Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't realize that I haven't updated this for a couple of days!

I may not continue to volunteer at the Nature Center. If it's only going to be opened on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I can't really do much. I have my appointments on Tuesdays, as well as Bible study and the hay auction when I need hay, so that makes it hard to do anything on Tuesdays. And, I'm trying to work on Wednesdays only so I have more time to do stuff at the farm. If LF is down, she'll feed Stormy for me, so that gives me extra time to work.

Whenever I have a chance, I've been working on the pond. I've gotten a lot of the leaves out, but the water is still really murky. I'm only running the filter when I'm out there and will continue to run it that way until the water clears up. But at least it's not full of leaves anymore. I think that's helping w/the mosquito population.

I got caught up on the dishes today. I was going to do the last load of laundry I need, but since we had a chance for T storms, I decided to wait until tomorrow. Good thing I waited. We got the storms. We still need more rain, but at least it's not as humid now.

I got more of the basement cleaned today. I'm really trying to get a lot of that done. Now that it's getting dark earlier, I don't have anything to do in the evenings except play on the computer or read. I need to get a quiet place where I can work on the nature lessons I want to have planned out and the books I want to write. Or, if I want to relax, I don't have to be around a drunk. Hubby's drunk right now and is driving me nuts. It's too early to go to bed, so I don't know what I'm going to do.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Success! Today was the day that I set for riding Licorice. I've been putting it off to a point since I wasn't sure how she was going to act and I really didn't want to get bucked off. Plus, since I wanted KN to hold her while I got on, then lead her for a bit, I had to wait until she had the time. She's not at the farm everyday.

All the work I did in getting her to take the bit nicely paid off. She took it w/no problem. She made no objection to walking up to the mounting block. I didn't get right on, but worked a bit w/her, laid across her, etc. B4 I actually mounted her. No problem! KN led her around for a bit. No problem! She took the lead rope off and I rode her. No problem! I stopped her and dismounted. No problem!

The saddle that I was using is my DD's old saddle. It's the same size as mine, but I didn't want to use mine since it's set up for Misty. But, it's too big for my niece, BW. This saddle has a 15" seat. The saddle she rides in is a 14". So, we switched saddles.

I led her to the mounting block. BW mounted her. I led her around for a bit. No problem! Then I unhooked the lead line and let her ride her some. No problem! I'm not sure how long she rode, but she didn't do too bad. And while she could really use some lessons, neither she nor my brother can afford them. So I'm going to be working w/her the best I can. I'm not a riding instructor and don't really know how to teach equitation. But I'll do the best I can and hope for the best.

Oh, and as long as either KN or I are out at the farm, BW can come over and mess w/Licorice. KN is her aunt on her mother's side.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thanks! I wasn't expecting her to be this calm about it. So, she'll get worked w/a lot more now.

I have a lot to do today. But it's going to be another hot day. I hope we're almost done w/them! I need to get off of here and get started. So, my list for today:

1. Dishes
2. Housework
3. Normal animal chores
4. Hay auction
5. Firewood
6. New goat/chicken house
7. Pond

That's enough for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday was another day that did not go as planned. It started out well. I got dishes done and was working on cleaning my kitchen. I had most of it done when I suddenly remembered that I wanted to take 3 roosters to the auction which meant I needed to leave early. So I made myself a quick cup of coffee and drank that while I finished getting ready. They always have something to eat at Bible study-which I forgot to put on my list, so I wasn't worried about breakfast. I figured I'd finish cleaning the kitchen when I got home.

I was able to get the roosters rounded up, which wasn't easy, but I think my hens will appreciate that they're gone. The last rooster I needed to grab made the mistake of going in the large coop. I can completely shut that up which I did, then opened the people door reached in and grabbed him. Got them dropped off and headed over for Bible study. I was almost out of gas so I went to stop at the gas station only to find that they were closed-the pump is broke. I didn't have time to go elsewhere so figured I'd get it later.

We got done Bible study early so I head back to the auction. The gas station was still closed but there's one catty corner to it that was open. Gas was a bit more expensive, but when you need gas, you need gas. I was hoping for a lot of hay since it's been dry, but also knew that there might not be because it's been too dry. And there wasn't much there. But, there also weren't a lot of people. So, I was hoping I could get some. I managed to get 10 bales and that was it.

