Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's in the 40s out there, and it's supposed to get into the 60s! Then, after this, the temperatures are going to plummet. Only problem for today being, it's also going to be wet, I just don't know how wet. So, if at all possible, I'm going to work in the garden.

I also need to bring in wood. The wood that we have is super dry, and I'm going thru it much faster than normal. I should have been able to get thru to Monday w/it. I probably won't bring in a lot, just enough to get thru to tomorrow.

This week is going to be a busy one. If I could just get all caught up on everything, I wouldn't have to work as hard, but so far, it just hasn't happened. Hopefully by next winter. It would be nice to be able to sit back and relax more, not have to keep working so hard all the tim

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby was asleep when I got home, but woke up right about when i was getting ready to do the goats. And, he must have had quite a bit to drink. He was still acting drunk when he got up. So, even though it was kind of dark, I went out and worked in the garden for a bit. It had also warmed up. If it had been like that when I got home, I would have gone right to work on it. I didn't get a big area done, but since it's not supposed to freeze overnight, I think I'll be able to get my section done tomorrow! If I have time, I'll get started on hubby's, but I'm not as concerned about that. He should be out there doing it himself.

I also filled my wood holder in the basement about halfway-and that's all the wood I have cut and split. The temperature is actually rising right now, so I'm not making a fire tonight. That will help. I'm planning on spending at least an hour tomorrow working on wood. I'm thinking I might get some of the wood out of the pile and spreading it out where I cut. There's more sun there, so that should help it dry out.

He's fallen asleep again, so I'm relaxing for a bit, and may go to bed early. I want to get a lot done tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's going to be colder today. The temperature is supposed to drop, so this supposed to be the warmest it's going to get. I'm planning on taking my tree down today. This might sound crazy, but if I lived by myself, I think I'd leave it up until the days started getting much longer. I enjoy the light from it. It's very soothing to me.

I'm also going to be doing a lot of cleaning up around my area at the farm. I have one small section of my feed stall I didn't clean. I'm going to do that today. My generator is in my shed. I had been going to take it home, but I'm thinking I'd rather just stick it in the stall. There are going to be times (like Wednesday and Thursday) when I'm going to want to use electricity. And, rather than run up RU's bill, I can just use the generator. It's going to be bitterly cold then. So, I'll be able to start up the generator and plug in the stock tank heater as well as an extension cord into my shed. That will thaw out the tank and I'll be able to be in the shed doing stuff and keeping warm.

I need to get busy. I have a lot to do today, and I need to get started. So, my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Take down tree
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean chicken house
6. Clean up around tack shed, etc
7. Feed animals
8. Garden/yard/greenhouse
9. Firewood
10. Dinner
11. Dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was another day that didn't go as planned. It started out good. I got my tree down and put away. I needed to dust the top of my piano, but wasn't really looking forward to it. It has a ton of knick knacks on it. Hubby had suggested that I try to vacuum it off w/his small shop vac. I tried it-it worked great! I also decided I was going to try and vacuum some dream catchers that I have. One is large and has a wolf and an eagle on it. It has feathers on it, and the center is leather-I think. I've been trying for awhile to come up w/a way to clean it. Then, there's 2 smaller ones, one has an eagle, the other a wolf. I'm happy to report that they're now clean!

W/that done, I go to use my vacuum to vacuum the living room floor. Hubby was using it yesterday and complained that it kept shutting off on him. I checked it out-the filter was completely clogged. He didn't know about it. So since that was clean, I figured I was good to go. Nope, it still wouldn't pick up. So I checked it out-the hose was clogged! I had to use the broom handle to unclog it. Got the floor vacuum, then got breakfast.

B4 I had a chance to even start eating, my phone rings. Instead of doing everything at the farm that I'd planned on doing, I went to work instead. I got done later than I wanted to, and it was cold out there! But, that gives me more towards my lessons, so that's good.

Get back to the farm, and get Stormy fed. While he was eating, I cleaned part of my field. LF was there, and was having problems w/her mower. I had lent her my power pack, but she couldn't get it to start, so I went down to check it out. The PTO was out. I still used the power pack as a precaution.

