I hope so. Yesterday I got very little done. I'm tired, plan and simple. I get up, go to work, go to the farm, do more work, come home, and do more work. All very physical work. Normally, I go away for a couple of days at the end of February. Couldn't do it this year, just didn't have the money. I need to get out there, and finish getting my garden ready, but other than turning over a few shovelfuls, I haven't touched it. I need a vacation, but don't know when I'm getting one.
That depends. Last year at about this time, is when I got my wood for this past winter! Someone cleared a field, and let me have all the "smaller" trees, branches, etc. I brought home 9 truck loads of wood, and the only reason I didn't get more was because I ran out of both time and room. I had hoped to get it all cut and split then, but my hubby threw his back out, and I just didn't have time. I was coming home from work, getting something to eat, getting a shower, and taking him to the chiropractor 4 days a week!