Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Even though today was colder than yesterday, the wind wasn't blowing as much, so it felt warmer-at least outside. Inside, it's cold! I don't think the heater shut off all day long. And, I've had the heater on in the bedroom most of the day. Tomorrow is not supposed to be as cold. I hope not. I have my lesson in the morning. I just hope it's warmed up some by then!

I washed 2 loads of clothes today and dried them in the dryer. I was hoping that would help heat up the house. I think it helped a little. I still need to put those clothes away. I'll do it in the morning.

I worked on my tack shed, but didn't quite get it finished. Even though it felt warmer, it was still cold out. Hubby is talking about going out on Sunday, and doing some insulating. That would be nice. And I've found that my generator will not run the deicer, so I ran an extension cord to it. I've already told RU that if I'm using the electric, I'll give her some extra. After all, she's already providing an automatic waterer. But, my horses prefer to drink out of the tank. I broke a hole in the ice B4 the water heated up, and that was the only place I saw them drinking from.

I'm also not penning up my chickens at night for now. I know that they will get up on the waterer to get water. I put out water today, and didn't see any of them come over for a drink.

I got part of my truck cleaned out. I'll probably work more on it tomorrow, but at least I can now put some stuff in the backseat. And, I did some firewood, not a whole lot, but every little bit helps.

I'm not getting on here in the morning. Since I have my lesson at 8:30, I need to leave early. So, since I want to do some work in the morning B4 I leave, and I need to leave around 7:00, that means I won't be on in the morning. So, I need to make my list tonight. So, here's my list for tomorrow:

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Normal farm chores
4. Lesson
5. Work
6. Feed animals
7. Firewood
8. Clean more of the truck
9. Dinner
10. Dishes

That's enough for tomorrow. I'm tired and hope I can get to bed soon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope your lesson goes well this morning! Good luck getting everything done. There's a high of 31 here today, so maybe it will actually be a little warmer.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm tired! Today was another day that got rearranged. My lesson got cancelled due to the cold. The footing was just too treacherous at that time of day and I didn't have time later in the day for one. So, instead I just went to work. I also was there later than I'd planned. But, that's OK. That means I have more money towards lessons.

B4 I left, I was able to finally get laundry put away. I have a few shirts I need to iron, but that can wait until Monday. I did some housework, but not a whole lot. I thought of doing more when I got home, but I got home a bit late.

Had fun when I went to feed my animals. One of my hens had managed to get into the neighbor's yard, and couldn't figure out how to get back in. My yard is fenced in for the most part. So, I had to walk all the way around the fence then figure out how to get to her. There's a bunch of bushes that grow right up to the fence, then turn the corner. I finally managed to get into their yard, then I had to figure out how to get to the fence. I managed to get to the fence, but of course, the hen wouldn't come to me. I was finally able to take a branch and thrust it into the bushes past her and scare her in my direction. Then, I was able to grab her and put her over the fence. Rather than fight my way back thru the bushes, I was able to climb over the fence.

Once I had the animals all taken care of, I cleaned a bit more of my truck out, then did some firewood. I didn't bring any in, but have a small stack all cut up. There's a few pieces that need to be split, but that can wait. I was going to do more work once I got in the house, but I'm just too tired. Hubby's not home. I couldn't make for dinner what I want to make cuz I'm almost completely out of potatoes and onions, so I just had pizza for dinner. There's almost no dishes, so I didn't bother w/them.

I'm thinking I might just go to bed early. I have no idea when hubby is going to get home. But if at all possible, I want to be in bed then. That way, if he's drunk, or on his way to being drunk, I don't have to deal w/him tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I did the smart thing and went in the bedroom B4 hubby got home. He called me at 8:45 to tell me he was home. I told him I was in bed, so he didn't bother me. So, I went to sleep. I must have been tired! I woke up at 10:30 or so, looked at the clock wrong and thought it said 1:30, so I went down and put more wood in the wood stove, then went back to bed. I didn't get up until after 6:30! Hubby must have gotten up at some point during the night because more wood was gone, and there were plenty of coals in the stove. So, I had no trouble getting the fire going.

It's cold out there, only in the teens. I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit, and will do some work inside until it does. Or, if it doesn't warm up much, by around 9:00, I'll go out. I don't want to be making noise B4 then because of the neighbors. But, I have 4 things I want to work on today, cleaning my truck out the rest of the way, firewood, putting manure on the garden and cleaning the greenhouse.

Hubby has to take his car in around 1:00. I'm not going w/him. When he leaves, I'll be leaving to. I have to work for a couple of hours today. Then, I'll go over and feed Stormy. I think I'm also going to see how much of the manure I can get up out of my field. Most of the snow is gone, so I should be able to drive the mower w/out getting stuck. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, so I'll see if I can't get even more done tomorrow. I know some of it will be frozen today.

Once home, I'll bring wood in. I have enough inside to last until then. And if I have time tomorrow, I'm going to try to do more wood. They're calling for rain on Monday, so I want the wood holder in the basement full. And, if I have more than enough to fill it, I'll put some in the woodshed as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know what all I'm going to get done today. I went out, gave everyone water instead of ice and started working on the firewood. I had to stop. I started feeling real shaky, hot and like I was going to black out. So, I came in. Don't know what's up w/that. I feel a little better, but not too much.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like what happens to my DH when he has low blood sugar. Did you eat something this morning?

Take care of yourself - hope you feel better soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm feeling better, and I do think it was my blood sugar. I am hypoglycemic, just haven't had a problem in a long time. And yes, I ate, bacon and eggs as well as a cup of coffee.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I have to make sure that DH has a little bit of carbs when he has a pure protein meal like that. A piece of toast combined with the protein and fat in the bacon and eggs works well for him. His b/s will fall fast if he starts working hard and has no carbs in his system.

Sure hope you don't have that happen again!

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