Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Nope. Now he's saying something about a spider gear. :hu And, there was no way to put the 10 footers in the jeep-especially w/as cold as it was! I may have been able to fit them if I had them all the way from the back to the front, but they would have been hitting the window. I don't have to have them for now, so I didn't get them. I got the rest of the wood I needed-including the 2x4s I had at home. I also got my screws and 2 of the bowls I wanted-they didn't have 3.

Between fixing Misty's blanket (which took me much longer than I was expecting), as well as going to Lowes and TSC, it was later than normal when I got to the farm. But, w/the wind, it was cold enough to freeze the nose off of a brass monkey, so I didn't really want to be there longer than I had to. So, I fed LF's horses, then mine. Then, I fed KN's horse and the one of RU's that's in there. Then I went and gave my chickens water. They were happy to get it since all they had was ice. There was also a couple of minis out, so I stuck them in the field w/CL's horses. RU babysits grandkids on Monday, and I wasn't about to go and look for the hole where they got out. I did call her and let her know. She asked if I could go and throw some hay to a horse that's in a stall for now. Then, I got stuff unloaded. I took my time doing that, then went and sat in the jeep for a bit. I ate my lunch and relaxed. If I had gotten in there just a few minutes earlier, I could have taken a bit of a nap. But, I have an alarm set on my phone for when I need to give Stormy his lunch.

While Stormy was eating, I groomed Misty, then put her blanket on her. Licorice was all the way down in the field. Once Stormy was done, I let him in, then started working on getting the last on the wood along the top of the fence.

While I was doing that, Licorice came up. So, I grabbed her, groomed her and put her blanket on. Then, I got the last of the wood up. I was looking at the fence and thinking about starting on the rest of it when I looked at the 1 "gate" I hadn't pulled the post on the other day. I thought that one was OK. But, I noticed it was crooked. The top was wider by about 4". And, if I had just straitened the post, then it may have been longer than the 10 ft. to the end of the pen. So as much as I didn't feel like it, I rocked the post back and forth until I was able to pull it out. Then, I got the post hole digger, and moved the post. I didn't really tamp the dirt around it that well today. Hopefully I can get it tamped down a bit tighter tomorrow.

W/that done, it was time to feed Stormy his last meal for the day. While he was eating, I groomed him, and put his blanket on him. Then I got hay out for everyone and took care of the chickens. Then I went home.

It felt so good to get out of the wind and into the house. I sat down for a bit, then went and fed animals and worked on wood. I got the holder in the basement filled.

Tomorrow is going to be another cold, windy day. I'm glad I have stuff to do that will keep me inside for most of it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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At least it's not supposed to be wet! It would be much easier for me on days like that if I had my animals at home. One day....

I don't expect to be able to do anything outside today except for feeding animals. And, it's going to be so cold that I'm going to have to give everyone water 2x today. I'll be giving the goats and Thumper water B4 I leave. I'll be giving the chickens water when I get to the farm. Then, I'll be giving the chickens water when I leave and the goats and Thumper water when I get home. At least tomorrow, it's supposed to be warmer.

Other than that, I'll be doing housework, laundry and dishes. Then tonight, I'll be going to a Bible study w/my new motorcycle group. I hope we don't get a lot of these bitterly cold days this winter. I'm missing my tack shed.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
It was 19 this AM & 11 w/wind chill! Can we say FROZEN?
Hot water 2X a day....some of the animals just can't have heated water containers because no power &/or none their size --pigs for example. I have several 3 & 5 gal water containers for this type of day but, still not fun.

You're right, not much else gets done! Water & feed. Collect eggs so they don't freeze. Grin & bear it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today actually wasn't that bad out. The wind wasn't blowing. But, since I went to the store, I didn't get anything accomplished. At least it's supposed to warm up for the rest of the week. My chickens will be moved this week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had so hoped to be all done everything by now, but the weather just hasn't cooperated. I'm tired of working on this. And, I've had other things that I need to do as well-like today, I had a volunteer meeting, so I got to the farm late. But once I got there, I was able to get some stuff done. Problem I have is, it's so cold that I have to give the chickens water when I get there and check for eggs. That takes a bit of time. But, B4 I got down to the chickens, I noticed the horses trying to get a drink out of the stock tank. I couldn't figure that out since I didn't have any water in it. So, I checked the waterer. There was no water in it! So, I'm assuming it's frozen some place. I got out my hose and trickled some water in the stock tank while I went and fed the other horses, gave the chickens water, collected eggs, then got my tank heater out of my tack shed. Went to take the plug out of the tank and realized I didn't have the right size wrench to use. So, I put just a bit of water in the tank, and filled up the bowl of the waterer in the hopes that it would help melt whatever was frozen. All this took time that I didn't want to spare, but did anyway.

Once I finally got that done, I was finally able to work on the chicken pen. I wasn't able to get done as much as I wanted to, but one section of fence is now up, the hardware cloth is attached, and the dirt is on the inside of everything I got done. The fence for the broody pens is cut, rolled up and in the pen area. And, the last section of fence is up, and partially stapled in place. I also started cutting the chain for the feeders and waterers.

It's supposed to warm up for the rest of the week. So, I will have this done this week. Once that's all done, I will be working on the fence. It's supposed to warm up, so the ground should thaw out. I figure I have Friday, Sunday and maybe Monday to get the fence and RP posts all in B4 the ground freezes solid.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm hoping to get to the farm early. I'm going to work for a couple of hours this afternoon, so I want as much of the chicken area done as I can B4 leaving. Hubby is going to come over after work and see if he can't get the tire back on the mower. So, I'll be staying late. My goal is to have the chicken area done by the time he gets there. Then, once he leaves, I'm planning on moving them! Tomorrow, I'd leave the farm as early as possible to work on my goat/chicken area at home. My goal is to finish it on either Saturday or Sunday, then bring home those birds. Then on Tuesday, any birds I have left would be going to the auction!

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