Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I knew there's a reason I don't like driving early in the morning. I don't like traffic. The way I went to the store, there's only a few red lights, but the one is horrible. I don't know how many times it cycled B4 I was able to get thru it. I got my fence, then headed to the farm. Hit more traffic getting there. (Have I mentioned I don't like traffic?) It wasn't until I was on the other side of the last major road that I had no traffic.

Get to the farm and get everyone fed, then get started on the field. It is almost all clean! By next Friday, at the latest, it will be clean! But, that took longer than I was expecting. About when I got done, RU called. She had a whole tractor bucket full of busted concrete and wanted to put it in the pit, so I told her to bring it on down and told her that I needed to use the tractor. This is the first time she's been down since I started. She's thrilled w/how the field is looking. I had her leave the tractor. I knew I needed to fill in some more in the pit, but didn't know how much I had to do! It took a lot longer than I'd planned, but I have it done. And, I have flags up about where the corners will be.

W/that done, I put some cinderblocks in the bucket, and took the tractor back up. I dumped the cinderblocks where she wanted them, then switched the bucket for the spear. First time I've ever done it, and had no problem. Then, I took the tractor back down in the field. By using the spear, I was able to get the stall wall out of the field. RU isn't sure where she wants it, so for now, it's leaning up against the back of the run-in. It's not in the way there. There was an old, metal "flower" pot in the field. It's big enough to hold a RB. I didn't need it, so I was able to pick that up w/the tractor and move it out of the field as well. It's now in another field so it can be used as a RB feeder.

By the time I got done all this, it was so much later than I wanted it to be. So, I walked down to my area to get my mower and cart. Only problem being, my tarp had blown off of my trailer! It took me almost an hour to get it back in place. It was not easy to do by myself w/the wind blowing! When that was done, I got my mower and cart and drove up front and got all the 2x4s and some other wood out of the feed stall up there. I also got my post hole digger, my shovel and some screws. While I was up there, I went ahead and took care of my chickens. Then, I took the wood in the back and unloaded it all into the hay stall.

W/that wood in, I got all my plywood as well as some 4x4 pieces. Got hay out, and got stuff out of the jeep. By then, it was dark. I was finally able to leave, but I had to get gas on the way home. That meant I had to go down another main road, and of course, I hit traffic. Don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I don't like traffic. Decided since I was already on that road, I'd go to the bank as well.

Now, I've fed the goats and the bunny. I need to get a shower and get some dinner. I may go to bed real early tonight, I'm beat!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Slowly but surely it's getting done. I feel like I'm eating an elephant.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're calling for rain today. But, it's not supposed to start until around 8:30, 9:00. I'm thinking of leaving for the farm early. That way, I can feed B4 the rain hits. And, if it's not bad when I get there, maybe I can get a fence post or 2 in the ground. Other than that, I plan on trying to get more of the mess hubby made in the kitchen cleaned up, cleaning my bathroom and cutting a bunch of stuff for the chicken houses. I don't know if I'll try and do any painting today or not. Then, when I get home, I can clean my bathroom and make bread.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today wasn't a bad day. I got some housework done. I loaded and ran the dishwasher. And I washed some pots and pans B4 I left for the farm.

It wasn't raining when I got to the farm, so I got everyone fed, then started working on fence posts. I got 7 in, then ran out of posts. I ate lunch, then grabbed my wagon and went looking for the 7 more I needed. I found them, but it wasn't easy pulling the wagon w/them on it. So, I came up w/a plan. It still wasn't raining, so I decided to clean the field, then mow. Then, I could put the posts on the spreader to get them where I needed them. My field is now clean and mowed! Only problem being, it started to rain B4 I was done. And I was at the back of the field. By the time I got up to the run-in so I could grab my raincoat, I would have been soaked anyway, so I just kept going. By the time I was done, I was soaked. But, the posts are all up where I can get to them easily. Stormy was ready to eat, so even though it was early, I got him fed, got hay out, took care of the chickens and left.

Got home, got animals fed, got some wood in, and started a fire. I took my jeans and shirt off down there. Then, I cleaned my bathroom and got a shower. I'm in the process of making bread. Hubby's making himself something, so once he's done, I'm going to make myself some soup. It's a soup kind of night.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby has left for work. So, I'm going to do more of the dishes, then eat and leave. I'm working for a couple of hours today. But other than that, I'm going to concentrate on the chicken area. Plus, I need to be home by 4:00. I have a RB feeder I no longer use, so I put it on CL. Someone is supposed to come at 4:00 and hopefully buy it. That will give me more money towards all that I'm doing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've told EH that I'm not working for at least the next 2 weeks. I'm not getting done what I need to do because it's all taking me so much longer. B4 I went to work this morning, I had enough time to put one fence post in. When I got back, I tried cutting some of the legs for my chicken houses w/a circular saw. Since I'm using 4x4s, I was rotating them every time I made a cut. It wasn't working that well. I ruined a few of them, but I have plenty of broken pieces I can use. I brought some home and will use the table saw to finish cutting them.

I didn't think it would take me long to put the rest of the posts in. I wasn't expecting to hit all the stones I hit! I had one hole almost completely dug when I realized I was putting it in the wrong place, so I had to fill it in and go dig the hole in the correct stop. And, I was hitting stones all the way down. I'm not sure how long it took me to go the 2 ft. I needed. I was hoping the next one wouldn't be as bad. Well, it was. So, those 2 posts were all I had time to put in. I'm hoping the next 2 aren't as bad. I know the 2 after that won't be. I'm going to try to get them in over the weekend.

I just barely made it home B4 4:00. The guy was a little late, but that was fine. It gave me a chance to sit down for a few first. But, the RB feeder is gone! I figure it more than paid for itself. First off, it saved money when I was using it. I used to be in a field w/more than just my horses. There were some that would just tear a RB to pieces, then walk thru the hay and poop and pee on it. That meant wasted hay. W/the RB feeder, there was almost no wasted hay. So it probably paid for itself that way. Then, I got money for selling it, so I figure I'm ahead. That money, along w/what I have in my wallet should cover the majority of the rest of what I need to finish the chicken area.

After the guy left, I fed animals and brought in some wood, but that was it. I'm too tired to even get a shower. I ate, and have been reading. But, I think I'm going to go and stuff the stove, then go to bed.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
fence posts are not fun or easy, even in good dirt!! Add rock and stones and you work yourself to death. I have some T-posts to put in over next few days and am NOT looking forward to it. Even with the pounder, which is easier than the sledge hammer, it's a lot of slamming. It's that time of year when enough "leaves" have dropped to be able to get into some of the areas of vines/trees, right? That's some of my repairs, anyway.

I can see why you were tired. Rest up for more. :rolleyes:

Good job for selling the RB. Once it is no longer needed, nice to be able to get a little $$$ back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm glad I waited. If I had sold it B4, I don't know that I would have had the money now when I really need it.

The easiest way I've found to put in T-posts is w/the bucket of a tractor. Of course, you need 2 people, and a lot of trust!

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