Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I just got a call from KN. There's donkey's out. Why? Because CU is back at it again. RU needed a few days away after the wedding and had to take an out of state friend home. So, she's staying there for a couple of days to unwind. So of course CU took this time to do more stuff that he knows she won't approve of. And he left the gate opened to the donkeys. I am NOT going over there to round them up for him. He left the gate opened, he can do it himself.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I couldn't get on last night, so I couldn't post this.

RU had better hope that I don't have to put any hay out while she's away cuz I don't know how I'd do it. CU has now put up a new fence w/no gate in it across the front pasture. He has also blocked off the access from the yard to the RP. So that means if I want to use it, I have to go thru CL's field and fight off her horses.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ewwww... He's not making it easy to stay there is he? Hopefully, IF this door closes another, better one will open.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He says he's not, but at the same time, if something were to happen to his mother, he'd want ALL the boarders gone. He told me that. Only problem being, he would then need to find a way to keep the farmland assessment for taxes or have them skyrocket.

I know he's done more stuff out there today. CL didn't come because she didn't want to see him, so I have to feed her horses. I'm not looking forward to going out there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
CU was there today when I got there, I basically ignored him when he said hi. And once he left, I took a look at what he did. The fence is put up properly-but he used landscaping timbers. I can only hope they work. Plus, as far as I know, he cemented them in place. That means, when they break, it's going to be a real PITA to get them out.

He tied into an old telephone pole. And, rather than hanging a gate there, he just ran the fence all the way to that pole. I have a feeling that RU and I are going to be cutting the fence there and putting in a gate.

Most of the pasture that was lost was RU's. I KNOW she did not want this fence this far back. He went thru the pen where she had a sheep. She was going to put her goats in there as well. It is now too small. I don't know what she's going to do w/it. And, of course, there's no way to access the RP-except by going thru another field. There's also no small gate near the water tank. It's a good thing they didn't need water cuz I don't know how I'd get in there to do it. I don't even know where he put the hose.

But, the worst thing he did was move a building. RU is an artist. She taught art for years B4 retiring. And, she's talked about giving art lessons. Years ago, she had added to this building and put in sky lights. It had electricity and heat. But then she started having all these animals dumped on her, and she's the kind of person who can't say no when asked. Some of them were housed in there. She also used it to house her parrot and guinea pigs in the winter. Recently, she got all of the animals out of there. She was going to pressure wash it and get all of her art supplies in there. I don't know how far she got. He moved it and basically destroyed it. His father, CU Sr, flipped out on him and has told him that he's going to either repair or replace it. And he also told me to NOT let him try to move me in the back. I didn't hear it cuz I wasn't there, but CU Sr was screaming at him yesterday because of everything he's been doing. I'm hoping he's done.

Tomorrow will see me doing a ton of work. I've been dragging, just haven't felt like doing much. But, I need to get back to getting stuff done. I am praying about getting out of here, and I believe that God is going to do something to get me out of there. So, I need to be ready to move when the time is right. So here's my goals for tomorrow.

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Feed horses, take care of chickens
3. Work w/Misty in the RP, then ride her. I hope I can get in there w/out much trouble.
4. Finish cleaning my field. The spreader is empty, so now I can finish! Once I have it cleaned again and spread, I'll be figuring out how many days worth of manure fit in it.
5. I have stones that were supposed to go in the run in years ago, they never made it. So I'll be using the tractor to do that tomorrow, spreading them out, then leveling that area the best I can.
6. Lime one section of my field
7. Making something to keep the chickens out of my one nesting box, but giving my broody hen room to get out, eat drink and poop
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and feed RU's horses
9. Work on cleaning the living room
10. Work in the garden
11. Work in the goat pen

I figure this is enough for tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had this reply all typed up ready to post when my phone rang-it was RU. CU Sr was trying to round up animals and had gotten bit by a horse. I had had my shower and was in my PJs, so I just took off the pants, pulled on a pair of shorts and went out to help him. It was the donkeys out. I don't even know where they had been put after getting out when he destroyed their fence the other day. I don't know if Sr had managed to catch any or not. But, when I got there, there were 2 donkeys and a mini mule out. And, they wanted IN the field. But w/no gate, it meant I had to catch them.

