Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I don't know how those pioneer mommas did it, do you? All the work- and no labor-saving electricity either.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't either. But then again, they were normally home all day and the children were expected to help. And each day had specific household chores. The houses were also much smaller, so they were easier to care for.

Well, the restful day is over and I'm back to doing a ton of stuff. I hadn't planned on doing any laundry until tomorrow, but they're calling for rain. That means I have to do it today. It also means I won't be going to the hay auction tomorrow. It's not worth going if the weather's bad. I just hope I can get hay for a good price still. I really wanted to have it almost all bought by now. But, since I'm not going to the auction, I'm going to wait a bit longer to move the hay around the way I want it. It means I'll have that much more gone, so it will be easier to move.

I've been wanting to get a video camera, but you can't buy them in the store. You have to order them. And, w/the problems I was having w/my laptop, I didn't want to order one since I was afraid someone might be able to get my CC#. Plus, my printer wouldn't work, so that meant I couldn't print up the receipt. I don't know what I did, but I got my printer working again, so I'll be ordering my camera today. Then, I'll be able to post videos of various stuff on here and u-tube-once I figure out how. I plan on getting my own channel.

I need to get off of here and get to work. So, my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of laundry (it's in the washer now)
2. Dehydrate peaches
3. Clean living room
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field and spread manure
6. Work w/and ride Misty
7. Pick tomatoes and sauce them. I hope I can get them all done today
8. Weed orchard area
9. Pick anything else that needs to be picked in the garden
10. Feed bunny and goats and clean goat pen
11. Dishes
12. Take canoe and canoeing stuff out of my truck

I think I've figured out what's getting into my garden, a young rabbit. I saw one yesterday along the one fence. And that fence is chain link. I have a feeling it's small enough to fit thru the fence. So, I'm going to have to figure out what I have that I can put along that fence line. I'll be going in TSC tomorrow for chicken feed. Maybe I'll just pick up a roll of fencing, and put that up.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
You've been so busy and gotten so much done! Your weather sounds about like ours. I was just so grateful to get our hay loaded last week right before it got hot.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's too small to make a meal out of.

I didn't get everything done. I'm beat. Plus, I just haven't been eating right. And, I don't know what I'm doing about dinner. I didn't touch the living room, and while I picked the tomatoes, that's as far as I got. The orchard area had more weeds than I'd realized, so I only got 1/4 of that done. I loaded the dishwasher, it's running now, and that's all I'm doing for dishes. I couldn't work Misty how I wanted to-there were donkeys in the RP. So I think I'm going to have to make my own. I did ride her some, and she was horrible. We're supposed to have a lesson on Wednesday, I hope she behaves better for that.

My broody is still sitting on the eggs, but I don't think they're going to hatch. I'm going to try and sneak the chicks under her tomorrow and hope that she'll take them. I plan on putting one chick under her when I get there, then feed the horses. Then put another chick under her and do some other stuff, then put the 3rd chick under her-that's providing she accepts them. If not, I'll have to run them home B4 I go to Bible study.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
As of right now, I don't know if I'm going to the hay auction or not. What kind of weather we're going to have depends entirely on what forecast you look at as to what we're going to have. So, if it doesn't rain, I'm going. My plan for today is:

1. Sauce tomatoes and stick them in a crock pot on low
2. Empty and refill dehydrator
3. Clean bathroom
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible study
6. Hay auction-if they weather's OK
7. TSC and the bank. I need chicken feed
8. Feed goats and bunny
9. Work in orchard area
10. Dishes

If I get to anything else, I get to it. If not, that's enough for today.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Sometimes a really bad ride before a lesson means storm is going to be stellar. Sometimes it means we have a bad ride in our lesson to, which I'm ok with because it means KN is there to help me through it!
Hope you get your energy back!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I felt much better today, thanks! I think I just needed a good meal. I had a ton of energy today.

We didn't get any rain, so I went to the hay auction, but didn't get any hay. There was not a lot there, and it was expensive. I can get it cheaper than that from CL, so why would I pay that much? People are nuts. They'll sell other stuff at the auction as well. Today they had some unopened bags of beet pulp. They went for more than they sell for in TSC!

I put the sauce in the crock pot, but it didn't cook down like I was expecting. I think it's because of how this one is made. The lid has a rubber gasket, so steam didn't really escape. Instead, it just fell back in the crock pot. I'm letting it cool off now, and will finish it up tomorrow. If I have to, I'll put it in a pot to cook it down.

I got the fencing for along my garden. So, rather than work in the orchard area, I put that up. I HAD to! I saw the rabbit in the garden! But, I couldn't figure out for sure where it got in. Hopefully, this will keep it out! Otherwise, I will get no beans!

I didn't do the dishes. I just didn't have time. I didn't get done working on stuff until after 7:00, and figured I had worked long enough. They are not going any where, so I can do them tomorrow instead. I have to clean the kitchen anyway, so I'll get them done then.

I do have one less daily chore to do! I took the chicks out this morning. When I checked on my broody, the first thing I saw was a piece of broken egg shell! So, I figured she had at least 1 chick. To handle her, I have to put on a denim jacket and leather gloves. She will peck quite hard. So, I had them on, and moved her enough to stick a chick under her. I could see one chick already under her. She seemed fine, so I went and fed the horses. Got them all eating, so I went back to the chicks. I put the jacket and gloves back on, and moved her even more. I could now see 3 chicks! I stuck the other 2 chicks under her and waited to see how she reacted. She was fine! So, I stuck the platform back how I had it and left her be. I checked on her B4 I left, and she was fine. All the chicks were under her, and she was quite happy. I don't know if that last egg will hatch or not. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to move them to the broody pen. I am now up to 27 chickens! I need to get set up for chickens here. I just don't have the room for that many chickens out at the farm!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
Near Vancouver, on the wet coast.
Can't figure out how to only quote part of a post (or I am just tired), but for the crock pot, try placing a wooden spoon, chopstick, or something like that across the crock part, underneath the lid to prop it up a bit. It still is hot enough to cook, but the steam escapes nicely that way.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I just quote the whole thing, then erase what I don't want. That's a good idea. I had thought about leaving the lid of completely, but wasn't sure how hot it would stay.

Today is going to be another busy one. I have my lesson this morning, then I'm going to work for a few hours. I've already been up and working since B4 5:00 am, and am now sitting for just a few B4 doing some more work. I had wanted to stop at a store this morning, but don't think I have the time to do that and still make my lesson on time. I want to be out of her by around 7:30. So, my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (They're in the washer now)
2. Iron clothes (done)
3. Put out trash and recyclables (done)
4. Clean kitchen
5. Normal farm chores
6. Move hen and chicks
7. Take stuff out of trailer-I have all kinds of stuff that needs to come home and had hoped to get the trailer home B4 I needed it. That didn't happen
8. Lesson
9. Work
10. Finish sauce
11. Dishes
12. Feed goats and bunny
13. Work in orchard area

I think that's enough for today.