Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I could never live where it was hot year round. They were saying we were going to have a cooler summer, I haven't seen it yet.

I am seeing a big dent in my basement! But I need some boxes, so I'm hoping I can get some tomorrow. If so, I should be able to get a lot of it done on Friday.

I hung the clothes out on the line, hubby mowed the lawn so he took them down!

I was able to clean my field, but couldn't go out the way I normally do, it was just too wet. So I went thru the parking area again. And I got the sides replaced on the nesting box of the new coop.

I worked w/Misty for a bit, then groomed her and put some fly spray on her. She didn't want to listen to me, but I worked w/her until she did. Once I was done working w/her, I grabbed Licorice, groomed her, put fly spray on her, then threw a saddle pad on her back. I walked her out to my shed, grabbed the saddle and put that on her back. She didn't act up at all! So I took them back off, then grabbed the bit. She gave me trouble again about taking it, but I was able to get it in her mouth. She's always given me a problem about taking the bit, so I'll continue to work w/her until she takes it easily.

Got home and relaxed for a bit, then did more dishes and headed outside. I did some work in my garden. I would have liked to have worked longer, but I've made it a rule that I'm not working past 7:00. Now I'm relaxing a bit B4 heading to bed.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like the horses are 'getting it'! That's a good feeling. Couple weeks ago I trimmed feet on mine and I didn't even have to tie the mare - she just stood there and even picked up her feet for me...without having to be prompted! D.A.N.G! I was impressed, lol!

Enjoy your evening!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I would have enjoyed it more if hubby had left me alone! He keeps bothering me when I'm trying to relax.

Today is going to be another hot day. I have my appointments, but Bible study isn't until Thursday. So I'm not doing a whole lot at the farm. I think this is going to be a good day to clean out my tack shed. I also need to go to the feed store. They're calling for some strong T storms this afternoon, so I think I'm going to dry clothes in the dryer today. It will also save time. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Dishes
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean tack shed
6. Appointments
7. Errands
8. Visit w/my parents
9. Yard/garden/orchard
10. Normal animal chores

Hubby has left and I need to get busy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got everything done on my list, but just not as much as I wanted to. I didn't visit w/my parents as long as I wanted to. I had to go back to the farm. My broody came off the nest and I couldn't wait for her to get back on! I wasn't expecting her to get off since the eggs should be hatching at any time now, but it was so hot, I can't say I blame her.

And I couldn't waste a lot of time at the farm. I got her situated, looked for more eggs, then left. Once home, I got farm trash in the trash can, put my gas can under shelter, fed animals and got the bale of hay I brought home for the goats in the hay shelter. Then I started working on the garden. I didn't get much done B4 the sky turned black and the wind picked up. I ran for the house and just barely got in in time. And I still needed to do clothes! So I got them sorted out and threw them in the washer. Storm #1 is past and we still have power. I'm going to get my shower soon-I hope. We might be going to get another storm.

Oh and on a side note, my chiropractor wanted some manure, so I took him a couple of buckets. He texted me to thank me for it. I texted back wanting to know how bad it was there. He, his staff and some of his patients were stuck in the office! I'm glad I got home when I did!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I finally got a fairly good night's sleep. It just wasn't long enough. I am looking forward to Saturday since I can sleep in. And it's not as hot today, so that should help. I'm going on a motorcycle run w/some friends this evening, so I want to get in the garden earlier than normal. Since I got almost nothing done yesterday, I really need to get in there tonight. Hubby has left for work, so I need to get busy. So here's my list for today:

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Go canoeing at Nature Center
6. Yard/garden/orchard
7. Normal animal chores
8. Motorcycle run

I feel like I'm missing something, but I think that's only because I'm going canoeing instead of doing a ton of work. I need it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What a day! My plan was to finish up at the farm early so I could spend a lot of time working in my garden. I didn't realize how bad the storm was yesterday.

I'm heading to the farm, turn down the one road I normally go down, get almost all the way to the end and had to turn around. There was a tree down. I go to call the cops so they can block off the road only to learn that the phones were out.

I finally get to the farm and find out the power's out! So that meant the only water my horses had was in my stock tank and that CL's and KN's horses had no water. I fed, then heading to the Nature Center for the canoeing. I wasn't sure if we were still going or not.

We did go canoeing, just didn't have a lot of people. 1 person that we had had not come for the canoeing. She was only there because the power was out at her house. She had never been B4, but when I invited her to join us, she decided to try. She did good and was glad she did it. She didn't realize that we had all kinds of programs and is planning on coming again.

Get back to the farm and give Stormy his 2nd feeding. The power still wasn't on and the horses were looking for water. I started looking for something I could put water in and was trying to figure out where I could get water from. Then I hear someone calling me. It was KN. Between the 2 of us, we were able to get an empty, 100 gallon stock tank in the field. Then we went to my house. I have 2-15 gallon water containers. I also had a couple of 5 gallon containers as well as several empty kitty litter containers. We filled all of them up and took them out to the farm. I kept 1 of the kitty litter containers to give my chickens water. The rest went for the horses.

My phone finally started to work again, so I called my parents. They have no electricity, but insist that they're fine. If they still don't have any tomorrow, I'm going to ask them if they want to come to my house at least so they can get washed.

Hubby called when he was ready to come home. He just wasn't sure how long it was going to take him to get home! There WAS a tornado out that way. He had a horrible time getting to work and wasn't sure how he was going to get home, but he made it. He says it looks like a war zone over that way. At least no one was hurt.

I called to see if we were still going on our motorcycle run. We did, but had to wait for people to get there. There's power out all over as well as roads closed, so we had to wait for people. And we did have to take a detour on our run. So I got home late.

Now I'm thinking bed. I have a lot to do tomorrow as well. If there's still no power at the farm, then I'll have to bring water from home again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby left for work early. He's not sure how easy it's going to be for him to get to work, but they are making progress in getting the mess cleaned up. And there's more storms expected for Friday and Saturday! I just hope they're not as severe! But since hubby has left, I need to get busy. I have stuff to do B4 I leave, and we're having Bible study today. I have things I need to do first-like move a hen and chicks. And I have another broody! This will be her 2nd batch of chicks. I haven't given her any eggs, but will do so today. So my list for today is:

1. Dishes
2. Laundry
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible Study
6. Clean field and mow
7. Yard/garden/orchard
8. Normal animal chores

I feel like I'm missing something, but don't know what. I need to get busy. I'm just hoping I don't need to take more water out to the farm.