, a girl that's working at the park for the summer was there. But, since I was there, I wasn't going to back out. Normally, we can get to the back of the lake, and that's it due to a beaver dam. Well, the beaver dam in now under water by a couple of feet! Don't know if it's because they drained the lake to fix the dam, or what, but we were able to get back much farther than we have been able to. We finally had to stop because of downed trees. If I had been by myself, I may have tried to go farther since I get get over stuff in the canoe that those in kayaks can't get over.

Hubby took off work today. I thought he was going to be gone by the time I got home-he wasn't. He and DD were going out so he could look for a car. They didn't leave until late. That messed me up. I had planned on getting some lunch, then taking a 20 minute nap. I do better if I can do that. But, I did finish cleaning the bathroom, finished loading and running the dishwasher, and cleaned some of the living room.

Once the dishwasher was done, I went back to the farm. The one section of my field is now clean and my manure spreader is full. And, there was more in this section than would fit in the spreader, so it went into Mt. Manure. And I have a feeling that some of this was actually part of Mt. Manure, and got scratched out by the chickens. I also had to feed RU's horses, moved something for LF, then did some more weeding where my hay shelter is going to go. If hubby and I do work on that tomorrow, I needed that done.

I think I also need to go back to making my list, but I'm going to be doing it in the evening instead of the morning. So, come Monday, I should be getting a ton done.

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