Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be another hot, sunny day. On days like this, I wish I didn't have anything to do at the farm and that my shed was air conditioned! But since that's not the case, I'll just make sure I take plenty of water w/me and do what I can. And while I have a list of stuff to get done, I'm not sure what all will happen. Sometimes hubby calls up on a Friday and wants to know what I'm doing. I'm hoping he'll call today and decide to come and work on my lean to! If I could get that done, I could get my area finished once and for all. But if he doesn't call, this is what I plan on doing:

1. Laundry
2. Housework (I want to work in my basement)
3. Dishes
4. Normal farm chores
5. Work w/Misty and Licorice, groom Stormy
6. Chicken area
7. Parking area
8. Garden/orchard/yard
9. Normal animal chores

Hubby's left and I need to get busy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Too late! I think I already did.

Today was horrible outside! I was able to get everything on my list done, but just not as much as I wanted to for some of it. I was able to do my normal farm chores, and work w/the horses. And while I worked in the chicken area, I didn't get done as much as I wanted. I was able to work in the parking area, but finally had to stop. I was just getting too hot.

Hubby beat me home today. He had the TV on when I got in on a show I like. So I sat down and watched TV for about an hour or so. Of course that meant I got outside later than I planned to. But I was still able to get done what I wanted out there. And, I took the chicks out. I needed to clean the brooder, so I figured they could spend the time outside while I worked out there.

So, instead of getting done around 7:00, it was after 8:00 B4 I got done. Now I've had my shower and am relaxing for a bit B4 heading to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad you got your issues resolved.

I must have been tired! I didn't get up until after 7:00! And I don't know that I'm getting much done today since hubby is home. Plus, it's already 76*. I will be transplanting my starts since they're up. And I'll be doing normal chores both here and at the farm. I know I have to water stuff cuz it's hot and dry out and I'll be pulling some weeds. But other than that, I'm not sure what all I'm getting done

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I did very little over the weekend that was productive. Hubby and I were out most of yesterday, so I didn't really get much done other than some weeding, transplanting a few of my starts and normal chores.

Today I got the rest of my starts that are big enough transplanted, went to church both am and pm, did normal chores and took a nap! I'm still tired. I haven't been sleeping well. I'm about ready for bed, but it's thundering out there, so I'm waiting for it to quiet down a bit. Then I'm gone

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be a day that I really have to keep an eye on the weather. We can get T storms at basically any time. I have to clean my field, but I'm not using the spreader, I'll use the cart instead. It's going to be too wet to spread. I don't know that I'll be able to get anything else done outside, so I'll probably give my tack shed a good cleaning. If I am able to get anything done, I'll work on the fencing for my chicken area. I only have 4 ft fencing up on part of the new section. And since I have plenty of that, I'll be cutting some in half so I can put it up to make the fencing 6 ft. I'm hoping I can still get a couple of buckets of weeding done. The goats look forward to that bucket in the morning and in the evening. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field
6. Clean tack shed
7. Chicken area?
8. Weeding
9. Normal animal chores
10. Balance check book, etc

I can't see me getting more than that done, and I should get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well we did not get the weather that they were calling for. I took the truck because we were supposed to get some really nasty T storms this morning. It was dry all day. In fact, I don't think we got even 1/4" from the showers we got overnight.

Because the forecast was wrong, I made changes to my list. I was able to use the spreader instead of the cart for cleaning my field. And since it didn't rain, I started w/the chicken area instead of my shed. I got the fencing all done. It took longer than I was expecting, but I now have a 6 ft fence all the way around. I need some netting over the top though cuz my birds will fly out at times.

I didn't really touch my tack shed. I was going to work on it for a bit once I had everything else done-including getting the chickens locked up. Well when I called them, they ignored me, so I had to go round them up. Then I was missing 3. I looked all over B4 finally finding them under my trailer.

I took a break when I got home, then did my dishes and some housework. I was going to do it this morning, but went back to bed instead. I'm seeing a difference in my basement! Once I got done a certain amount, I put the chicks in an old kitty litter container, and went out and worked in the yard. I have something set up for them, but I check them quite often. I got another bucket of weeds out of my orchard. And I found my pomegranate! I didn't think that had survived the winter, but it did! Other than strawberries and raspberries, it's the only thing that did.

W/the weeding done in there, I went and started working on the wood shed. That wasn't easy. We had some bags of concrete that had gotten wet and hardened. So I had them in the woodshed to stack wood on. I'm taking it out. It's not easy. But I was able to get some of it out, then rake up that section. I put what I raked up around some of my plants. I'll check later to be sure that moisture is still able to get to the roots.

W/that done, I picked peas! Then I brought them and the chicks in the house, put away a load of clothes (hubby got a shower and I had to wait for the water to get hot), then got a shower. Now I'm relaxing for a bit. I think I hear thunder, so hopefully we're going to get some more rain.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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PEAS?! You picked peas? I'm so jealous, lol. It's too hot here for peas already. I didn't get any planted this spring anyway - too wet... sigh. Maybe in the fall.

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