I had been going to stick them in my hay shelter at the farm. Instead I decided to take them home. If I'm going to move the horses that means moving the hay as well and I don't want to have to move more than I have to. But since Stormy didn't get his 2nd feeding until I got back from the auction, I had to do some stuff to kill time. They're calling for rain on Thursday which means I won't get stuff done at the farm. So I worked more on the fence line. My cart is pretty much filled up. Then I cleaned the field. I'll clean it again today. If it hasn't started to rain by the time I get there on Thursday, I'll finish cleaning the field, then spread it and dump the cart of stuff. I'm not mowing this week-there's not really anything to mow.

Once I got home, I took a bit of a break. I had to split some wood B4 I could put the hay away, but wasn't expecting it to take long. It took me at least 2 hours! By then, it was getting dark. So I turned on the side light, backed the truck up the best I could and got the hay unloaded. Needless to say I didn't finish the kitchen, nor did I work on either the goat house or the pond. I'm going to wait until Friday because of the weather.

By the time I got done everything all I wanted was a nice, hot shower, something to eat and bed. And today is going to be another busy day. But at least I'll be taking it easy on Saturday.

So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal animal chores
3. Work
4. Do some work to the 2 chicken houses I built-they leak a bit
5. Stack wood
6. Dishes
7. Go out for ice cream

That's enough and I need to get busy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't make it out for ice cream. The AC broke in my truck. It only works on the highest setting, and doesn't really get cold. And today was horribly hot. It wasn't too bad driving to the farm or to work. But by the time I got done working, I was dying. And I didn't really cool off driving to the farm.

When I got to the farm this morning, I only fed my guys since I wanted to leave ASAP. And CL has one that's a slow eater. So while I was waiting for Stormy to finish eating this morning, I picked the field. When I got back, I got him fed as well as the rest of the horses, got feed bagged and picked the field again. When he was done eating, I let the horses out in the parking area while I worked on the chicken houses. I did what I wanted to do. I don't know if I got all the leaks or not. I'll be able to tell better tomorrow-as long as we get the rain they're calling for.

Got home and was so glad to get in the house since I was so hot. I had to sit down for a bit. I sat longer than I'd planned on. Finally got up and went out. I got the goats and Thumper fed, then started stacking the wood. It took longer than I wanted it to, but my shed is between 1/2 and 1/3 full!

Since hubby was working late, I got dinner started. My plan was to do the dishes while dinner cooked then run out for the ice cream. I figured I'd get home at about the same time he did since I wasn't expecting him to get done until 7:30. well, he got done at 6:30. So, I didn't go out for ice cream. It's probably just as well. I'm beat. I'm hoping to get to bed early. I'll just eat my ice cream at home. It's much cheaper anyway.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's raining! Or, at least it was. We so need it. Today is going to be up in the air to a point as to what all I get done. They're calling for T storms all day long. I doubt I'm going to be able to spread manure, but at least most of it is cleaned up. I'm hoping we don't get too much rain B4 I get out there. Then I can clean the rest of it up and open up the next section.

I'm going to work today but at least there's a bunch of stuff I can do inside. Outside there's weeding that needs to be done. I couldn't do it B4. The ground was too hard. Don't know if I'll be able to do any of it or not.

Don't know what I'm going to do at the farm. Guess I'll figure that out when I get there after working. It's going to depend on what it's doing when I get there. On days like this, I wish I was only feeding Stormy 2x. I'd go to work, then feed him and head home. Instead, I'll have to stick around for a couple more hours then feed him again.

I'll be doing some housework this morning. And either B4 I leave or once I get home, I'll be running tomatoes thru my puree attachment, then throwing the puree in my big crock pot. I'm going to try to make tomato paste

I'm supposed to go canoeing tonight. I have a feeling that's going to get cancelled. If it does, I'll be able to get more housework done. Hubby won't be home until late, so I can get quite a bit done. And tomorrow I can start on the goat house. I want to get it framed out tomorrow, then on Monday put the sides on. On Tuesday, I'll buy the roof. On Wednesday, I'll put the roof on and do the fence the way I want it. Then on Thursday, I can bring home the chickens I want here!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was on CL yesterday. And I saw an ad for English saddles for $50.00. I've been looking for an English saddle, but don't have the money to put out for a real good one. Plus, I prefer to get something inexpensive at first so if I decide I want to stick w/my western saddle only, I don't have a lot of money out. I knew I had a pair of leathers in the basement and thought I had stirrups as well so this morning I started looking for them. It's a good thing I did! Other than doing laundry, I wasn't planning on touching the basement today. But it's a good thing I did! The hot water heater had started to leak! There wasn't a whole lot of water on the floor now, but if I had waited until next week like I'd planned on, who knows how bad it would be? So I had to get that all cleaned up the best I could. I had to throw out some cardboard boxes that got wet.

