Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ugh, I hate it when I lose what I typed!
Yes, it is a lot of hay, I look at it and see a lot of $ sitting there!
You'd better get it now because you probably won't be able to afford it come winter. There is no hay anywhere right now. And I drive around looking at the cuttings that they are getting right now and it is terrible. Not a good thing!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm going to the auction on Tuesday. Then, if I don't get anything, I have 2 numbers I can call to hopefully get it. If I had known we were going to have such a dry summer, I would have gone on the weeks I have my appointments anyway.

I had a good, but tiring day today.

My living room is the cleanest it's been in years! On Monday, I'll be giving it a good dusting. Then, as long as I clean it once a week, it should stay clean.

My dishes are all done and the kitchen is basically clean.

My laundry is all caught up.

My field is clean and the majority of the fence line has been cleared of the tall weeds.

I had a really good lesson. For the first time in a lesson, I cantered Misty! We still have a ways to go. I still felt a bit off balance. Part of that is how she went into the canter. She takes a big leap into it, so we need to work on that.

And I should have more news about things going on at the farm next week. In the long run, it will be good for me-as long as this really happens. But for now, it's going to mean a ton of extra work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had my officer's meeting for my motorcycle group at my house, so I worked my butt off to get the housework done. If we hadn't had the problem w/the water heater, I would have been done sooner than I was. Today, I'll be cleaning my bathroom. Then next week, I should be able to get into a better schedule for cleaning the house. I try to do just one room (or type of room) in a day. This is what I do normally:

Monday-living room. Tuesday-kitchen, put out trash and recyclables. Wednesday-bedroom-for now, it's just mine since DD's old room is full of junk, and hubby turned the 3rd into a den. It's full of junk as well and I'm not touching it! Thursday-bathroom. Friday-basement.

Once I get the house completely dejunked, my life will be so much easier. I'll have more time to relax. It's so nice to sit in my living room and not have a ton of junk staring back at me. Of course, once I get the junk all out, I want to finish the house. I have some storage stuff to make for out at the farm. Once I figure out how to do that, then I'll start making stuff for here-including kitchen cabinets. I'm tired of waiting on hubby for stuff, so I'm learning to do it myself.

Not 100% sure what I'm doing at the farm today. I will probably be moving my horses to a different field next month. And that will mean moving the chickens and my tack shed as well. But, I will no longer be on the road. I won't have people cutting thru my field. I won't have people leaving trash around my shed. I won't have people sitting in front of my shed. So while it will mean a lot of work, it will be worth it in the end.

I hadn't planned on moving, even though I'm not overly happy being where I am. But, LF is having major health problems. PT is in the field next to her. There's no way PT can or would help her. W/out the help, LF is talking about giving up her horses-which she doesn't want to do. I know I did something for her once when she was away for quite some time, and she was almost in tears when she got back and found it done. The horses mean a lot to her. She's the one person on the farm that doesn't expect me to do stuff just because I'm there. So if my being back there to give her a hand when she needs it is going to mean she can keep her horses, I'm willing to do it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Now you're making me blush.

I'm beat. I cleaned the bathroom this morning, and then, I'll admit to going back to bed for a bit. It was still fairly cool out when I left the house. I was almost out of both chicken food and Stormy's feed, so I went to TSC B4 heading to the farm. By the time I got to the farm and had everyone fed, it was hot. I had thought about working w/the horses, but between the heat and how tired I was feeling, I decided not to. Instead, I got my feed stall all cleaned out. I've just been throwing the feed bags wherever, and I also had a ton of wood thrown in there from working on the chicken houses. So, I got it all cleaned up. I took out 2 bags of folded up bags, so I'd say it was time to clean that out. I have 3 pieces of OSB in there that I think I'm going to bring home. I had been going to make the goat/chicken house w/the bins I get, but I think it will be cheaper and easier to make using OSB.

I also did a bit of straightening up in my hay shelter. It looks better in there now. And it should make my life easier when I go to move everything.

Now I'm home and relaxing for a bit. I'm thinking of going to bed real early tonight, or at least taking it easy. I need a break.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I plan to paint it. Right now, the goats have a house made of OSB that hasn't been painted and it's lasted for years. So painting it should help it to last even longer.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Ah, I didn't realize OSB had that kind of staying power. I used some thick (1/2") plywood panelling that someone gave me and used marine varnish on it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The new water heater is in. And I found a small leak in the pipes. So, that's been fixed as well. But that's it. Basically I did nothing over the weekend but relax. This is going to be another busy week. At least it's supposed to be cooler. I need to clean my living room-including a good dusting, but at least I don't have a ton of junk around. I don't know if my niece is coming to the farm today or not, but I'm going to saddle up Licorice and ride her for a bit in RU's RP. Until I know for sure how she'll react to being ridden in my field, I'm not going to chance it. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Clean living room
3. Practice piano
4. Normal animal chores
5. Clean field
6. Work w/horses
7. Finish fence line
8. Work in new field?
9. Work on new goat/chicken house
10. Dishes

That's plenty and I need to get busy.

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