Of course, it was much later than I was expecting to leave. But I had stuff I HAD to get done at home today. Get home, get animals fed, then start right in on the garden. I am happy to report that my section is now ready for me to put down manure, then anything else I can throw on it-like the stuff I clean out of the goat pen, ashes, leaves, etc. We get another warm spell, and I'll work on hubby's area. But w/this all done, this means that, come spring, I'll be ready to plant as soon as it's warm enough to do so!

By the time I got done all of this, it was getting dark out. But, I needed to do something about wood. We could get some snow tomorrow. They're not calling for much, but I figured it was probably better to be safe than sorry. Since I had to work this morning, I hadn't had a chance to move any to where it would dry better. So, I decided to dump a bunch of it in my wood shed. This way, if we do get snow, I have some that's dry. I also brought in wood to add to what I had in the house. I'm hoping it's not too wet. But, by adding this to what I already had in, I should have enough to last until Wednesday, or maybe even Thursday.

I'm beat. I just wasn't up to making dinner, doing dishes or laundry. So, I had leftovers for dinner and a piece of cake. Now I'm relaxing. It's gotten much colder out, so I know the ground will be frozen by the time I get up in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, winter is back. It's in the lower 20s right now, and we're supposed to get some light snow. I'm glad I have Bible study today then my appointments this afternoon. It means I don't have to sit around the farm all day. However, tomorrow is a different story. It's going to be cold and windy and Thursday will be even worse! I may try and get to the farm a bit early so I can do some of the stuff I had wanted to get done yesterday. Then tomorrow I can spend the day inside. I don't mind winter-except when it gets this cold out! Friday is supposed to be the warmest day all week, I just hope it isn't too windy. That's when I'm having my lesson. I'm going out to dinner tonight, so I need to get busy. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Dishes
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible study
6. Appointments
7. Errands-gas is $1.95 up that way!
8. Feed animals
9. Put out trash
10. Go out to dinner

That's enough for today, and I should get started.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'm really praying that it isn't windy like yesterday for the rest of the week after the snow. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not wanting to go to the farm, but I have to. I'm not only bringing my eggs home, but KN's as well. She can't get to the farm everyday, and if I left them there, they'd freeze solid!

It's cold in here! Hubby was awake when I got home from dinner last night. He was drunk, and had just put wood in the stove. So, I went to bed. He didn't touch it B4 he went to bed, so there was no fire this morning. I have it going, but it's going to take awhile for it to warm up in here.

I still don't have the clothes put away. I didn't have time in the morning, so I figured I'd do it when I got home from my appointments. I got to my allergist on time. There was no one in the waiting room when I got there, but I still had to wait 20 minutes B4 I got my shots. Then, you have to wait for 30 minutes to make sure you don't have a reaction.

I was finally able to leave (I don't always wait the whole 30 minutes), went to Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart and the gas station. I didn't realize until I pulled into the gas station that it was packed. And, once I pulled in, there was no way I could get out. But, I still made it to the chiropractor's on time. And I had another long wait. Normally, I'm in and out. Well, due to the weather, people were coming in early.

By the time I got home, it was after 4:30. I fed the animals right away, then went in and did the dishes. That took longer than I was expecting, so I didn't have time to do the laundry. Hubby had taken the trash out, so I just needed to take out the recyclables. Normally, I'll do it Wednesday morning, but w/as cold as they were predicting, I didn't want to have to open the door more than I have to. I put the bucket at the top of the stairs while I went and found my warm boots. In spite of the cold, hubby decided to take the bucket out, so I didn't have to do that.

Dinner was good and filling. I have enough left overs for dinner tonight and maybe even tomorrow as well, though I'll probably freeze part of it. (Eggplant parmesan and linguini) But, I also got home later than I'd planned. I was ready to leave a lot earlier than I did, but I had to wait for the waitress to show up so I could get my bill. I would have loved to have gotten a shower last night because the house was warm, but since hubby was drunk, I just wanted to go to bed. Once it warms up a bit more, I'll get it. It's now 64 in the hall, and 60 in my bedroom-which is better than the 55 it was when I got up. Since it's going to be so cold, I plan on leaving later than normal. And, once I get home, I'm not planning on doing much of anything outside except feeding animals and doing firewood. I may work on cleaning out the greenhouse, or at the very least, since the plastic has come loose on one side, staple that back in place. Or, I may do that this morning so it stays warm in there. Then, since it's going to be sunny, it will hopefully be warm enough in there to do some work in there during the week. I want to get it heated so I can get some stuff going.

