Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I didn't get done quite as much as I wanted, but house #1 and #2 are both painted, have a roof and have a people door! The wood is all in the stall, but it was just thrown. I didn't have time to organize anything, but that will give me more to do tomorrow. I'm going to need another gallon of paint, but that can wait until tomorrow afternoon.

One thing that I wasn't counting on, when I put the roof on, on the sides, there's a gap. I'm afraid that will leak. And I couldn't come up w/a way to fix it. Then it hit me. This roofing is corrugated, so I needed something to fit the long way in the ridge. I'm going to get the pipe foam insulation and cut it in half. That should do a good job of filling that in!

By the time I go home on Friday, I should have house #3 done, but don't know that I'll have the fence all done. If I don't finish it, I'm hoping hubby will offer to come and help over the weekend. If not, I'll finish it on Monday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So much for that plan. W/the rain forecasted for today, I figured I was going to get to the farm early. It wasn't supposed to start raining until mid-morning. So, I figured I could get my field all cleaned up B4 it hit. Apparently no one told the rain it wasn't supposed to start early. It was raining by the time I got to the farm. And even though it stopped, I knew it wouldn't spread. Instead, I moved a pile of 4x4s that someone gave me. They're just over 7 ft. long. I'll be cutting them down to 6 ft. and using them as added supports for my chicken pen. I want to put wood all along the top, but the posts are too far apart. I'm not putting them in the ground. I figure since I don't need them to support the fence, why bother?

House #3 is all framed out! Only problem being, I ran out of the one size screw I needed. So, some stuff isn't screwed in, and some needs another screw. I also got the roost cut. I painted the frame and one side of the roost!

Because of the rain, I left a bit early. I went to Lowes and got a can of paint, and some other stuff I needed. I was going to get screws, but changed my mind. I need to go to TSC tomorrow, and the screws are about $2.00 cheaper there.

Got home, fed the animals and got a shower. Then I got on the computer. I want a leather motorcycle jacket for Christmas, so hubby told me to find one I liked. It took quite a bit of searching, but I found one on sale for $80.00! And, I may even have it for Christmas.

Now I'm relaxing. I need to make some dinner and go to bed. I'm hoping I can finish house #3 tomorrow.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I bought my DH a leather motorcycle jacket 31 years ago, when we were dating. It cost $100 back then! He's still wearing it, although I had to have the lining redone a couple of years ago. I don't think we could afford a similar one today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Some of them are crazy price wise. I can't afford $500 or more for a jacket.

I was hoping to get on here and say that house #3 was done. But, the weather did not cooperate. It was supposed to clear up early. It didn't. So, I left late. Went to TSC, got my screws and feed, then headed to the farm. PT was supposed to help me move #3, but she sent me a text early saying she was going to be late. I did what I could w/it in the stall. Still no sign of PT, so I called RU and asked if she could come and help me move it. I had to wait on her for a bit, but we got it out and set up about where I wanted it!

In spite of the weather, I did get more of it done. 2 of the sides are on and the nesting boxes are made. The people door has been put together and is painted on one side. The roost is made. I painted part of it yesterday and got the rest painted today. The sides that I put on are painted on the inside. And, the nesting boxes are painted as well.

It took me about 15 minutes to get one of my roosters in the pen. I have 3 birds that are still getting out. So, I left late enough to watch to see where they're getting out. Now that I know, I should be able to fix the hole and not have to do this again. It will make it much easier when I go to round them up to move them.

I got some dishes done this morning as well as some laundry. And, I made fudge. That may have been a mistake. I added orange extract to it. It taste like a chocolate orange. I love those, so I don't know how long this fudge will last. I have a party to go to tomorrow, and I'm taking a cake. It's in the oven now. When it's done, I have a loaf of bread ready to go in.

I must not have done enough today. For some reason, even though it's almost my bed time, I'm not tired.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It is, and it's so easy to make. Next time, I'm thinking of trying raspberry flavored. Don't know that I'd want lemon flavored. This fudge is made from chocolate chips, and only takes about 5 minutes to make.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Hmmm. If you can't share the fudge how about the recipe?:\

Now I will go to bed thinking about this fudge. Thanks. :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was already planning on doing that-tomorrow.

Today I had planned on sleeping in. After all, I didn't have to get up until later. I baked a cake last night for a party this evening, so I wanted to be up early enough to decorate it but that was it. I woke up about 10 minutes B4 I normally do and had to go! I know that if I'm up at that point in time, I'm not going to fall back asleep. But, hubby was still asleep, so I played on the computer for a bit. Finally I got tired of waiting for him to wake up and got my icing made. One thing I suddenly realized when I woke up was that I didn't have icing bags except for 2 small ones. I've tried using freezer bags in the past w/no luck, so I did the best I could w/the little ones. I just had to keep filling them up. But, I had the cake done B4 I left for breakfast.

