Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got everything done, but it wasn't easy! Having Bible study today really made me rushed. I had the dishes done, laundry washed and out on the line and my bathroom cleaned B4 I left. After Bible study, I fed Stormy, then got hay out for some of RU's horses. She's supposed to be home tomorrow. I'm glad. I just don't know how early, so I'll probably still have to feed.

There's some multiflora rose and mulberry coming up in the parking area right where I put my electric cord. So, I had to disconnect the electric since it was making it short out. I tried to use the tractor to pull it out, but I couldn't see what I was doing, so I just clipped it back some. Then I get the field clean. I'm driving thru the fields to get to the back when I glance over to the lane. And there's Licorice walking down the lane! So I had to stop, go and get a halter and catch The Brat. She put herself where she couldn't get out w/out going past me, so I was able to catch her easily. The horses got put away early.

I get back on the mower and continue down to the back. I notice a whole bunch of vultures in LF's field. So I spread the manure, then came back up, got off the mower and climb a couple of fences. There was a dead raccoon in the field! I took a shovel, scooped it up and tossed it over the fence.

Got back in my field and mowed it. Then I put the wire back up, penned up the chickens, put out hay and left. The power is back on so I didn't have to haul water.

It was trying to rain, so I called hubby and told him if he got home B4 I did to take the laundry down. I got home just in time to see him take the last of it down. I relaxed for a bit, then went out and worked in my garden. I wanted to get my beans in B4 it started to rain. They're in! Then I worked on my tomatoes for a bit. I came in earlier than normal, and got my shower. Now I'm relaxing and thinking of bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today the weather is going to be really iffy. So, it's going to be a day I spend a lot of time cleaning both at home and at the farm. They had been calling for strong T storms overnight. We didn't get them. We got rain, but I don't know how much. Then they're calling for more rain tomorrow. But at least we haven't had days on end of rain. Hubby's left for work. I might go back to bed for a bit, then get to work. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Clean house
4. Normal farm chores
5. Replace fence post
6. Clean tack shed/hay shelter/feed stall/chicken house
7. Work w/horses
8. Yard/garden/orchard
9. Normal animal chores

That's enough for today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I decided that I was going to leave early then do housework when I got home. It kind of sort of worked. I was able to work w/both Misty and Licorice, and got most of my hay shelter cleaned out. I would have had it all done, but KN showed up. She needed to put up a gate and rehang another. That's a 2 person job, so I gave her a hand. Then she helped me a bit w/Licorice. I got the bit in her mouth again. But she's still flinging her head up when I go to remove it. I have an idea of what I can try, but that won't be until Monday. I'm going to try and tie baling twine on both sides. Then I put out a small pan of food. I'll get the bit in her mouth and hold both pieces of baling twine. Then I'll let her eat the feed. And when she drops her head and goes to eat, I'll let go of the baling twine. My hope is that the bit will just fall out.

I also got the fence post replaced. I have 2 more that need to be done, but this one was the most important one to do. It was fairly easy to replace. I used the tractor to get it out, and since it wasn't broken all the way thru, it came right out. I only had to dig the hole out a bit so the new post would go in straight.

I noticed mosquito larvae in my stock tank, so I dumped it and refilled it. When I was done, KN borrowed my hose and filled up the one we placed in her field the other day. We could get some more storms tomorrow. This way, neither of us needs to worry about our horses.

At home I got some of my basement cleaned. Then went out and worked in the garden. We've had 2" of rain this week as well as some hot weather. I had to work on my tomatoes and weed. I've been weeding basically every day. It doesn't take long, and I'm not getting a lot of weeds, but it's much easier if I keep up on it. I still need to do the dishes and put away clothes, but that will happen. I'm just going to put the dishes in the dishwasher, and will probably have to wait until hubby goes to sleep B4 I do the clothes. He doesn't want me to do it now.

Normally I get my shower at night. I'm going to wait. I want to work on the wood shed a bit early, then get my shower. They're having a renaissance fair near here tomorrow and we're going. So I'll get my shower after working. I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy myself, but I want to spend time w/my family, so we'll see.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got the wood shed all cleaned out and the pallets down! They're just a few inches too long, but if I take my chainsaw, I should be able to cut the one so it will fit.

I don't know what all else I'm getting done today. We were going to go to the renaissance fair, but it's trying to rain. We don't want to go all the way down there, spend the money to get in, and get wet. I'm thinking I might take it semi easy today. I'll thinking some housework and some sleeping might be a good way to spend the day. I'll go out later and feed Stormy and the chickens. Hopefully I can go between showers.

If we don't have church tomorrow evening, I'm wanting to get more done by the woodshed. I want to head over where all the trees are down and get a ton of wood. I get that all filled up, then we can build the 2nd one I've been wanting. Then I'd get seasoned wood from the woods and fill that one. I'd use that wood first.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sorry you'll miss the renaissance fair - but don't blame you for changing your mind! Good luck on the wood gathering.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We went shopping instead. I hate walking thru malls, but we also went to Cabelas. I was able to get a couple of things I need, so it wasn't total waste of time.

They're calling for some nasty storms overnight. I hope it doesn't knock out power. They still don't have all the power back on. And they were saying on the radio that this storm-at least as far as the electricity goes-was worse than Sandy, so that's saying something!

I really wish I had all my animals at home. I had asked KN to put Stormy's sheet on him. But since it wasn't raining and she has a lot going on (she still has no power), she forgot. He was dry, but cold when I got to the farm. So I put his sheet on him while he was eating. I called up and asked her about it. So, she feels bad, and will take it off of him in the morning. I plan on calling her to be sure she remembered!

Normally I try to feed the goats during a lull in the rain. Their feed buckets are hooked onto the fence. They're not calling for a break in the weather, in fact, it's supposed to get even worse. So I fed them in the rain. They were not happy. But, I can't put their feed buckets any place else. I just don't have the room.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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my goats were telling me all the horrors of the dangerous sky falling wet stuff this evening at bedtime
youd think rain melted them

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm seriously thinking of redoing the goat area and having a bigger house for them. I'd have to move the gate, but that's OK.

We didn't get the bad T storms they were calling for overnight. I'm glad. But I did wonder if they went up north. We've had that happen B4.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It won't be until fall, but I'll be redoing the goat pen and making them a better house. And instead of having a separate house for the chickens I want at home, I'll have a couple of nesting boxes in there as well as a roost. It will make better use of the space. If I do it the way I'm thinking, I won't have to move the gate. Who knows? I may even look around for another goat come fall-preferably one in milk.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Glad the bad storms gave you a miss. We are on pins and needles about the Thunderbumpers we've got coming, because it's so dry. I'm praying we don't have a big forest fire this year.