The donks weren't that hard, the mule was. It would have been easy if there was a gate there-we could have just opened it up and they would have gone right in. We finally put a bucket of feed in a corner, then when he went to eat it, we were able to trap him w/a piece of cattle panel. Then it was a matter of finding a way to halter him so I could lead him. I had something in the truck, and was able to get that on him w/out getting kicked. Got him in the barn and left. Now I'm relaxing B4 I head to bed.

I didn't get everything done on my list. My manure spreader is full, and I don't have the whole field cleaned. And, I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to spread the manure. I may be able to do it on Wednesday, but may have to wait until Thursday.

CU used up most of the diesel that was in both the tractor and in the container and didn't replace it, so I didn't want to run the tractor long. I was afraid of running out of fuel. I got some of the stones moved, but not all of them. Actually, I don't think they're all going to fit. If they don't, I have other places I can put some-including at the end of the farm lane since it's now a muddy mess when it's rained. I've almost dropped my bike a few times.

I didn't have a chance to do anything for my chicken. But, I didn't shut up the coop today, and none of the other hens messed w/her. So hopefully, she'll be OK for a couple more days. I also didn't have time to lime the field. So I probably won't be able to do it B4 Wednesday.

I forgot to put dishes on my list. I got the majority of them done. And, I worked on the goat pen for a bit an got that stuff in the garden.

I also was able to work w/Misty! I worked her in the RP again first, and it didn't take too long for her to calm down. But what freaked her out was when I went to saddle her up. I was on the wrong side. I've put both her pad and saddle on from that side plenty of times in the past since I want her to let me work w/her from either side, so I don't know what her problem was. I didn't have time to work w/her on that today, so I just saddled her up from the "correct" side, then rode her for a bit. Right now, I'm not spending too much time on her back, just working on some basics. I'm planning on starting my lessons in the middle of the month, so I want to just get her to where I know she's going to be listening to me B4 we start.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It has been so hot and humid here that I've been wilting. I haven't made a list because I wasn't sure how much I was going to be able to do. Plus, I haven't gotten home as early as I'd planned to, so I wouldn't have finished it anyway.

In spite of the heat and humidity, I have been making some progress-not much, but some. But for the first time in over 2 weeks, my field is completely cleaned. It took a total of 5 loads in the manure spreader. So, I'm figuring I can get about 3 days worth of manure in the spreader. This means that Mt. Manure is no longer growing!

Today, I let my older chicks out. They are 8 weeks old now, so I figured they were old enough to come out and do some exploring. They did fine, and for the most part, the older birds ignored them. I still have them in their area at night for now. But, I'll need to get them completely out of there in about 3 weeks.

I finally have my truck back. I bought my parents a patio set for a Mother's Day/Father's Day gift. My mom doesn't even remember complaining to me about their picnic table, so they weren't really expecting this. I was finally able to take it over and they were thrilled. I helped my Dad put the legs on the table, then we sat down at it and enjoyed some iced tea.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Yay for iced tea! I've been meaning to ask... is CU brain damaged or something? I can't get over some of the truly stupid things he seems to be doing!
Glad you got the field cleaned- that's a never-ending chore though, isn't it?

My ducklings are almost 4 weeks old, but I am soooo tired of them stinking up the house! I don't know how much longer I can stand it before I finally kick them out to the duck yard permanently. Putting them outside during the day helps, but every morning I almost gag from the smell of things. I have their water dish on top of a kind of French Drain that I made out of a shallow plastic box, but they splash a lot, being ducks, and the heat we are having makes things grow in there really fast and I have to empty it every morning or it will over flow into their bedding.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He's not brain damaged, but he is a real PITA. Tuesday when I went to feed the horses he was pulling out w/a whole load of "scrap". If I had seen it earlier, I would have stopped him. He had 2 of his mother's 2 wheeled horse carts on there. She was NOT happy when she got home and I told her-she had just gotten a horse that was trained to drive and was planning on using them w/him.

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