Got home from breakfast shortly B4 hubby and DS left to go shopping. Hubby keeps asking me what I want for Christmas. I had given him a list, but he was having trouble finding anything on it. So I told him I wanted some insulators and electric fence wire. I called him later and told him that if he could find some nice fleece leggings I'd like some of them to wear as PJs.

I'll admit to falling asleep. I woke up and was ready to do dishes when KN called. For some reason, she thought I was going to the farm this afternoon to work on my chicken area, so she had only given Stormy his breakfast. She fed no one else and didn't stay because it was so cold and windy out. I never told her I was going out this afternoon. It was too cold to paint or caulk and too windy to try and put the sides on. So, I had to go out to the farm and feed everybody. Then, I cleaned part of my field and spread the manure. I was going to take the mower out and fill the back tires, but it was getting late, I was cold and I still had more to do. In order to fill the tires, I have to take the mower out the back of my field and go thru LF's field so I can get to the car. Well, the one tire was lower than I thought and it came off the rim. So, I parked in the field and don't know how I'm going to fix it.

Even though it wasn't as much time as I normally leave between feedings, I went ahead and fed Stormy. Then I got out hay and fed LF's horses. By then, Stormy was done eating, so I put him away, got everything set up for tomorrow and drove up to my old area. I had to give KN's horse and one of RU's horses hay. They moved where the hay feeder is. Something has got to be done about it. It's a pain in the neck to fill an it's a pain in the neck to get to where it is. I can understand why they moved it, but I am NOT going to keep filling it there.

I had hoped to get to my chickens early enough to let them all out, then fix the hole. I figured if I did it that way, I'd be able to get that rooster back in w/no trouble. That didn't happen. By the time I got to them, it was getting dark. I did get the hole fixed. It wasn't really a hole, it was more of a gap between 2 pieces of the netting. I hope this works. There were only 2 out instead of the 3 that are normally out, so if there's only 2 out when I get there tomorrow, then I'll know that it worked.

When I left, I had to run to the store and get a large shirt box. I needed it for the present I was taking to the party. Got that, got home, fed animals, then boxed and wrap my gift, got changed, got my cake and left. Since I was out at the farm so late, I was late getting to the party. I walk in, and no one is eating. Then I find out that one of the ladies was having problems and was taken to the ER. They suspected a heart attack. Finally, the person who took her got back and gave an update. We prayed for her, said grace and finally got to eat.

One person had stayed at the ER w/her until her family got there, then when she got back and ate, we finally had the gift exchange. The way this works is simple. Everyone is given a number. They started at #1. That person got to pick a gift and open it. Then #2 had a choice of either stealing that gift or opening one. A gift could change hands 3 times, max. I liked what #1 got, so when my turn came, I stole her gift. When someone finally got to my gift, they liked it. This is my motorcycle group. They don't know it, but I'm leaving in January to join a different group that I fit in w/better. But, I had a blanket and a vehicle magnet w/the name on it. That's what I used for my gift. The person immediately snuggled into the blanket. Then it got to the person who was choosing a gift for the lady taken to the ER. And she stole the blanket. Other people liked it as well, but the decision had been made basically when the gift was opened that they'd let it get stolen for her since they knew she'd really like it.

So, I got home late. I almost fell asleep at the party so now I feel wide awake. Hopefully I can sleep in tomorrow morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be another busy day, and I have to get to the farm early. LF has hay coming and my trailer is in the way for getting it where it belongs. So, she and her hubby are coming w/their truck to move my trailer so everything will be out of the way by 9:00. But, B4 that happens, I need to move some stuff around. I have a stack of pallets sitting there that I'll move next to my hay stall.

I'm also going to borrow her mower to finish cleaning my field. I'll clean hers as well. Then, I have to finish house #3. W/that done, I'll be getting the hay into the hay stall and putting any leftover wood to the side so I can get to my hay easily. If I have any time left, I'll work on the fence. They're calling for rain on Wednesday, so I don't know what, if anything, I'll get done then. Thursday I'd finish the fence for sure and get my chickens moved down. I still need to work on my goat/chicken house, but I just haven't had any weather that's good for doing it. It keeps raining. Maybe if I have everything at home, I can work on it some on Thursday B4 heading to the farm. It shouldn't take that long to actually build, I just need time!

At home, I need to do dishes, laundry and clean the bathroom. I have a feeling I'm going to be tired.