Once I was done, I got a quick shower, hung out the laundry ate some breakfast and left. I had the farrier coming at 10:00 so I had to get everyone fed first. The horses really needed to be done. Licorice was a brat for it, but at least she's good for the next few weeks.

The person w/the saddles was only about 6 miles from the farm, so after giving Stormy his lunch I ran over to look at them. Found out I kinda sorta know the woman from the hay auction. She had 3 saddles that were the right seat size and told me to just take all 3 of them and try them on Misty. Only problem being, I don't know how to size English saddles. To me, none of the looked like they fit. So I called EH. She said she'd come over and check them out. So I started to wait and wait and wait. While I was waiting I cleaned out my truck. I cleaned out a chicken house. Then I cleaned up some trash. She finally made it out and agreed. None of the saddles were the right size. So I took them back.

By the time I got home, I was beat. So, other than feeding animals, I didn't get stuff done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They keep changing today's forecast! We had all this hot, dry weather when we really needed the rain. We had a ton of rain on Thursday, but they were calling for a beautiful day today. I have outdoor plans and they've changed the forecast to rain this afternoon. Hopefully it will stay dry long enough, or at least not hit the area where I'm going to be.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I managed to get it in! I got lost getting there since the roads were a bit confusing and I didn't have a navigator, but I made it on time! And I got to do something on my bucket list. I've been fascinated by wolves for years. Today, I got to pet a live wolf! And, I had someone use my camera to take a picture.

I also got to shoot a bow, haven't done that in years, and I got to shoot a flintlock rifle-never done that B4. If I had had more time, I would have also shot a shot gun-also something I haven't done in years.

I also went on a bird walk. I don't know that they would have seen any birds if I hadn't been along. I saw a great blue heron which I was able to point out. I also saw some smaller birds, but didn't get a good look at them. They were in a wild rose that was covered w/grape vines. So I was able to pick some grapes. I shared them w/others that wanted to try them. These were the same variety as I found when I was canoeing. I'm wondering if I went back in my canoe if I could pick a bunch and make some jelly. While there were a lot today, I couldn't reach most of them.

They also had a hike that I went on. I was kind of disappointed in it. The guy running it was walking a lot faster than I was. He mentioned at the end of the hike that he'd like to know more about the plants around. If he hadn't walked so fast, he could have learned some stuff. I picked more grapes (same spot) and was telling the one woman a lot of what I was seeing. It wasn't until the end of the walk that the guy really started to listen to me. You'd think that when I was able to tell him that the sumac he was seeing wasn't poison sumac but winged sumac that he would have realized I knew what I was talking about.

I behaved myself on the tree id walk and was even able to learn some info about some oak gall wasps.

The session on the Plight of the Monarchs was very informative. And it gave me one more reason to not like GMOs. It's had a negative effect on the Monarch butterfly population since they kill the milkweeds which the caterpillars need for food.

I also picked up a ton of free stuff-including a Douglas fir. Most of it is info that I'll be able to study up on and use when I start teaching my nature classes. I did do a bit of teaching on the bird walk. We were seeing any birds, but I found a horse nettle w/a berry on it. There was a boy scouts troop on the walk, so I asked the leaders if they'd like me to tell the boys a bit about it since it looks like a green tomato but is poisonous. So, they got an extra lesson.

After I saw everything and did everything I had time for, I headed back home. I should have printed up the reverse directions. I got turned around a couple of times coming home, but was able to realize it pretty quickly. Rather than come home, I went straight to the farm, then came home. Our hot water heater is leaking, so we're only turning it on when we have to have it. So, I turned it on, then got a shower. I have clothes in the washer which will go out on the line tomorrow. Hubby's going to get a shower soon. Then, we'll turn the heater off again. I may turn it on in the morning so I can do dishes. Hubby's working again, so DS and I will probably go and pick up a new one.

I'm beat. I need to find something to eat, then get to bed. I did a lot more walking today than I've done in a long time. I think I'm going to take the Motrin in the bedroom w/me. I don't know how all this walking I did is going to effect my leg. Sometimes it will make it start to hurt when I try to sleep and I don't want to have get up to get it.

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