Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't know if I'm a workaholic, or just stubborn! I want this all done so I have time to relax and do some stuff I want to do.

Well, I got the old wall down and the new wall put up! It took me longer than I was expecting to get the wall down. And, I couldn't get it out of the run-in. But, I was able to get it into the hay stall, so at least it's out of the way. l

Rather than get started on the chicken houses, I decided to do the last bit of set up I needed to do in the run-in. Licorice decided that she's allowed to duck under the stall guard once she's done eating. I don't have another one, so I took a piece of rope and a couple of clips and made another one. And I put in 2 more rings lower down. So now when she's eating, the stall guards will make an X. Hopefully, that will keep her in. The buckets are all hung as are the hay nets. So, next time it rains, I can have them set up in their stalls if I need to.

Stormy scared me half to death. He fell into the run-in! I don't know what happened. There's a step down into it, so I don't know if he slipped, or if he had a problem w/one leg. And, he couldn't get up. I was at the farm by myself. I tried calling RU, no answer. So, I went up front and got a long lead rope I have. I was going to run it over his back and between his front legs to try and help him get up. But, by the time I got back, he was up and out grazing. I did call the vet as a precaution. He seems to be moving OK, so I hope he's fine. I grabbed my banamine out of my tack shed B4 I left. So, if he's stiff tomorrow, I'll give him some.

By the time I got home, it was getting dark. So, I got animals fed, got the clothes down, and brought in enough wood for overnight. I'm relaxing right now for a bit, but I need to get up, get the fire going, get a shower, and make myself some dinner.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm hoping he's OK. I won't be going out to the farm until later-unless someone calls me and tells me something's wrong w/him. That's the problem w/not having them at home. I've been a bit worried about him ever since I got home. If I had them at home, I'd be checking on him.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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There's no rest for the weary. Today, I'm going to try to get caught up some in the kitchen as well as on the laundry until it gets light out. Then, I'm working on the goat/chicken house. DD may be coming over-in a pick up truck! If she does, I'm hoping she can run me to Lowes or Home Depot so I can get the rest of the wood and the paint I need to finish that. I'd love to have that all done in the next couple of days. Then, I could finally bring home the chickens I want here.

And, it's supposed to be colder today as well as windy. That will help dry up the farm. So, hopefully on Monday, I can pack down the pit. Of course, what I'd really like is for hubby to offer to do it for me. After all, he runs heavy equipment for a living. He'd know how to do it better than I would. And, I want to get some dirt to put in the one stall. There's quite a step down there. I'm planning on putting pea gravel in eventually, but I want to build up and level off the floor first. There's plenty of dirt around the farm I can use.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Aha! When we have family who "do" the type of work we need done, it's like "what? do WHAT?". My son is a framer/builder. Who's building the hog house? ME. He could do it in a couple hrs and takes me a couple days. So, he comes out and looks, says "what are you making?" Leaves. Plus, promises to do things and often the "tomorrow" day never comes. Ever notice that?

But, same people seem to come into house with "what's for dinner?" My son is waaay able to cook -- AND build for me!!

So -- IF you get that "offer" :lol: let me know what you threatened, ok? :th:love

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I know it ain't going to happen. He was going to work on my truck today. Well, it's cold and windy, so he went out w/DD and he'll work on my truck tomorrow-or so he says. It's only been over a month since he first started to work on it. :he

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! But, I finally got my green tomato mincemeat made! It's a good thing I waited until today. Most of the tomatoes I had were small, so it took a long time to chop them up. I would not have had time to do that during the week. Then I had to peel and chop up a bunch of apples and grate some orange peel. I was hoping for 10 pints, but I only got 8. I think it's because of the tomatoes being so small. There was a tiny bit left over, so I tried it. It tasted good! This is the first time I've used this pressure canner. It holds 10 pints. And, I love it! I'll probably do more pressure canning now. My other one is just too big. It's hard for me to fill it, or move it. This one is a perfect size for me.

I also got more of the dishes done and ironed some of the shirts. I just didn't have time to do more of either. And, I didn't get anything done outside. But that's OK. It was cold and windy, so I didn't mind staying inside.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer, so when I get home from church, I'm hoping I can work on the goat/chicken house. It's going to depend on hubby. He's supposed to work on my truck, so we'll see. If he's working on it, I may need to stay by him for just in case.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Now that I have the tomato mincemeat canned, I'm hoping to get some other stuff canned this week. As long as they're still good, we still have some more (small) green tomatoes in the garden as well as some (small) red tomatoes and hot peppers. The plants are pretty much dead due to the weather. But, if I can, I'm wanting to make green tomato pickles as well as salsa and then can the rest of the hot peppers for hubby. I didn't get any zucchini, but went by a farm stand yesterday that said it had them. I want to make zucchini pickles. I didn't get many sweet taters, but saw that a local store has a 5 lb. box for $2.49. So, I may get some and can them. And, I got 2 small pumpkins when they were on sale. I want to can them as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
There may be some light at the end of the tunnel. I saw an ad on CL for a truck. It's a bit older than mine, but it has less miles and is 4 wheel drive! The only reason we didn't go and look at it today was because the guy was getting ready to leave, so we'll go look at it tomorrow. If we get it, he still plans on fixing up my current truck. Then, we'd sell it. Hopefully, we'd get enough from it to cover the repairs plus the cost of the "new" truck.

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