I'm not getting anything done (except staying warm) sitting here. I need to get busy. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean up around my area-if stuff isn't frozen to the ground
5. Put heater in tank and fill it up.
6. Clean chicken coop
7. Clean last corner of feed stall
8. Clean and rearrange tack shed-I get that done, then tomorrow I'll be able to bring my heater out and hid in there during the day since it's going to be even colder!
9. Feed animals
10. Firewood
11. Dinner-maybe
12. Dishes


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Gmorning, we must be on at the same time! :frow
I just had to sit the pellet stove of, it wasn't burning completely and was backing itself up. Of course on the coldest windiest day!
Stay warm and don't blow away!
Think you might make it to Harrisburg this year for the expo?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Nope. They're having it on the first weekend of March. I can't make it then. If they had it the last weekend of February, I was going to try and go. I thought about doing the MD one, but when I looked at the schedule, there was NOTHING I wanted to see.

Today was just too cold! It took me a long time to get the house warm and I didn't want to go to the farm, but finally did. For now, I'm not penning my chickens at night. They will get up on the horse watered to get a drink which is good since their water bowl freezes solid.

I did get the heater in the tank and filled it up. But, I don't know if I'll be able to use my generator to thaw it out. While my generator is 2000 watts, that's start up power. It's only 1200 running power, and the heater is supposed to be 1500. I had hoped I'd be able to run both that heater and the one for the tack shed w/the generator, but that ain't going to work. Hubby has talked about getting a bigger generator for at home and letting me take the one we have out to the farm. I had thought it was overkill, but now I'm not so sure.

It was too cold to do much outside at the farm today, so I worked on my tack shed. Only problem being, even though I had my propane heater going on high, I could not get it warm in there. I started to rearrange it in there. When I first set this up, I had planned on having a propane heater in there w/hose thru the wall to the big tanks on the outside. And that meant I had to have the cot on the other side of the shed since I didn't want the heater near the bedding. The problem w/that though, I sleep on my right side. But w/the way the cot was, it was hard for me to get on my right and still have the covers on. The cot is now on the other side, so next time I sleep there, i can be on my right w/no problem. I got about halfway done, then got just too cold, so I fed Stormy and started getting ready to leave.

I went to check for more eggs and realized that I forgot to clean the coop! I couldn't get it all cleaned. I had poop frozen to the floor, but I did the best I could.

Once I got home, I hid in the house for quite some time. I couldn't get warm. About the time I finally warmed up, hubby got home. So, I fed animals, then we worked on the wood together. I have the wood holder about 3/4 full.

I still didn't do the laundry. I didn't make dinner, and I'm not doing dishes. I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow. It's still supposed to be cold, but it's not supposed to be as windy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's cold out there! But, at least it's not supposed to be as windy today. And, it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. So hopefully I can get some stuff done outside. I'm hoping to finish rearranging my tack shed and clean out my truck as well as do some more wood. I've decided that the next time I'm near a Lowes, I'm going to get some of the foam insulation board and put it on the overhang of my shed. That will help. I also need to redo the weather stripping around the door. Hubby was complaining about being cold when we were doing the wood, so I said something about how cold my tack shed is and how I can't get it warm and that I don't have a place to get out of the cold when I'm at the farm. He suggested that I go start up the truck and sit in it. I am NOT going to sit in a running truck for a few hours. I wouldn't be able to do anything, so we'll see if he finally decides to finish my shed. I've been waiting for at least 5 years! I don't know how many times he's told me he's going to work on it, and he never does. Same w/the house, so maybe I shouldn't be too surprised. But, I need to get moving. I have a lot I want to get done today. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Finish rearranging tack shed
5. Clean out truck
6. Feed animals
7. Fire wood
8. Dinner
9. Dishes

I feel like I'm missing stuff. But, w/as cold as it is outside, there's not a whole lot I can (or want to) do outside. I think next week it's supposed to be warmer.

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